So I went back to the Screen Directory and found their lists of both classic and contemporary actors and actresses. And then, I listed both their best performances and best movies (that they appeared in at all - even as cameos or really minor parts before they were known). Really exciting, I know. And I copied and pasted this, so it's not capitalized or anything.
actors - classic.
cary grant
p: north by northwest
m: bringing up baby
marlon brando
p: last tango in paris
m: the godfather
james stewart
p: mr. smith goes to washington
m: vertigo
laurence olivier
p: hamlet
m: marathon man?
alec guinness
p: bridge on the river kwai
m: great expectations
robert de niro
p: raging bull
m: raging bull
jack nicholson
p: one flew over the cuckoo's nest
m: one flew over the cuckoo's nest
al pacino
p: the godfather, part 2
m: angels in america
peter sellers
p: dr. strangelove, or...
m: lolita
clint eastwood
p: unforgiven
m: unforgiven (or mystic river, if we can count directing only)
harrison ford
p: witness
m: raiders of the lost ark
jack lemmon
p: glengarry glen ross
m: some like it hot
clark gable
p: gone with the wind (he is better than leigh)
m: it happened one night
kirk douglas (holy shit, i looked him up on imdb and he is old)
p: to be honest, i have no idea. i really haven't seen much of his early work in a while. paths of glory?
m: see above.
henry fonda
p: 12 angry men
m: 12 angry men
actresses - classic.
katharine hepburn
p: the lion in winter
m: also probably the lion in winter. but there's a lot to choose from.
bette davis
p: all about eve
m: all about eve
ingrid bergman
p: autumn sonata
m: casablanca
greta garbo
p: honestly, i haven't watched ANYTHING she's in, except grand hotel which was terrible.
m: see above
elizabeth taylor
p: who's afraid of virginia woolf?
m: who's afraid of virginia woolf?
judi dench
p: notes on a scandal
m: shakespeare in love
lauren bacall
p: to have and have not
m: dogville. AND I'M NOT KIDDING!
audrey hepburn
p: breakfast at tiffany's
m: roman holiday
vivien leigh
p: a streetcar named desire
m: a streetcar named desire
deborah kerr
p: black narcissus
m: from here to eternity
vanessa redgrave
p: blow-up
m: evening. j/k, blow-up.
meryl streep
p: sophie's choice
m: angels in america (or manhattan. please help me make a decision.)
susan hayward
p: i want to live!
m: i want to live! (please note: i've only seen that and i'll cry tomorrow as far as movies she's in.)
shirley maclaine
p: irma la douce
m: the apartment
norma shearer
huh? who are you? (yes, i know who she is. i've just never seen any of her movies, except the women and romeo and juliet, and i haven't seen that last one in a while, and i didn't really find her terribly good in the women.
actors - contemporary.
philip seymour hoffman
p: magnolia
m: magnolia
edward norton
p: american history x
m: 25th hour
sean penn
p: dead man walking
m: mystic river
christian bale
p: american psycho
m: newsies (shh)
leonardo dicaprio
p: the departed
m: the departed
johnny depp
p: ed wood
m: ed wood
russell crowe
p: the insider
m: l.a. confidential
denzel washington
p: malcolm x
m: inside man
jack nicholson
p: one flew over the cuckoo's nest (90s and on only: about schmidt)
m: one flew over the cuckoo's nest (90s and on only: the departed)
joaquin phoenix
p: walk the line
m: gladiator
kevin spacey
p: american beauty
m: american beauty
ralph fiennes
p: schindler's list
m: schindler's list
tom hanks
p: forrest gump
m: toy story
geoffrey rush
p: the life and death of peter sellers
m: shakespeare in love
paul giamatti
p: sideways
m: the truman show
actresses - contemporary.
cate blanchett
p: elizabeth
m: the talented mr. ripley
nicole kidman
p: dogville
m: moulin rouge!
kate winslet
p: eternal sunshine...
m: eternal sunshine...
hilary swank
p: boys don't cry
m: million dollar baby
reese witherspoon
p: election
m: election
renee zellweger
p: bridget jones' diary
m: chicago
juliette binoche
p: three colors blue
m: three colors blue
jennifer connelly
p: requiem for a dream
m: requiem for a dream
rachel weisz
p: the constant gardener
m: the fountain
maggie gyllenhaal
p: secretary
m: adaptation.
charlize theron
p: monster
m: that thing you do! (okay you know what. i really like that movie. probably just because the song IS AWESOME.)
rachel mcadams
p: mean girls
m: mean girls
julianne moore
p: safe
m: magnolia
toni collette
p: muriel's wedding
m: muriel's wedding
naomi watts
p: mulholland dr.
m: the painted veil