Mole hunting isn't easy to do,
Maybe it's me, maybe it's you...
Maybe it's me, maybe it's you...
So, ABC's been posting these widget clues on their website and sending out text message clues every week. Though I've got no clue about around 90% of them, obviously the crazies on ABC's message board analyze the shit out of everything, so for quite a few, there's a generally accepted solution. Here we go...
Widget Clues
Episode 1: E_E_E_
Episode 2:
Episode 3: s666-LIAr
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: 495
Text Clues
Episode 1: NIC@AT
Episode 2: Heart
Episode 3: Grapes
Episode 4: cf (11) 8
Episode 5: CHNO 111738
Episode 6: X13421
Episode 7: EP: 1245
And the theories are...
Widget 1: E_E_E_ could be ELEVEN or EVENER (less likely). Craig has Journal #11, which was also held up by Jon Kelley. Craig's also 11th in the introduction. I think Mark jumped 11th over the waterfalls. The clue resembles a game of hangman, and Craig made a remark about feeling like a "hanged man" after he jumped over the waterfall.
Widget 2: Some have said all the As, Bs, and Cs represent "grades" on the quizzes depending on where people were sitting during the execution, and as Liz was sitting in a "C" spot this makes sense kind of. However, Bobby was sitting in an "A" spot that week, and was gone the next, so... who knows. This explanation seems totally bizarre (what the heck constitutes an A, B, C, etc., the lowest grade should probably be a D or F), but I haven't seen anything better. Also, it's worth saying that if this explanation is true, Bobby, Clay, and Paul are in the "A" spots; Craig, Alex, Mark, and Victoria are in the "B" spots; and Kristen, Nicole, Liz, and Ali are in the "C" spots. People have also said that these "grades" are simply supposed to represent a teacher, IE Mark.
Widget 3: No idea. I've read multiple interpretations. There's the obvious Ali connection, but, well, she's not the Mole.
Widget 4: If E=P, F=Q, G=R like is suggested, then ZOO = ODD. Either Alex or Paul made a comment about "playing odds" or "being the odd one out" that week.
Widget 5: No idea, other than the missing 6.
Widget 6: There was a fairly long shot of Mark's journal with these numbers in it; like in the clue, they were crossed out. It was an obsessive (IE, Markish ;) ) list of who had answered what questions what way in certain quizzes. "334" was the top number, which had Alex written next to it, indicating it was his answers. Alex was eliminated that week. The "631" under it were Clay's answers, and Clay went home the week after. "244" had both Paul and Nicole next to it, so looking at the way this is going, hopefully it'll come to mean just Paul. ;)
Widget 7: No idea.
Widget Clues
Episode 1: E_E_E_
Episode 2:
Episode 3: s666-LIAr
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
Episode 7: 495
Text Clues
Episode 1: NIC@AT
Episode 2: Heart
Episode 3: Grapes
Episode 4: cf (11) 8
Episode 5: CHNO 111738
Episode 6: X13421
Episode 7: EP: 1245
And the theories are...
Widget 1: E_E_E_ could be ELEVEN or EVENER (less likely). Craig has Journal #11, which was also held up by Jon Kelley. Craig's also 11th in the introduction. I think Mark jumped 11th over the waterfalls. The clue resembles a game of hangman, and Craig made a remark about feeling like a "hanged man" after he jumped over the waterfall.
Widget 2: Some have said all the As, Bs, and Cs represent "grades" on the quizzes depending on where people were sitting during the execution, and as Liz was sitting in a "C" spot this makes sense kind of. However, Bobby was sitting in an "A" spot that week, and was gone the next, so... who knows. This explanation seems totally bizarre (what the heck constitutes an A, B, C, etc., the lowest grade should probably be a D or F), but I haven't seen anything better. Also, it's worth saying that if this explanation is true, Bobby, Clay, and Paul are in the "A" spots; Craig, Alex, Mark, and Victoria are in the "B" spots; and Kristen, Nicole, Liz, and Ali are in the "C" spots. People have also said that these "grades" are simply supposed to represent a teacher, IE Mark.
Widget 3: No idea. I've read multiple interpretations. There's the obvious Ali connection, but, well, she's not the Mole.
Widget 4: If E=P, F=Q, G=R like is suggested, then ZOO = ODD. Either Alex or Paul made a comment about "playing odds" or "being the odd one out" that week.
Widget 5: No idea, other than the missing 6.
Widget 6: There was a fairly long shot of Mark's journal with these numbers in it; like in the clue, they were crossed out. It was an obsessive (IE, Markish ;) ) list of who had answered what questions what way in certain quizzes. "334" was the top number, which had Alex written next to it, indicating it was his answers. Alex was eliminated that week. The "631" under it were Clay's answers, and Clay went home the week after. "244" had both Paul and Nicole next to it, so looking at the way this is going, hopefully it'll come to mean just Paul. ;)
Widget 7: No idea.
Many have said that the text clues point out who's going home that week, and looking at the evidence, it certainly seems that way in many cases.
Text 1: Marcie = NIC@IT. Not in Challenge @ Initial Task is the best I've seen anyone come up with, but it seems a little bit like it's stretching to accomodate the "person who was eliminated" after the fact. NIC@AT, or NICATAT, can be unscrambled (well, almost) to TITANIC. Craig was shown making the famous Titanic pose with arms outstretched when all the players were on the boat.
Text 2: Liz = Heart. Liz was wearing heart earrings during the quiz/execution. Craig also says he has a big heart in his bio, and that he works to protect the earth (which is heart scrambled).
Text 3: Bobby = Grapes. Bobby was the only one to get a grape massage at the spa. Grapes could also mean Napa Valley, California, and Craig is the only current contestant from California (well, Mark was born there, but as only the creepy internet stalkers know that, I seriously doubt that would be a clue. When the clues start being CHEESE, let me know).
Text 4: Victoria = cf (11) 8. No idea. Maybe she played center field during the soccer challenge in the second episode? Some have said this means "see if 11 ate." Craig has been associated with 11 more than any other player (see Widget 1), and he didn't eat at the dinner that night because he was in the hospital.
Text 5: Kristen = CHNO 111738. C11H17N3O8 is the chemical formula for tetrodotoxin, and Kristen is a neuroscientist who, obviously, works with chemicals and the like.
Text 6: Alex = X13421. A well-known guitar chord (and by well-known, I mean you find it easily when you plug it into Google). Alex is a musician.
Text 7: Clay = EP: 1245. No clue, though the 3's obviously missing. When the clue first appeared before Episode 7, most people thought it meant Nicole would be executed, since in episodes 1, 2, 4, and 5, a woman went home, and Nicole was the only woman left. However, she's obviously still in the game.
I gotta say, looking through these clues and rewatching the episodes, Craig starts to look more and more suspicious. Back in my commentary on the last episode, I wondered why nobody picked him as the person most trusted when he seems so normal and trustworthy in a den of crazies, and it occurred to me: they all think/know he's the Mole! Duh. He seems pretty separate from the rest of the group in general, and hasn't made any coalitions. Mark and Paul have suspected him since Episode 1, and they're both still here. In Episode 3, his friendship with Bobby was pretty heavily featured, and Bobby was eliminated that episode; we can assume that, because of their friendship, Bobby would probably trust Craig and not think he's the Mole. Also, this could be me being nuts/going all The Number 23, but he's the only one who never changes his seat at the execution, and he's always either behind or next to the person eliminated (in that case, the person eliminated is always on the left end of the back row, and he's second from the left. I think they're told where to sit, and it's not simply random.). If he is the Mole, though, I genuinely don't think his emergency was staged. Yeah, Craig seems to almost die every episode, but the producers cast Bobby, so they were clearly going for risks here. ;)
At any rate, if the final three is Craig/Mark/Nicole, I'll be very pleased indeed with almost any outcome (though I don't want my beloved Mark to come that far and lose, boohoo). If Paul makes the final three, I want to see him lose (to Mark, preferrably!) and cry like a bitch, just like S2's Heather... except Heather totally had the right to cry, because she was like, the only one that season that realized who the Mole was and she could have easily won, she was just completely drained of all energy by the end. Poor Heather. Anyway, Paul crying would only be better if Bobby went "yeah, who's the one that's not a man now, Grassi." Oh, Bobby!!! I'm so excited to see your hilarious faces and hear your wildly inaccurate bitching/claims during the reunion (like, seriously, what was up wtih that grudge against Alex).
Of course, all this will be for naught when we learn, in the finale, that there was a terrible accident with the technology screwing up (it's not unthinkable, Jon Kelley and the production crew have talked at length about how the touch screen kept freezing during the original elimination. By the way, I recently rewatched Episode 1 and oh lord that scene goes on foreverrrr. Buuuut I digress.), and the Mole was accidentally eliminated in Episode 4/7. ;)
Could I use more parentheses? No.
Text 1: Marcie = NIC@IT. Not in Challenge @ Initial Task is the best I've seen anyone come up with, but it seems a little bit like it's stretching to accomodate the "person who was eliminated" after the fact. NIC@AT, or NICATAT, can be unscrambled (well, almost) to TITANIC. Craig was shown making the famous Titanic pose with arms outstretched when all the players were on the boat.
Text 2: Liz = Heart. Liz was wearing heart earrings during the quiz/execution. Craig also says he has a big heart in his bio, and that he works to protect the earth (which is heart scrambled).
Text 3: Bobby = Grapes. Bobby was the only one to get a grape massage at the spa. Grapes could also mean Napa Valley, California, and Craig is the only current contestant from California (well, Mark was born there, but as only the creepy internet stalkers know that, I seriously doubt that would be a clue. When the clues start being CHEESE, let me know).
Text 4: Victoria = cf (11) 8. No idea. Maybe she played center field during the soccer challenge in the second episode? Some have said this means "see if 11 ate." Craig has been associated with 11 more than any other player (see Widget 1), and he didn't eat at the dinner that night because he was in the hospital.
Text 5: Kristen = CHNO 111738. C11H17N3O8 is the chemical formula for tetrodotoxin, and Kristen is a neuroscientist who, obviously, works with chemicals and the like.
Text 6: Alex = X13421. A well-known guitar chord (and by well-known, I mean you find it easily when you plug it into Google). Alex is a musician.
Text 7: Clay = EP: 1245. No clue, though the 3's obviously missing. When the clue first appeared before Episode 7, most people thought it meant Nicole would be executed, since in episodes 1, 2, 4, and 5, a woman went home, and Nicole was the only woman left. However, she's obviously still in the game.
I gotta say, looking through these clues and rewatching the episodes, Craig starts to look more and more suspicious. Back in my commentary on the last episode, I wondered why nobody picked him as the person most trusted when he seems so normal and trustworthy in a den of crazies, and it occurred to me: they all think/know he's the Mole! Duh. He seems pretty separate from the rest of the group in general, and hasn't made any coalitions. Mark and Paul have suspected him since Episode 1, and they're both still here. In Episode 3, his friendship with Bobby was pretty heavily featured, and Bobby was eliminated that episode; we can assume that, because of their friendship, Bobby would probably trust Craig and not think he's the Mole. Also, this could be me being nuts/going all The Number 23, but he's the only one who never changes his seat at the execution, and he's always either behind or next to the person eliminated (in that case, the person eliminated is always on the left end of the back row, and he's second from the left. I think they're told where to sit, and it's not simply random.). If he is the Mole, though, I genuinely don't think his emergency was staged. Yeah, Craig seems to almost die every episode, but the producers cast Bobby, so they were clearly going for risks here. ;)
At any rate, if the final three is Craig/Mark/Nicole, I'll be very pleased indeed with almost any outcome (though I don't want my beloved Mark to come that far and lose, boohoo). If Paul makes the final three, I want to see him lose (to Mark, preferrably!) and cry like a bitch, just like S2's Heather... except Heather totally had the right to cry, because she was like, the only one that season that realized who the Mole was and she could have easily won, she was just completely drained of all energy by the end. Poor Heather. Anyway, Paul crying would only be better if Bobby went "yeah, who's the one that's not a man now, Grassi." Oh, Bobby!!! I'm so excited to see your hilarious faces and hear your wildly inaccurate bitching/claims during the reunion (like, seriously, what was up wtih that grudge against Alex).
Of course, all this will be for naught when we learn, in the finale, that there was a terrible accident with the technology screwing up (it's not unthinkable, Jon Kelley and the production crew have talked at length about how the touch screen kept freezing during the original elimination. By the way, I recently rewatched Episode 1 and oh lord that scene goes on foreverrrr. Buuuut I digress.), and the Mole was accidentally eliminated in Episode 4/7. ;)
Could I use more parentheses? No.