- First things first, the episode opened with a giant fountain of cheese. It could not possibly have been bad.
- There were great vintage Office super awkward moments: Holly and Oscar in the kitchen, Holly finding out Kevin's not really retarded, Michael and Holly talking about the Counting Crows tickets (and Michael ripping 'em up!)...
- Before I go any further... MICHOLLY 4-EVA, YA'LL.
- I LOVED Amy Ryan's deliveries of "Almost, Kevin" and "Math is hard" in the first weigh-in scene
- Michael and Jim talking about Holly (and her butt) after yoga
- all the jokes having to do with the fruit in the vending machine: Dwight hammering in the peach, the increasing number of fruit flies...
- What up, 212! I'm gonna use that from now on. ;)
- Under my Angerella...ella...ella...
- THE COMPLETELY OBVIOUS DWANGELA SIGNALING! And when they kissed after the first time there was "cookie"? That was... kinda hot.
- There were great vintage Office super awkward moments: Holly and Oscar in the kitchen, Holly finding out Kevin's not really retarded, Michael and Holly talking about the Counting Crows tickets (and Michael ripping 'em up!)...
- Before I go any further... MICHOLLY 4-EVA, YA'LL.
- I LOVED Amy Ryan's deliveries of "Almost, Kevin" and "Math is hard" in the first weigh-in scene
- Michael and Jim talking about Holly (and her butt) after yoga
- all the jokes having to do with the fruit in the vending machine: Dwight hammering in the peach, the increasing number of fruit flies...
- What up, 212! I'm gonna use that from now on. ;)
- Under my Angerella...ella...ella...
- THE COMPLETELY OBVIOUS DWANGELA SIGNALING! And when they kissed after the first time there was "cookie"? That was... kinda hot.
- "Every little boy fantasizes about his fairy tale wedding."
- Michael trying to kiss Pam after Jim does
- I cannot express how amazing that Micholly rap was, even if the preview did give it away ahead of time.
- I cannot express how amazing that Micholly rap was, even if the preview did give it away ahead of time.
- Kelly, sounding entirely dead: "Gonna look amaaaazing." I thought Kelly's storyline in this episode was like borderline controversial, but it still managed to be HILARIOUS.
- Angela: "THAT'S how I sleep at night!" HAH!
- the entire scene with Pam on the laptop was pretty effing hilarious
- I love how we saw Michael with a goatee in Week 4, with no explanation as to how it got there. And then, in Week 5, when we found out how, exactly, he got it... AHAHAHAHAH.
- Phyllis as head of the Party-Planning Commitee, because she just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
- will Steve Carell ever play someone who lost his virginity at like, 17? ;)
- I LOVED when Angela and Andy were actually being kind of sweet to each other. It gave us all an explanation as to why Angela didn't just say no. Also, did anyone else think Andy's "I would marry you on top of a monsoon" monologue thing was verrrry gently poking fun at all us JAMmers? Like, "Yeah, this is cheesy and lame, but you'd all be swooning if Jim said it."
- are we supposed to be worried about that art school guy? Cuz, no. Well, I pretty much thought he was gay, and even if he's not... I feel like we have not much to worry about from a guy whose name we don't even know. OMG, Pam's friends with a guy!!!! THE END IS NEAR!!! Anyway.
- Jim showing the cameraman "Pam's art," and promptly slamming the door. HOT. Loved that big kiss too, but it wasn't quite as good as one that was to come...
- Dwight: "Happy birthday, Stanley!" (kicks cake) HAHAHA
- "If we stay fat long enough, we might actually get a whole month off."
- I figured Ryan was going to be the new receptionist because of spoilers, but after he walked in, got basically ignored, sat down in the receptionist's chair, and put on that headset... I. Lost. It.
- Jim was kind of a dick to Ryan... AND I LOVED IT!!!!
- "Most of you are just as fat as the day we began."
- "I never really processed 9/11." Is it wrong to say I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF????
- the Dwight/Phyllis "sales call"
- the Michael Klump conference room scene? Obviously, hilarious, but the part with Kelly was actually kind of touching. "Everything. She's perfect." Quiet, suck-up. ;)
- the Goatee-Less Brothers... cut to Dwight and his goatee. Hee!
- Pam's screenname: Receptionitis! HAH!
- I cannot explain how amazing the Angelandy wedding conversation in Week 7 is. Andy wearing his tie outside of his garbage bag! Angela wanting the first dance to be to "The Little Drummer Boy"! Here Comes Treble at the Andy/Angela wedding! Angela not letting Here Comes Treble come to the wedding is a deal-breaker! Andy's nicknames for everyone in Here Comes Treble!
- Needless to say... THAT. PROPOSAL. SCENE. I loved so much about the ways it chose to be. I loved that it called back to "Casino Night" a whole lot without making me roll my eyes with how obvious it was (it's in a parking lot, they didn't know the cameras were on them, Jim meant to say one thing but another came out, "What are you doing?", it ends in a kiss). I loved that, even though I read spoilers, I was not expecting it to happen in the first episode and it kind of blew my mind a lot. I loved that it was so ordinary - like, their love was what made it incredible (hi, I'm a cheeseball). I loved that it was pouring. I loved when Jim said "I just... I can't wait." I loved Pam's increasingly emotional "oh my God"s and how she could barely get through her "yes." I loved how they looked like some old-time movie couple in that big kiss. And most of all, I loved how friggin' HAPPY both of them were. SO. AMAZING. My ass is kicked, Jim and Pam. :)
- following that, I love how deliriously happy Jim was at the weigh-in. "This is a good day. You guys accomplished something big." No, Michael's not talking directly to Jim, but...
- I love Stanley and the multiple Black Panthers references. Teehee!
- And, finally... TOBY IN THE HOSPITAL AT THE END!!!!! I pretty much died laughing.
Yeah, top five episode for SURE, probably #4. Which now means, oddly enough, three season premieres are in my top five. At any rate... WELCOME BACK, OFFICE! HERE'S TO SEASON 5!!!
- the entire scene with Pam on the laptop was pretty effing hilarious
- I love how we saw Michael with a goatee in Week 4, with no explanation as to how it got there. And then, in Week 5, when we found out how, exactly, he got it... AHAHAHAHAH.
- Phyllis as head of the Party-Planning Commitee, because she just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
- will Steve Carell ever play someone who lost his virginity at like, 17? ;)
- I LOVED when Angela and Andy were actually being kind of sweet to each other. It gave us all an explanation as to why Angela didn't just say no. Also, did anyone else think Andy's "I would marry you on top of a monsoon" monologue thing was verrrry gently poking fun at all us JAMmers? Like, "Yeah, this is cheesy and lame, but you'd all be swooning if Jim said it."
- are we supposed to be worried about that art school guy? Cuz, no. Well, I pretty much thought he was gay, and even if he's not... I feel like we have not much to worry about from a guy whose name we don't even know. OMG, Pam's friends with a guy!!!! THE END IS NEAR!!! Anyway.
- Jim showing the cameraman "Pam's art," and promptly slamming the door. HOT. Loved that big kiss too, but it wasn't quite as good as one that was to come...
- Dwight: "Happy birthday, Stanley!" (kicks cake) HAHAHA
- "If we stay fat long enough, we might actually get a whole month off."
- I figured Ryan was going to be the new receptionist because of spoilers, but after he walked in, got basically ignored, sat down in the receptionist's chair, and put on that headset... I. Lost. It.
- Jim was kind of a dick to Ryan... AND I LOVED IT!!!!
- "Most of you are just as fat as the day we began."
- "I never really processed 9/11." Is it wrong to say I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF????
- the Dwight/Phyllis "sales call"
- the Michael Klump conference room scene? Obviously, hilarious, but the part with Kelly was actually kind of touching. "Everything. She's perfect." Quiet, suck-up. ;)
- the Goatee-Less Brothers... cut to Dwight and his goatee. Hee!
- Pam's screenname: Receptionitis! HAH!
- I cannot explain how amazing the Angelandy wedding conversation in Week 7 is. Andy wearing his tie outside of his garbage bag! Angela wanting the first dance to be to "The Little Drummer Boy"! Here Comes Treble at the Andy/Angela wedding! Angela not letting Here Comes Treble come to the wedding is a deal-breaker! Andy's nicknames for everyone in Here Comes Treble!
- Needless to say... THAT. PROPOSAL. SCENE. I loved so much about the ways it chose to be. I loved that it called back to "Casino Night" a whole lot without making me roll my eyes with how obvious it was (it's in a parking lot, they didn't know the cameras were on them, Jim meant to say one thing but another came out, "What are you doing?", it ends in a kiss). I loved that, even though I read spoilers, I was not expecting it to happen in the first episode and it kind of blew my mind a lot. I loved that it was so ordinary - like, their love was what made it incredible (hi, I'm a cheeseball). I loved that it was pouring. I loved when Jim said "I just... I can't wait." I loved Pam's increasingly emotional "oh my God"s and how she could barely get through her "yes." I loved how they looked like some old-time movie couple in that big kiss. And most of all, I loved how friggin' HAPPY both of them were. SO. AMAZING. My ass is kicked, Jim and Pam. :)
- following that, I love how deliriously happy Jim was at the weigh-in. "This is a good day. You guys accomplished something big." No, Michael's not talking directly to Jim, but...
- I love Stanley and the multiple Black Panthers references. Teehee!
- And, finally... TOBY IN THE HOSPITAL AT THE END!!!!! I pretty much died laughing.
Yeah, top five episode for SURE, probably #4. Which now means, oddly enough, three season premieres are in my top five. At any rate... WELCOME BACK, OFFICE! HERE'S TO SEASON 5!!!