It's been such an incredible 24 hours. I have believed in this ticket for our great country for so long, that seeing its victory become reality is virtually overwhelming. I walked around with a big-ass grin on my face and no voice all day today, and teared up at multiple opportunities like the big sap I am (the two political cartoons above made me openly weep in public). This country is still not perfect, and we do have a long way to go (Prop 8 passing in California disgusts me), but Obama gives me so much, well, hope. I'm really, truly proud to be an American today.
I hate to be one of those people that just spouts off random and seemingly empty platitudes, but I can't help it with this guy, because it's so hard to put my feelings into words. Obama '08: Change. Hope. Progress. Yes, We Can. Yes, We Did.
Your regularly scheduled BS movie and TV posts/ramblings will return shortly. :)