Above: Because it was so awesome, it bears repeating.
10. Employee Transfer
They were really nice. They gave me a ride home.
9. Business Ethics
I viewed Cookie Monster sings "Chocolate Rain" about a thousand times.
8. Frame Toby
I think you're great. You're my best friend.
7. Moroccan Christmas
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-ka-ching!
6. Baby Shower
Tell my intended about the miracle of childbirth.
5. Customer Survey
I'm going to buy one million dollars worth of paper products today.
4. Crime Aid
Probably get soup or something light.
3. Business Trip
It's totally unrealistic. There are no lines in the parking lot.
2. The Surplus
I'm not threatening you. I love you! But you should know, you're on very dangerous ground.
1. Weight Loss
You lost a ton of weight, literally a ton of weight.
And for a bonus...