James McAvoy was great in Last King of Scotland. However...I've seen people giving him the award/nominating him over Forest Whitaker. WHAT?! And, not for anything, but these people are always straight women or gay men, who usually preface their awards by "he's so HOT!!!! ... and he's good too." Yes, I realize I have my biases too (Clive Owen much), but that's just...what? McAvoy was great but he can't touch Whitaker. Oh, and I like how one person was like "he stole the show from Whitaker!" Um, well, a. that's just not true and b. his role was meant to be THE lead. Whitaker stole it from him.
In conclusion, if Steve Buscemi or John C. Reilly were playing Nicholas Garrigan, and gave the exact same peformance, they would be totally ignored. But, because a hot guy does it, everyone is like "OMG HE'S BETTER THAN THE UGLY GUY!!!!"
...or maybe this entry was just an excuse to show a picture of McAvoy's sweet, sweet ass.
In conclusion, if Steve Buscemi or John C. Reilly were playing Nicholas Garrigan, and gave the exact same peformance, they would be totally ignored. But, because a hot guy does it, everyone is like "OMG HE'S BETTER THAN THE UGLY GUY!!!!"
...or maybe this entry was just an excuse to show a picture of McAvoy's sweet, sweet ass.