Yes, I actually watched it all the way through. And that's a picture of the best part for you.
So yeah, it is pretty bad. The script is actually not that horrific; it's got some funny lines ("I've got to go...shave" and "That girl will do great things" or whatever that line was stand out as being extremely funny...), even if it's no Mean Girls or Clueless (anyone who says Heathers gets shot). I think a lot of the fault is with its star, Amanda Bynes. She makes her character is both one-dimensional and horrifically annoying. It's hard to give "Razzies" when you're me and simply don't watch that much crap (then again, I've seen Date Movie.), but based on what I've seen, I'd certainly nominate Bynes for one and probably have her win. Now, at least, I understand why people say the talentless Anne Hathaway is one of the most talented actresses of her generation. I mean, compared to Amanda Bynes (at least, based on what I've seen in this movie), she is.
Oh and Channing Tatum is HOOOOOTTT. I mean, he sucks in this movie too, but he's not quite Razzie-worthy (Bynes way overdoes it; he is just kinda...there) and he takes his shirt off. Really, that's probably all I can ask for. Oh, She's the Man the movie? Errr... C-? Sure, let's go with that.
Oh, and mentioning Mean Girls above reminded me of its genius. That's all.