"Michael's Birthday"
5. "He gets very excited, and then he eats a lot of cake, and then he runs around the office, and then he has a sugar crash in the afternoon, and then he falls asleep. Aaaaand that's when we get our work done."
4. Michael thinks "negative" means Kevin does have cancer
3. Jim draws a pyramid around the pyramid scheme
2. "You know what, Toby? When the son of the disposed king of Nigeria e-mails you directly, asking for help, you help! His father ran the freaking country, okay?!" (this line is even funnier because at my job we got roughly 30+ of these e-mails a day)
1. Ryan's face at the confessional after the "cookie" conversation
"Drug Testing"
5. Kevin's delivery of "hey"
4. Jim's impressions
3. "Wow. What a terrible day to not be able to talk. Dwight was literally carrying around his own urine and dressed like one of the Village People."
2. "Narc!"
1. Jim outsmarts Dwight during their interview
"Conflict Resolution"
5. Pam keeps saying "win" after Michael says "win-win"
4. "Dwight tried to kiss me."
"And I didn't tell anyone because I'm not sure how I feel about it."
3. Angela says "you already did me" in reference to some complaint and Jim mouths "that's what she said" as Michael actually says it
2. "Can you imagine if I was deranged?" (especially his delivery of that line)
1. Dwight's complaints against Jim. AHAHAH. Especially the one about the bloody glove.
"Casino Night"
5. when Jan and Carol talk at the bar, watch behind them: Michael walks up like he's going to talk to them, but at the last moment scurries away. Too funny.
4. "Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children, since it's, uh, you know, there's gambling...and alcohol...and it's in our dangerous warehouse...and it's a school night...and since, um, Hooters is catering...is that enough? Should I keep going?"
"Why are you the way that you are?"
3. the Afghan/whatever conversation. OH MY GOD, HILARIOUS. In almost any other episode this would be #1, but in an episode as damn good as this one it's stuck being #3...
2. the last scene. I actually screamed and let's face it, you did too. ;)
1. "um, hey, can I talk to you about something?" and the scene that follows. Especially that "Not your fault," his face, and the single tear. Predictable and obvious, I know, but sweet Jesus.
Whew. Season 3 ain't coming for a while since I have to get through the first half...
5. "He gets very excited, and then he eats a lot of cake, and then he runs around the office, and then he has a sugar crash in the afternoon, and then he falls asleep. Aaaaand that's when we get our work done."
4. Michael thinks "negative" means Kevin does have cancer
3. Jim draws a pyramid around the pyramid scheme
2. "You know what, Toby? When the son of the disposed king of Nigeria e-mails you directly, asking for help, you help! His father ran the freaking country, okay?!" (this line is even funnier because at my job we got roughly 30+ of these e-mails a day)
1. Ryan's face at the confessional after the "cookie" conversation
"Drug Testing"
5. Kevin's delivery of "hey"
4. Jim's impressions
3. "Wow. What a terrible day to not be able to talk. Dwight was literally carrying around his own urine and dressed like one of the Village People."
2. "Narc!"
1. Jim outsmarts Dwight during their interview
"Conflict Resolution"
5. Pam keeps saying "win" after Michael says "win-win"
4. "Dwight tried to kiss me."
"And I didn't tell anyone because I'm not sure how I feel about it."
3. Angela says "you already did me" in reference to some complaint and Jim mouths "that's what she said" as Michael actually says it
2. "Can you imagine if I was deranged?" (especially his delivery of that line)
1. Dwight's complaints against Jim. AHAHAH. Especially the one about the bloody glove.
"Casino Night"
5. when Jan and Carol talk at the bar, watch behind them: Michael walks up like he's going to talk to them, but at the last moment scurries away. Too funny.
4. "Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children, since it's, uh, you know, there's gambling...and alcohol...and it's in our dangerous warehouse...and it's a school night...and since, um, Hooters is catering...is that enough? Should I keep going?"
"Why are you the way that you are?"
3. the Afghan/whatever conversation. OH MY GOD, HILARIOUS. In almost any other episode this would be #1, but in an episode as damn good as this one it's stuck being #3...
2. the last scene. I actually screamed and let's face it, you did too. ;)
1. "um, hey, can I talk to you about something?" and the scene that follows. Especially that "Not your fault," his face, and the single tear. Predictable and obvious, I know, but sweet Jesus.
Whew. Season 3 ain't coming for a while since I have to get through the first half...