Office Olympics: Angela plays "Pam Pong"

"The Dundies" (best. episode. EVER. seriously, it might as well be a tie for everything that happens)
5. Second drink!
4. "What am I going to do with the award? Nothing. I...I don't know what I'm going to do. That's the least of my...concerns right now."
3. Pam and Oscar's takes on the Dundies
2. "What a great year for the Dundies. We got to see Ping, and we learned Michael's true feelings for Ryan - which was touching - and we heard Michael change the lyrics to a number of classic songs, which for me has ruined them for life." Also, "I've Had the Time of My Life" playing in the background is a great little touch.
1. Jim's faces during Pam's speech
"Sexual Harassment"
5. "Hey, um, what has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer? This guy!" followed by Jim's face
4. "She wasn't that hot."
"Yes she was, dammit Kevin!"
3. "The only thing I'm worried about...is gettin' a boner."
2. "I'm just sad the public school system failed him so badly."
1. Jim's face after Phyllis' "one-night stand" quote is my favorite Jim face of all time, because as many have pointed out before me, it's half the usual "oh my God, what?" Jim face, and half "go Phyllis!"
"Office Olympics"
5. "Beets are the worst... nobody likes beets. Nobody likes beets, Dwight! Why don't you grow something that everybody likes. You should grow candy... I'd love a piece of candy right now. Not a beet."
4. Michael makes Ryan come in ridiculously early to bring him breakfast...most of which he doesn't even eat
3. Jim introduces the Olympics
1. the closing ceremonies. Totally sweet.
"The Fire"
5. "It's not like there was the Lone Ranger, and Tonto, and Bonto."
4. "Well, I would definitely have sex with Ryan."
3. Dwight sits in his car blasting "Everybody Hurts"
2. Ryan's monologue about how he doesn't want to be a "guy" here...but then, by the end, he's the "Fire Guy"
1. needless to say, "RY-AN STARTED THE FIRE!"
5. Dwight intoning the names of people Michael should fire while under his hood
4. Michael being adorable with the kids at his house at the end of the episode. Awww...
3. "Oh."
"Yeah. Oh."
2. "Yeah, I went hunting once. Shot the deer in the leg. Had to kill it with a shovel. Why do you ask?"
"The Fight"
5. the opening where Jim has moved Dwight's desk into the bathroom
4. "Hey Ryan! This is your girlfriend. And I'm mad." and Michael's other prank calls to Ryan's cell phone
3. "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Raging Bull. Pacino." AHAHAHA.
2. the actual fight itself
1. the Armageddon conversation is so funny, on so many levels.