- Season 5 is off to an extremely awkwardtastic start. And in Office-verse, that ain't a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing. So much greeeat awkwardness in "Weight Loss" and this one... Like, the scene above? HAH!
- I didn't mind the lack of Pam. If it starts to happen for a few more episodes, though... :(
- Loved Jim telling the office about his engagement, everyone's non-reaction, and then Michael KNOCKING JIM OVER!!!
- Ryan's bizarrely specific Survivor reference (according to Wikipedia, there was a Joanna in Survivor Season 6. And again, according to Wikipedia, she got kicked out by the young, pretty female alliance because they felt she was discriminating against them because they were young and pretty, which is hysterical when you consider what Ryan said. Hah!) cracked me up.
- Michael not working for five days after he discovered YouTube. I feel his pain.
- JIM TIMING DWIGHT. And Dwight admitting he's totally not ethical... followed by a big ol' Jim grin... followed by a big ol' evil Dwight grin! LOVED IT.
- following that, Jim baiting Dwight with Battlestar Galactica!
- "How do you tell somebody you care about deeply, 'I told you so'?"
- And, at the end, Michael getting everyone in the conference room for Holly, and their little smiles throughout the meeting. Awwww... Micholly 4-EVA, ya'll!