So great. S5 rocks the hell outta me.
- a lot of line deliveries in this episode were really, really great. Like, better than usual.
- anything Phyllis/Dwight was amazing
- the cut from the sex conversation to Michael's "probably have soup... something light"
- Michael turning his microphone "all the way down"
- "The future mother of my children." OMG MY OVARIES EXPLODED.
- Yay, weird Creed talking heads!
- Michael's C.R.I.M.E.A.I.D. explanation
- Michael's favorite Bruce Springsteen songs, according to Darryl
- Jim's face after "it squeaks when you bang it - that's what she said!"
- DAVID WALLACE!!!!!!!!!!! When he was sitting in the front row chanting "Bruce, Bruce," I was amused indeed. I just hope he doesn't turn into a grumpy Gus and transfer Holly! :(
- Ryan hiding from David Wallace!
- Dwight constantly offering x amount of dollars... and one penny
- Dwangela ;_; Like, it was really funny that Hank was playing his guitar, but I didn't notice how sad the song was until Angela "chose" Andy. I do like that they're fleshing out the Angelandy relationship this season. It makes sense that they're together now, even if Dwight is Angela's soul mate, as opposed to them being together just because Angela was trying to stick it to Dwight.
- the only good thing about Roy coming back (like I predicted, the only reason they did it was so he could be like "omg U were a frend 2!!! lol sheez gonna cheet on u!!!") was that Jim got to say "she's engaged... to me" to his stupid, stupid face.
Episodes of this season ranked:
Weight Loss (A+)
Crime Aid (A)
Baby Shower (A)
Business Ethics (A-/B+)