13. Isabella
12. Tahlia: Spoiled by babycakes. And you never, ever, EVER doubt babycakes. She'll probably bitch about how her makeover like, limits her, when she already ~has scars~, and Tyra will get fed up with her.
11. Jessica: She will be booted because she won't know her angles or something. And because she sucks.
10. Nijah: Boring. Commercial.
9. Natalie: Who? I think she will be eliminated for being too pretty-pretty or something.
8. Sandra: Her makeover got spoiled, and it's a platinum blonde thing. Oh God. I think this means she doesn't go overseas, and I think she'll get the Clark boot where you think she's being set up for this bitch edit, but then she gets kicked off anticlimactically because her photos just weren't that great.
7. London: If this week is any indication, she'll take fantastic photos, but get kicked off because she's not a model in person.
6. Kortnie: Spoilers said she went overseas, I think, but I can't see her winning or getting much further than this. But hey, not only did a plus-size win, another one made it overseas. So, uh, yay Kortnie, I guess.
5. Fo: According to sketchy spoilers she goes overseas, but I can see her bombing the go-sees because, compared to the other girls, she is very short and commercial. They'll say she doesn't have enough "potential" or something.
3. Teyona: She will probably be kicked off because I can see her taking lousy, lousy beauty shots and she'll be called "too hard" for Cover Girl. Yikes, looking at the F4, I can't see any of those being a good Cover Girl shot...
2. Allison: She'll probably be the judges' favorite all season (and take some really awesome pictures a la Lauren Brie without any hard falls like her), but she's white so she can't win this season.
1. Aminat: I dunno, I just get a vibe, plus she got a good edit in the first episode, which is always a good thing; McKey got, like, no screen time during all of C11 except for the first episode and the recap. As long as you get a good amount of screen time in those, I think that's a good indicator...
16. Ken
15. Chris: My guess is he brings nothing new next week, when the judges had high expectations for him because he's so interesting-looking, and he gets kicked off.
14. Laury: Ugh, she SUCKS. She's got an okay walk but there's no way this girl looks like a model. She's incredibly harsh. Easily my least favorite girl. Ew.
13. Branden: He's being edited as a homophobic tool in a Bravo reality show. Yeah, he ain't lasting long.
12. Karen: The judges honestly don't like the two finalists that got voted in by the public. Last season, Katy was in the bottom three four out of the five weeks she was there, and she honestly didn't suck that bad, or actually, at all. Ben got B3ed a lot too, but was popular so he kept getting saved. They got rid of the popular vote though, so that won't save Karen...
11. Kerryn: She seems like total filler. I would switch her and Karen - I dunno if they're going to send the two black girls home first, though they do unfortunately seem like the weakest - if not for the fact that, like I said, the judges really don't like the two people voted in by viewers.
10. Shawn: Once they get rid of the filler, they'll have to start getting rid of people for random reasons even if they're doing well. Shawn is 30 and though you can be older when you start modeling if you're a male model, you can't be 30.
9. CJ: See what I said for Shawn, only she's doomed by The Curse of Being 5'8". Heightists. ;)
8. Gabriel: He is SO HOT but something tells me at the midway point he'll get too cocky (he already seems a bit cocky) and will get kicked off for not standing out enough. God, I'll miss his hot ass/abs/lips/face/everything, though. Drool. Gabriel. DO WANT.
7. Amanda: She's gorgeous, but like Gabriel I think she'll get complacent and will get kicked off for OMG resting on pretty. Tyra would be so ashamed.
6. Jonathan: He'll be kind of a minor villain (like Stefan on Top Chef where he's more entertaining than villainous, but his edit makes us think we're supposed to hate him or something), so I think he'll stick around a while. He also seems to photograph well and have a good walk.
5. Colin: I think he'll be around until nearly the end, because Tyson will like, personally mentor him and he will massively improve, but will get kicked off right before the finale in a heartbreaker because, I dunno, he's not "experienced" enough.
4. Salome: I think, based on her screen time and potential and what not, she'll get far but won't win.
3. Jordan: My guess is she's the bitch of the season and thus she'll get far but won't win. They won't want a white girl with dark hair and sharp features to win again.
2. Mountaha: I dunno, something about her says she gets far because they think she's "interesting" (AKA in all her photographs, her face looks completely bizarre) and she does indeed have a great walk. They give her a platinum blonde makeover and it admittently looks hot.
1. Sandhurst: At this point, his win seems kind of obvious. He's gorgeous, photographs well, has a great walk, and is all kinds of interesting. And I think the judges want a dude to win this year.