the Graduate reference.
I dunno how I feel about Pam leaving yet. I've done a lot of defending Pam this season, but I'm NOT one of her insane super fans that believe every episode should be dedicated to her Development And Growth, so I really don't see why she needs ANOTHER "oh she's leaving so she can ~find herself~" sideplot. Writers, can you give Jim something to do other than moon over Pam, not that I really mind? In many ways, the writers of this show did write themselves into a corner when it comes to Jim and Pam's career choices. They can't stay at Dunder-Mifflin because honestly, that'd be so depressing (if realistic) and they can't leave because then... Jim and Pam are gonna be gone. I mean, I'm already gonna miss "Dunder-Mifflin, this is Pam."
I have no doubt that Pam and Michael will be back, though. Maybe not until the finale, maybe not until next season's season premiere, but they'll be back. If, however, Pam comes back as a receptionist... then her leaving will be for nothing, and it'll just be to shake things up. Which I mean, is all well and good, but she already left. I'd love to see her come back doing sales or something else.
I do want Pam to end up doing something in the arts. If she's been discouraged from them forever because of Pratt, I'll be depressed. I don't think her dream is to be a saleswoman either, she just wants something different, and that's fine. She'll realize that soon. I just hope she doesn't come back as the receptionist again, but I don't really want her in sales either. I'm... not sure what I want for her in Dunder-Mifflin, really. Again, I think the writers may have painted themselves into a corner here, but I think they can get themselves out of it. Unlike everyone on the internet, but indeed like the ~8 million people who watch this show every week, I do have faith in them. :)
I do LOOOOVE Pam and Michael together, so I'm excited about that. Hah, she sees his "dangling participle" again next week. Oh, and of course, because this is S5, it's not a clever callback, it's the writers "copying what they did in S4." GIANT EYEROLL. Seriously, quit it with the fucking misery and just stop watching if you hate the show so much now. Come back for S6 or whatever. As I said above, there's ~8 million people who disagree with you, princesses.
I do have one major complaint. Charles Miner? Kindly GTFO. Sucks ALL the funny out of EVERY scene. Idris Elba is certainly a fine actor but comedy is not his forte. I'm gonna throw a party when this guy inevitably gets fired or whatever and is off the show.