ANTM: All these girls are fucking idiots. That fight over Tahlia/Celia was just so dumb. Teyona and Aminat are obnoxious, and Natalie is a condescending stealth bitch. Sandra is so arrogant, but looking at the fight, she actually was pretty okay. Tahlia is really whiny and annoying, but less so than those three.
Anyway. Photos!
Ugh, this is gorgeous. I didn’t think she could pull off a beauty shot because her face is, well, weird, but as you can see here, it’s the best of the week. She looks so much better in photos than in person, generally. I love the angle of her face and how this photo is interesting despite the fact that it’s just a beauty shot, and I love the somewhat undetermined/pensive expression on her face. Man, this photo is so awesome. I’m not crazy about the teeth but even THEY work here.
Tahlia (don't hate)
It’s not very exciting, but goddamn, it’s beautiful. She looks so regal and there’s such warmth and life in her eyes. It’s a really serene photo. I love how she’s not doing very much, and yet this photo still leaves an impact with just her eyes. I don’t understand people who were like OMG SHE HAS DEAD EYES… oh wait, everyone hates Tahlia for no good reason other than that she’s a bad model usually (but not this photo) and annoying, I forgot. The shape of her face here is great, as well as her cheekbones. I’m happy that Tahlia’s improving… I mean, as long as she’s still there when she should have left weeks ago, she might as well, right? After watching the episode, I can say that I 1000000% agree with Tyra’s assertion that there’s something almost
Mona Lisa-y about it. Huh. I’m such a weirdo.
FoI’m not AS crazy about this photo as some others (it’s almost a bit TOO strong) but I do think it’s positively awesome. Her face looks a little… off when it’s straight forward like that, but I absolutely love how strong she managed to make this picture, while still keeping it quite feminine (though like I said, it’s a little too strong, but still awesome). Also, YAAAAAY, ARCHED EYEBROWS, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. She really does nail the idea of “red.” Oh please have her go overseas, considering how strong the judges thought this photo was!
CeliaMy only issue with this photo is that she does look old, especially in HD with the gray hair (sabotage!), but this photo is beautiful. She’s totally elegant and her neck, jawline, and eyes are absolutely to die for. She looks much softer than she usually does, while still strong and even forceful, like she's asserting herself. Gosh, this is gorgeous. Not much else to say.
AllisonDoes she only have one look? Maybe. Does it work, and could she take it to the bank? Hell yeah. She’s out of the “OMG AWESOME” range for this shoot, but this photo is still good. She really captures the innocence and girlishness of pink perfectly. Her eyes are amazing. Ugh, this picture would have been so much better if she just CLOSED HER MOUTH. Because she has the hated RABBIT TEETH. But you know what? Honestly, Allison pulls the rabbit teeth off better than pretty much anyone else in ANTM history… which doesn’t exactly mean she pulls it off but you know, the more I look at this picture, the more I like it. It’s still not in Teyona/Tahlia/Fo/Celia’s league, though.
AminatHonestly, if I could have called Allison and Aminat out together, I think I would have, though on second glance actually Allison’s is much superior. But, uh, yeah, moving on. Anyway, I think this is a good shot, I like the look in her eyes, but I think… I dunno… something about the bug-eyes and the bug-lips and the bug-nose kinda weirds me out. She looks like some kind of lizard or frog or something. But it’s not a bad shot. She's really the only one that didn't do OMG AMAZING! or OMG HORRIBLE! And speaking of OMG HORRIBLE!...
LondonOh my God, she looks like she has blue herpes or something. It’s mildly horrifying at first glance, to be honest. I mean, part of it was sabotage on the part of the makeup, but I don’t think it’s that great a photo anyway. I do think she’s getting the iciness of the blue color down, so points for that, and there is some great energy in her eyes and she attempted as much dynamism as she could with the pose… but she just seems so uncomfortable. And yeah, I can’t get over the blue herpes.
NatalieOh my God, she really needs to avoid the straight-on headshots. Seriously, her face looks like a blob, which is my main problem. It looks like she has no bones in there, which is obviously BAD for a model. But even if her facial structure looked flawless, I still don’t think this would be a great photo. This is due to the fact that mostly, she looks completely stoned off her ass, and the uncertain way she’s holding up her hand against her face doesn’t help. Really bad photo.
LOL WTF is this. Yes, London and Natalie were terrible, but there was absolutely no doubt that this was the worst photo this week. I mean, she just… she looks like the Abominable Snowman! That’s really all I can say, she looks absolutely terrible. The color looks great on her but it’s just a completely laughable shot. She looks stoned out of her mind like Natalie, too. That smile is totally awful. Seriously, what the hell is up with this? Ugh, Sandra had sooooo much potential but it sort of fell away. I mean, part of it was the terrible makeover, but part of it was the fact that she just kinda sucked.
Allison = 6/1/8/2/5 = 4.4
Aminat = 10/11/6/3/6 = 7.2
Celia = 8/4/5/9/4 = 6
Fo = 2/5/1/10/3 = 4.2
Isabella = 13 = 13
Jessica = 11/10 = 10.5
Kortnie = 7/7/11/8 = 8.25
London = 1/9/3/6/7 = 5.2
Natalie = 5/3/4/4/8 = 4.8
Nijah = 4/8/7 = 6.33
Sandra = 12/6/2/7/9 = 7.2
Tahlia = 9/12/9/5/2 = 7.4
Teyona = 3/2/10/1/1 = 3.4
Go Fo, Teyona, and Allison!
MMaS: Can we get some drama up in here? Can Branden like, figure out he's gay already? Can Colin get laid? Along those lines, can Kerryn just jump his bones already? Can Amanda and Jordan either make out for serious or try and kill each other? Because when the main drama is CJ being a bitch, well that's not very good drama at all.
Group shots:
Kerryn, Jonathan, CJ2.
Salome, Laury, Colin3.
Amanda, Jordan, Branden
Sandhurst, Mountaha, GabrielIndividuals:
1. Jonathan - Seriously, Jonathan, do you have to be perfect at everything? This is so gorgeous and sensual.
2. Kerryn - God, she's beautiful. I'm really glad she won immunity because I thought she owned that catwalk this week and this picture is obviously great. Only two minor nitpicks, and that's that it looks like she has SEVERE under-eye circles, and her body doesn't exactly look model-ready. Other than that, stunning.
3. Colin - Ugh, SO HOT. His body shape is great. He really makes this photo because the girls aren't bringing a whole lot.
4. Amanda - Jordan probably looks better but she looks good too, and she's following the idea of the shoot more because it's a more intimate photo. Is it just me, or does she look froggier and froggier every week? And why do these two look so freakishly short?
5. Jordan - See what I said about Amanda. I think it might be the better shot but Jordan's clearly pretending like Amanda's not even there. It's the first photo of Jordan I can officially say I like though, YAY.
6. CJ - CJ's really lucky. Even when she's fucking around on set, she's unbelievably photogenic. Except for the sports photo, all of her pictures were actually amazing. She's not
as amazing as the other two in her shot because well yeah, she looks uncomfortable if beautiful and sensual.
7. Gabriel - Not really creative, but GOD he's hot. The boob grab is a no. Oh how I wish they'd included one of the pictures with him or Sandhurst in the middle...
8. Mountaha - I love how in-control she looks and how her face actually photographed well for once! But I have to agree with Perou (WTF!!!!!!!!!) that it looks like she's being molested.
9. Branden - Uh, he's not really doing much. It's not bad, he's just not doing anything.
10. Salome - She looks great, but she's doing nothing.
11. Sandhurst - I think I would like this better because he looks great if I didn't think OM NOM NOM NOM every time I looked at this photo. It's honestly kind of laughable. But again, he looks great, and really into it... I just wish he wasn't devouring her thigh!
12. Laury - You can barely see her and what you can see is fuggo.