It's on Oxygen right now, and it's the F6 episode. And you know, these girls are like... jank. Samantha's pretty, but she's just not a model. Maybe she has potential, but she just doesn't have the right attitude or anything. Like, she just comes off as a joke. She wouldn't get booked for her appearance, so much. Marjorie is hideous in person and can't pull it together about ANYTHING, though she takes some darn good photos. Elina is just a petulant child. Sheena is, not for anything, pretty damn ugly, and needs BEYOND class.
McKey is FUG. I am officially willing to say that I don't "get" her... and clearly, neither does the modeling industry, because she's doing absolutely nothing (not that any of the C11 girls have set the industry on fire, or done ANYTHING). She's got a look, but it's desperately dated. Oh and seriously, did she take a good photo the entire time she was on the show, besides that natural disasters photo? Nope. I hate to be this glib, buuuut... Voting is sexy - pretty bad, but better than most. Rope ladder - hideous Joker. Swimwear - looks like she's falling over and her face is all weird. Fierce eyes - dull. Natural disasters - awesome, no complaints here. Fiercee Awards - awful. Commercial - terrible. Pirate ship - okay body minus the distortions (okay - the girl has some hot legs), AWFUL face. Simplistic - pretty, but not simplistic enough. Dramatic - makes me wanna puke. Windmill - most overrated photo in ANTM history, seriously. It's awful! Cover Girl - I guess this is her other great photo. Believe me, I hate to be that cruel and that, again, glib, but if I had more time, I would argue further. Her portfolio didn't justify a win.
Analeigh... I love this girl, and she took the best photos, and she had the best walk, but she's just not a model, at all. Her face is all wrong for modeling (she's pretty, but she has not a whole lot of bone structure and her features are all squished together, plus she only looked fresh with her hair styled a certain way) and even in a couple of photos, it looked wonky. But like I said, she took the best photos and had the best walk. Definitely should have won. Let's face it, she only got eliminated at the F3 because she would have embarrassed the hell out of McKey at that runway, and McKey was more favored by the judges than Teyona, with a lamer portfolio.
Buuut they're all jaaaank.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Holy crap.
These two American Idol finalists? SO FUCKING CUTE. Kris Allen is what I would imagine a puppy would look like, if you turned it into a grown male human. He is what would happen if you took flour, eggs, sugar, and chocolate chips and baked that into the shape of a verrry cute boy. Adam's not my type when he's all made up, but when he doesn't have the weird hair and makeup? I'll take seven!!!
Oh my gosh Kris Allen is so cute. His wife is soooo very lucky.
Oh my gosh Kris Allen is so cute. His wife is soooo very lucky.
I rewatched this movie tonight...
Friday, May 29, 2009
And I said what about Breakfast at Tiffany's...
And Justine Credible said, "You know, if you think about it, it's a really friggin' weird movie and that Asian landlord is the most insulting stereotype maybe ever."
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Make Me a Supermodel
I. Am. So. Excited. For. This. Finale!!!!
TEAM GUYS!!!! And, Sandhurst for the win! But I really love them all. :) And kind of despised Mountaha her last few episodes, so...
TEAM GUYS!!!! And, Sandhurst for the win! But I really love them all. :) And kind of despised Mountaha her last few episodes, so...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Cycle 1.

Okay... this is part of what I've been working on for ANTM. It's the ideal elimination order of girls in a cycle, based on a combination of photos, potential/look, and other random things. I'll also include my call-out orders, which I hope are sufficiently ~controversial.~ I'll start with Cycle 1. Oh, and just a warning, I change my mind a lot. Hah.
10. Tessa
Her photo at the first photoshoot was the worst by far. She doesn’t have enough potential to make up for it.
9. Shannon
Her last two photos have been quite bad. She’s got potential, but seeing as this season is very underwear/lingerie/nudity-based, I don’t think this was the right one to apply to for her.
8. Nicole
She’s a one-faced wonder and her photo this week is bad. Kesse’s photo is worse, but she did better in the past.
7. Ebony
Bad commercial, and she hasn’t been doing very well.
6. Kesse
Though she’s been good in the past, her photo here is the worst, and she doesn’t really have all that much model potential.
5. Katie
At this point, I’d be tired of her porno-ness. Elyse would have a FAR worse photo, but she’s done well in the past and she’s got more potential. Robin would have gone at this point, except she had the best picture by far.
4. Robin
She wouldn’t have done the nude shoot. BYE.
3. Elyse
She’s the most modelesque of the three remaining, but she’s got the weakest portfolio. She’s a natural model, but she’s been treating the competition like a joke the entire time.
2. Giselle
Giselle’s portfolio is extremely strong, but she doesn’t have that one WOW! photo, whereas Adrianne has two (the snake beauty shot, and the nude shot). They’d be pretty evenly matched on the runway.
1. Adrianne
She’s got it all. Her portfolio rocks, she’s beautiful, she’s got a great body, and her runway’s strong too.
10. Tessa
Her photo at the first photoshoot was the worst by far. She doesn’t have enough potential to make up for it.
9. Shannon
Her last two photos have been quite bad. She’s got potential, but seeing as this season is very underwear/lingerie/nudity-based, I don’t think this was the right one to apply to for her.
8. Nicole
She’s a one-faced wonder and her photo this week is bad. Kesse’s photo is worse, but she did better in the past.
7. Ebony
Bad commercial, and she hasn’t been doing very well.
6. Kesse
Though she’s been good in the past, her photo here is the worst, and she doesn’t really have all that much model potential.
5. Katie
At this point, I’d be tired of her porno-ness. Elyse would have a FAR worse photo, but she’s done well in the past and she’s got more potential. Robin would have gone at this point, except she had the best picture by far.
4. Robin
She wouldn’t have done the nude shoot. BYE.
3. Elyse
She’s the most modelesque of the three remaining, but she’s got the weakest portfolio. She’s a natural model, but she’s been treating the competition like a joke the entire time.
2. Giselle
Giselle’s portfolio is extremely strong, but she doesn’t have that one WOW! photo, whereas Adrianne has two (the snake beauty shot, and the nude shot). They’d be pretty evenly matched on the runway.
1. Adrianne
She’s got it all. Her portfolio rocks, she’s beautiful, she’s got a great body, and her runway’s strong too.
J.Lo bikinis
1. Katie
2. Kesse
3. Giselle
J.Lo bikinis
1. Katie
2. Kesse
3. Giselle
4. Nicole
5. Adrianne
6. Elyse
7. Ebony
8. Robin
9. Shannon
10. Tessa
Stuff Magazine
1. Elyse
2. Giselle
3. Adrianne
4. Katie
5. Nicole
6. Kesse
7. Shannon
8. Ebony
9. Robin
Snake beauty shot
1. Adrianne
2. Giselle
3. Robin
4. Shannon
5. Elyse
6. Ebony
7. Nicole
8. Kesse
Fresh Look Contacts commercial
1. Robin
2. Giselle
3. Kesse
4. Adrianne
5. Shannon
6. Elyse
7. Ebony
Reebok movement
1. Elyse
2. Shannon
3. Giselle
4. Adrianne
5. Robin
6. Kesse
Paris lingerie
1. Robin
2. Shannon
3. Adrianne
4. Kesse
5. Elyse
Nude with diamonds
1. Adrianne
2. Elyse
4. Robin & Shannon
B&W beauty shot
1. Adrianne
2. Robin
3. Elyse
4. Shannon
( Overall callouts for the F4 week
1. Adrianne
2. Elyse
3. Robin
4. Shannon )
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Spider-Man 3 is so hilarious.
It really is. I love all the ~deep conversations~ in it. Oh and Bruce Campbell is just awesome, but you already knew that.
I'm redoing my callouts and may actually use that other blog! Whoah.
At any rate, I'll point you to it when/if I do :D
At any rate, I'll point you to it when/if I do :D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
AfterElton's Hot 100 of 2009.
Because I'm basically a gay man at heart.
100. Tahmoh Penikett
Who? Get used to seeing this comment a lot.
99. Wilson Cruz
98. Kris Allen
I believe he's an American Idol finalist, no? Cute as all hell, really. But... I don't care about American Idol. Says the girl who watches America's Next Top Model pretty religiously...
97. Jason Mraz
He's so awkward and not in a good way. He's kind of cute but... I don't know.
96. James Sutton
Who? Hot but kind of young-looking.
95. Ashton Kutcher
I really adore him. I think he's so cute and I love his lame camera commercials. I also love that he's all about Twitter or whatever. Adorkable.
94. Zachary Quinto
TERRIBLE photo of him but yeah, he's pretty damn hot
93. Misha Collins
Who? He's kinda... boyish.
92. Brad Rowe
Who? Oddly enough, in that one photo they have of him, he looks like (an uglier) Brad Pitt.
91. Ryan Phillippe
Why'd he fall down on the list so much? God, he's GORGE. Kinda skeevy, but gorge.
90. Ronnie Kroell
RONNIE! Heh, last year I had no idea who he was. He was like my favorite last season on Make Me a Supermodel now that I've caught up with S1 on YouTube, other than Shannon. He's really cute and he's such an awesome, mature guy. He deserves so much better than Ben, psht. Hah.
89. Justin Hartley
Who? The name sounds familiar, but I don't know how... That is NOT a flattering photo.
88. Emile Hirsch
He's really cute but that's a pretty appalling photo.
87. Trevor Wright
Who? But cute.
86. Patrick Wilson
Loooove him. Where has he been?
85. Nathan Fillion
84. Matt Damon
DOUBLE YES. TERRIBLE photo of him, though!!
83. Jared Leto
He does nothing for me except in very rare occasions. Fortunately, that photo they have of him is one of these occasions. Drool.
82. Dustin Lance Black
Oh, AfterElton does this a lot, they just pick a gay guy who's out and not necessarily all that hot. I remember thinking he was kinda cute, but not much more.
81. Ben McKenzie
Yeaaaaahhh. That's a bad picture, though, he looks soooo bloated.
80. Ian Somerhalder
He's really beautiful but he can be a little too feminine for me. Great photo.
79. Simon Baker
I'm still scarred by how awful he was in The Devil Wears Prada. And he gives off a douchey air.
78. Orlando Bloom
77. Jude Law
75. Eric Dane
Okay. Pretty hot, but I don't get all excited about him or whatever.
74. Chris Pine
YES PLEASE. Though in reading magazine interviews with him, he seems like a douche, and I'm sorry, I'll just never be interested in seeing Star Trek.
74. Dave Annable
He's on Brothers & Sisters, right? HOT.
73. George Clooney
Always flawless.
72. Clive Owen
I don't quite have the love for him that I once did, but YES, of course! But GOD I hate that photo, he looks like an axe murderer.
71. Gerard Butler
Yum. He's like a less-axe-murder-y Clive.
70. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Again, YES PLEASE. He's like Javier Bardem without the No Country for Old Men leftover skeeviness.
69. Hayden Christensen
I've been rooting for this guy for a while. I think he's so cute and he's as good in Shattered Glass as he is bad in Star Wars. Bad photo though. Makes me feel like a perv because he looks so young in it.
68. Eddie Cibrian
Sooooooooooo stunningly hot. Sooooooooooo. He's got an ass that goes on for days, too. ...Told you I was basically a gay man at heart.
67. Mario Lopez
Too douchey.
66. Colin Farrell
Doesn't really do it for me. My best friend is OBSESSED with him, so he can have him, hah.
65. Ryan Gosling
That's a truly terrible photo of him that makes me forget how actually attractive he can be. Yikes.
64. Ben Cohen
Who is he? Who cares, with that photo they have up of him?
63. Matthew Fox
I still can't bring myself to care about Lost, but GOD he's hot.
62. Nick Adams
61. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He's SO CUTE, but... WORST PHOTO EVER!!!!!!!!
60. Lee Pace
He's adorable. I see whiny Pushing Daisies fans have been taken over by whiny Chuck fans, so the mere mention of that show doesn't annoy me so much any more.
59. Gael Garcia Bernal
Still think he's fuggo.
58. Jamie Bamber
YES. I have been tempted to watch Battlestar Galactica for that towel scene alone, I'll have you know.
57. James McAvoy
Still overrated. Still hot as all hell.
56. Christian Bale
OH YES. Any time. Even if he yelled "IT'S FUCKING DISTRACTING, OHHHH GOOOOOD" at me at the same time. In fact... ESPECIALLY then.
55. Jensen Atwood
54. Jason Statham
He's pretty hot, yeah. He was in Crank 2, right? That looks DELIGHTFULLY retarded.
53. Mitch Hewer
52. Chris Meloni
Ugh, GORGEOUS. I love that he's a classically trained comedic actor, too.
51. Taye Diggs
So beautiful. I love that he seems like a really sweet, happy person too.
50. Wentworth Miller
YES. What is with all these AWFUL photos, though?
49. Henry Cavill
OH YEAH. My mom watches The Tudors and I see it sometimes and... just... YESSSS. And it's actually a good photo, too!
48. Ewan McGregor
Who wouldn't adore him?
47. David Boreanaz
I've seen Bones here and there, and he's pretty hot. Not like OMG MUST HAVE YOU NOW hot, but hot.
46. Daniel Leary
45. Darryl Stephens
44. Jonathan Rhys-Myers
YEAH. The Tudors is just an orgy of hotness to be honest.
43. John Krasinski
ALWAYS YES. I'm pleased he rose so much! That's what she said. Though I'll admit he's hotter to me as Jim than John.
42. Justin Timberlake
I adoooore him. I love that he saved Saturday Night Live when he hosted. He's just a great entertainer.
41. TR Knight
Sooooo adorable. Woooorst photo.
40. Robert Pattinson
Yeah, he's pretty. You still can't make me care about Twilight though. Not sure if I ever mentioned it here, but I tried to read the book once, figuring it'd at least be bad in a funny way. Oh dear lord, no. It was just boring as all hell. Not that any of this is his fault or anything, I just don't wanna see the movie.
39. Barack Obama
!!!!!! roflcopter!!!! I love him beyond words though, and he's certainly a handsome fellow.
38. Russell Tovey
37. David Tennant
Oh... this guy. He's pretty cute.
36. Robert Gant
Who? Cute photo. Is he on Queer as Folk?
35. Tom Welling
Is he on... like... Supernatural or something like that? He's cute.
34. Matthew Rhys
I know I've heard of him but I don't know where. He's cute too.
33. Randy Harrison
Don't know him and, based on this photo, he's not my type at all.
32. Daniel Craig
His face is still a little rough, but those eyes? That body? YES.
31. Milo Ventimiglia
He's hot, but I've heard that story where he was apparently like beating Alexis Bledel by the side of a road somewhere. ASSHOLE. Do not want.
30. Channing Tatum
29. Johnny Depp
He's hot. We get it. He looks like a drug addict in that photo.
28. Paul Walker
Soooo douchey-hot.
27. James Marsden
ADORABLE. He should be as omnipresent in films in all years as he was in 2007.
26. Chace Crawford
Oh, I saw a picture of him recently where he looked really hot. Don't remember where, though.
25. Chad Allen
24. David Beckham
23. Paul Rudd
DOUBLE YES. These last two are two of my, uh, "five" so to speak, I'm pretty sure. And for totally different reasons!
22. Jake Silbermann
21. Ryan Reynolds
Yeah, he's pretty cute.
20. Van Hansis
WHO? Come on, gays, why have I never heard of some people in your TOP TWENTY?
19. Thore Scholermann
Again, WHO? Oh, he's on some German soap opera. And he's got some serious nipple pokeys in that photo they have up of him.
18. Brad Pitt
Yes, yes, yes. Always, yes. It's Brad Pitt.
17. Jo Weil
WHO?! He doesn't even look all that cute!!!!
16. Adam Lambert
Wow, that's a great photo of him. He actually looks hot as opposed to... like... his "glam" self, which is soooo not my type. So I guess he is hot. Huh. This guy he's making out with here is hotter, though.
15. Matthew Mitcham
WHO?!?!?!?! Oh, he's an openly gay Olympic athlete. Actually, that's really nice.
14. Gareth David-Lloyd
WHO?! I do like that all his names are first names though.
13. Anderson Cooper
I love ACoops. He's mine, okay? And honestly, I'd rather like, snark with him about bad reality TV than make out with him or whatever. Though that stuff wouldn't be bad either...
12. Jared Padalecki
Good photo. 6'4" though?! That's SO TALL!
11. Zac Efron
He's grown on me so much. I don't think he's some lame teen ditz any more. He's adorable and in a subtle way, really sexy. Like, in Hairspray, YES PLEASE.
10. James Franco
LOL @ him going from 99 last year to 10 this year, probably just because of Milk. Yeah, he's hot and really talented.
9. Gale Harold
WHO?! Is Queer as Folk still on?!?!?!
8. Hugh Jackman
7. Cheyenne Jackson
Please see #8. Droooool
6. Chris Evans
Please see #7. Drooool
5. Jensen Ackles
These people really like Supernatural.
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
What?! Not #1?! I'm SHOCKED! Oh well, he's still scaldingly hot. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, but... it's SO VERY TRUE. I can't believe he's gonna be in a friggin' Prince of Persia movie, though!!!
3. Luke MacFarlaine
WHO?!?!??! Oh, he's in Brothers and Sisters. They really like that show, too. And he's pretty.
2. John Barrowman
1. Neil Patrick Harris
FLAWLESS. Hot, no, not all that much, but perhaps the most amazing person ever.
100. Tahmoh Penikett
Who? Get used to seeing this comment a lot.
99. Wilson Cruz
98. Kris Allen
I believe he's an American Idol finalist, no? Cute as all hell, really. But... I don't care about American Idol. Says the girl who watches America's Next Top Model pretty religiously...
97. Jason Mraz
He's so awkward and not in a good way. He's kind of cute but... I don't know.
96. James Sutton
Who? Hot but kind of young-looking.
95. Ashton Kutcher
I really adore him. I think he's so cute and I love his lame camera commercials. I also love that he's all about Twitter or whatever. Adorkable.
94. Zachary Quinto
TERRIBLE photo of him but yeah, he's pretty damn hot
93. Misha Collins
Who? He's kinda... boyish.
92. Brad Rowe
Who? Oddly enough, in that one photo they have of him, he looks like (an uglier) Brad Pitt.
91. Ryan Phillippe
Why'd he fall down on the list so much? God, he's GORGE. Kinda skeevy, but gorge.
90. Ronnie Kroell
RONNIE! Heh, last year I had no idea who he was. He was like my favorite last season on Make Me a Supermodel now that I've caught up with S1 on YouTube, other than Shannon. He's really cute and he's such an awesome, mature guy. He deserves so much better than Ben, psht. Hah.
89. Justin Hartley
Who? The name sounds familiar, but I don't know how... That is NOT a flattering photo.
88. Emile Hirsch
He's really cute but that's a pretty appalling photo.
87. Trevor Wright
Who? But cute.
86. Patrick Wilson
Loooove him. Where has he been?
85. Nathan Fillion
84. Matt Damon
DOUBLE YES. TERRIBLE photo of him, though!!
83. Jared Leto
He does nothing for me except in very rare occasions. Fortunately, that photo they have of him is one of these occasions. Drool.
82. Dustin Lance Black
Oh, AfterElton does this a lot, they just pick a gay guy who's out and not necessarily all that hot. I remember thinking he was kinda cute, but not much more.
81. Ben McKenzie
Yeaaaaahhh. That's a bad picture, though, he looks soooo bloated.
80. Ian Somerhalder
He's really beautiful but he can be a little too feminine for me. Great photo.
79. Simon Baker
I'm still scarred by how awful he was in The Devil Wears Prada. And he gives off a douchey air.
78. Orlando Bloom
77. Jude Law
75. Eric Dane
Okay. Pretty hot, but I don't get all excited about him or whatever.
74. Chris Pine
YES PLEASE. Though in reading magazine interviews with him, he seems like a douche, and I'm sorry, I'll just never be interested in seeing Star Trek.
74. Dave Annable
He's on Brothers & Sisters, right? HOT.
73. George Clooney
Always flawless.
72. Clive Owen
I don't quite have the love for him that I once did, but YES, of course! But GOD I hate that photo, he looks like an axe murderer.
71. Gerard Butler
Yum. He's like a less-axe-murder-y Clive.
70. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Again, YES PLEASE. He's like Javier Bardem without the No Country for Old Men leftover skeeviness.
69. Hayden Christensen
I've been rooting for this guy for a while. I think he's so cute and he's as good in Shattered Glass as he is bad in Star Wars. Bad photo though. Makes me feel like a perv because he looks so young in it.
68. Eddie Cibrian
Sooooooooooo stunningly hot. Sooooooooooo. He's got an ass that goes on for days, too. ...Told you I was basically a gay man at heart.
67. Mario Lopez
Too douchey.
66. Colin Farrell
Doesn't really do it for me. My best friend is OBSESSED with him, so he can have him, hah.
65. Ryan Gosling
That's a truly terrible photo of him that makes me forget how actually attractive he can be. Yikes.
64. Ben Cohen
Who is he? Who cares, with that photo they have up of him?
63. Matthew Fox
I still can't bring myself to care about Lost, but GOD he's hot.
62. Nick Adams
61. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
He's SO CUTE, but... WORST PHOTO EVER!!!!!!!!
60. Lee Pace
He's adorable. I see whiny Pushing Daisies fans have been taken over by whiny Chuck fans, so the mere mention of that show doesn't annoy me so much any more.
59. Gael Garcia Bernal
Still think he's fuggo.
58. Jamie Bamber
YES. I have been tempted to watch Battlestar Galactica for that towel scene alone, I'll have you know.
57. James McAvoy
Still overrated. Still hot as all hell.
56. Christian Bale
OH YES. Any time. Even if he yelled "IT'S FUCKING DISTRACTING, OHHHH GOOOOOD" at me at the same time. In fact... ESPECIALLY then.
55. Jensen Atwood
54. Jason Statham
He's pretty hot, yeah. He was in Crank 2, right? That looks DELIGHTFULLY retarded.
53. Mitch Hewer
52. Chris Meloni
Ugh, GORGEOUS. I love that he's a classically trained comedic actor, too.
51. Taye Diggs
So beautiful. I love that he seems like a really sweet, happy person too.
50. Wentworth Miller
YES. What is with all these AWFUL photos, though?
49. Henry Cavill
OH YEAH. My mom watches The Tudors and I see it sometimes and... just... YESSSS. And it's actually a good photo, too!
48. Ewan McGregor
Who wouldn't adore him?
47. David Boreanaz
I've seen Bones here and there, and he's pretty hot. Not like OMG MUST HAVE YOU NOW hot, but hot.
46. Daniel Leary
45. Darryl Stephens
44. Jonathan Rhys-Myers
YEAH. The Tudors is just an orgy of hotness to be honest.
43. John Krasinski
ALWAYS YES. I'm pleased he rose so much! That's what she said. Though I'll admit he's hotter to me as Jim than John.
42. Justin Timberlake
I adoooore him. I love that he saved Saturday Night Live when he hosted. He's just a great entertainer.
41. TR Knight
Sooooo adorable. Woooorst photo.
40. Robert Pattinson
Yeah, he's pretty. You still can't make me care about Twilight though. Not sure if I ever mentioned it here, but I tried to read the book once, figuring it'd at least be bad in a funny way. Oh dear lord, no. It was just boring as all hell. Not that any of this is his fault or anything, I just don't wanna see the movie.
39. Barack Obama
!!!!!! roflcopter!!!! I love him beyond words though, and he's certainly a handsome fellow.
38. Russell Tovey
37. David Tennant
Oh... this guy. He's pretty cute.
36. Robert Gant
Who? Cute photo. Is he on Queer as Folk?
35. Tom Welling
Is he on... like... Supernatural or something like that? He's cute.
34. Matthew Rhys
I know I've heard of him but I don't know where. He's cute too.
33. Randy Harrison
Don't know him and, based on this photo, he's not my type at all.
32. Daniel Craig
His face is still a little rough, but those eyes? That body? YES.
31. Milo Ventimiglia
He's hot, but I've heard that story where he was apparently like beating Alexis Bledel by the side of a road somewhere. ASSHOLE. Do not want.
30. Channing Tatum
29. Johnny Depp
He's hot. We get it. He looks like a drug addict in that photo.
28. Paul Walker
Soooo douchey-hot.
27. James Marsden
ADORABLE. He should be as omnipresent in films in all years as he was in 2007.
26. Chace Crawford
Oh, I saw a picture of him recently where he looked really hot. Don't remember where, though.
25. Chad Allen
24. David Beckham
23. Paul Rudd
DOUBLE YES. These last two are two of my, uh, "five" so to speak, I'm pretty sure. And for totally different reasons!
22. Jake Silbermann
21. Ryan Reynolds
Yeah, he's pretty cute.
20. Van Hansis
WHO? Come on, gays, why have I never heard of some people in your TOP TWENTY?
19. Thore Scholermann
Again, WHO? Oh, he's on some German soap opera. And he's got some serious nipple pokeys in that photo they have up of him.
18. Brad Pitt
Yes, yes, yes. Always, yes. It's Brad Pitt.
17. Jo Weil
WHO?! He doesn't even look all that cute!!!!
16. Adam Lambert
Wow, that's a great photo of him. He actually looks hot as opposed to... like... his "glam" self, which is soooo not my type. So I guess he is hot. Huh. This guy he's making out with here is hotter, though.
15. Matthew Mitcham
WHO?!?!?!?! Oh, he's an openly gay Olympic athlete. Actually, that's really nice.
14. Gareth David-Lloyd
WHO?! I do like that all his names are first names though.
13. Anderson Cooper
I love ACoops. He's mine, okay? And honestly, I'd rather like, snark with him about bad reality TV than make out with him or whatever. Though that stuff wouldn't be bad either...
12. Jared Padalecki
Good photo. 6'4" though?! That's SO TALL!
11. Zac Efron
He's grown on me so much. I don't think he's some lame teen ditz any more. He's adorable and in a subtle way, really sexy. Like, in Hairspray, YES PLEASE.
10. James Franco
LOL @ him going from 99 last year to 10 this year, probably just because of Milk. Yeah, he's hot and really talented.
9. Gale Harold
WHO?! Is Queer as Folk still on?!?!?!
8. Hugh Jackman
7. Cheyenne Jackson
Please see #8. Droooool
6. Chris Evans
Please see #7. Drooool
5. Jensen Ackles
These people really like Supernatural.
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
What?! Not #1?! I'm SHOCKED! Oh well, he's still scaldingly hot. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, but... it's SO VERY TRUE. I can't believe he's gonna be in a friggin' Prince of Persia movie, though!!!
3. Luke MacFarlaine
WHO?!?!??! Oh, he's in Brothers and Sisters. They really like that show, too. And he's pretty.
2. John Barrowman
1. Neil Patrick Harris
FLAWLESS. Hot, no, not all that much, but perhaps the most amazing person ever.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I'm a graduate, y'all!
Holy crap. o_O
Also, I'll be back posting later! Woo! AfterElton published their top 100 hot guy list, so I get to tear it apart/drool over it, YAAAY :D
Plus there's always Office S5 episode ranking!
Also, I'll be back posting later! Woo! AfterElton published their top 100 hot guy list, so I get to tear it apart/drool over it, YAAAY :D
Plus there's always Office S5 episode ranking!
Friday, May 15, 2009
oh and if you couldn't tell...
this was basically my reaction to the finale:
BOOYAH! I kind of love Erin a lot, guys.
if you told me, after "Goodbye Toby," that at this time next year not only would Jim and Pam be engaged but Pam would be TOTES KNOCKED UP, I do not think I would have believed you, such was the loop that that episode threw me for. But now? :D :D :D
BOOYAH! I kind of love Erin a lot, guys.
if you told me, after "Goodbye Toby," that at this time next year not only would Jim and Pam be engaged but Pam would be TOTES KNOCKED UP, I do not think I would have believed you, such was the loop that that episode threw me for. But now? :D :D :D
"send in the subs!"
More/coherence later
More/coherence later
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Oh, and since ANTM's finale is tonight...
I haven't been reading spoilers, but I figure I may as well predict the call-outs for bragging rights:
Final 3
1. Allison
2/BOTTOM 2. Teyona
3/OUT. Aminat
Teyona will win, as has been extremely obvious since Week 3.
Final 3
1. Allison
2/BOTTOM 2. Teyona
3/OUT. Aminat
Teyona will win, as has been extremely obvious since Week 3.
Monday, May 11, 2009
These past few weeks of ANTM...
ANTM first. I'll get to MMaS tomorrow.
Beach Scenes
1. Teyona
All the photos this week were flawed in some way (much like last season’s swimsuit photos… girls, is it really so hard to just STAND THERE and be pretty?!), but this is the least flawed of all. And it’s pretty darn good overall. She really captured a kinda sexy mood, even if her body proportions look rather off. And her face is kind of all jaw and chin. But anyway… I dunno. In a way, it reminds me of her light photo, which I still love. It’s effortless, but she still looks like a beautiful model.
2. Celia
I dunno, I go back and forth between this photo and Allison’s. I think I have to give the #2 to Celia and the #3 to Allison because Celia shows off the outfit better, plus Celia’s body looks insane, even in that INCREDIBLY tiny bikini. I love how much she stands out too. Unfortunately, the reason I don’t like it as much as I could have is from the shoulders up. That pose with her arms is so weird (and the arm on the left looks super short)… why is she choking herself? Worst of all, though, her face just looks simply awful. I don’t like that part of the photo at all. But still, I think it’s good.
3. Allison
If this photo wasn’t so damn far away, I think I would have liked it more. As is, it’s not bad, but my main flaw that’s something she could have helped is the fact that I can barely see the swimsuit. Honestly, you can basically only see her ass and her face, and I wish she wasn’t blocking so much of her body… but it’s still a good shot. She looks cute, she stands out (Nigel got a lot of flack for this photo, but I kinda like it… everything kind of points to the off-center Allison), and I love her eyes and the subtle sexiness. Random, but I also like how she shows off the shoes.
4. Aminat
Not bad, not great. She looks really beautiful, and I love her face. I know she’s done that angle like 80000 times, but what can you say, it looks good. The suit looks great against her skin, which looks marvelous. That said, I think her pose is really bad, it looks like she’s going to collapse and she’s angled herself so she looks thicker than she really is. Oh, and not for anything, but it looks like she’s pooping her hand. I think that's my biggest problem.
5. Fo
Oh dear Jesus, where to start. I love Fo, but this photo is beyond horrendous. I mean, you can tell she was trying to do something interesting with her body, but she really, as much as I adore her, never learned how not to look extremely short and, in this case, hunched over like Gollum. Her legs look about 4 inches long. Her face looks freakishly enormous and it’s a terrible angle and expression. And honestly, what the hell is wrong with her ARMS?! Fo was my ideal winner but seeing how hard she bit it in Brazil (that last picture wasn’t anything to write home about either), I think I’m gonna have to change that. Sigh.
Exotic Birds
1. Allison
UNREAL. The other three, yes, including Celia’s, are so far below this it’s not even funny. This photo is just SIIIIICK. Best of the cycle and one of the best of all time. I love how editorial and graceful this photo is, and the way her face looks. She looks so tiny in the photo, but I adore the way she still manages to stand out. She looks really primal, too. Ugh… it’s really flawless. I can’t even talk about how good it is any more. Every time I look at it, it just grows on me all the more.
2. Celia
Can’t really touch Allison’s, and it’s not as good as so many were saying… but it’s still quite good. I love from her neck to her waist, but her legs seem to weirdly disappear into stumps. And, as ever, I don’t really like her face. She looks like she wants to devour my soul. Love the intensity in her eyes, but it’s too much with that mouth. I see a fierce beast… not a bird at all. But honestly, she just looks like a model here, and it’s a good photo.
3. Aminat
Not bad, just not as good as the other two. Honestly, Allison’s just in another stratosphere and then the other three might as well have been tied. I love her pose, I think she really stands out, but unfortunately she’s missing an arm. Her face looks kind of… odd, I dunno. It looks like she’s squinting weirdly, or cock-eyed, and there’s just something weird with the angle… I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s not great. Still, this picture is honestly one of the better ones in Aminat’s portfolio. I love the longing attitude in it.
4. Teyona
First things first… how’d she end up in a NEST when she was posing in a TREE? Thanks Photoshop… but anyway, this photo honestly isn’t bad. It’s just the “worst” of the four. I almost put her above Aminat, but I see a lot more movement and energy in Aminat’s, so that gave her the slight advantage. I think Teyona looks really beautiful and there’s a lot of serenity in her pose, but I don’t see the grace of a bird there or anything, and like I said, the pose is slightly boring. Still, this isn’t bad, not at all. The last time all the shots in the F4 were this good was the all-holy Cycle 6 (Cycle 7 had Eugena with a terrible photo, Cycle 8 Natasha, Cycle 9 Bianca… well I guess that wasn’t SO terrible, Cycle 10 Dominique, Cycle 11 McKey, MCKEY'S WINDMILL PHOTO HATE).
Pre-finale call-outs:
1. Allison 6/1/8/2/5/1/3/1/3/1 = 3.1
2. Teyona 5/2/10/1/3/4/5/2/1/4 = 3.7
3. Fo 2/5/1/10/2/5/2/4/5 = 4
4. Natalie 4/3/4/4/8/6/1/3 = 4.13
5. Celia 8/4/5/9/4/2/4/6/2/2 = 4.6
6. London 1/9/3/6/7/8/6 = 5.71
7. Nijah 3/8/7 = 6
8. Aminat 10/11/6/3/6/7/7/5/4/3 = 6.2
9. Tahlia 9/12/9/5/1/3 = 6.5
10. Sandra 12/6/2/7/9 = 7.2
11. Kortnie 7/7/11/8 = 8.25
12. Jessica 11/10 = 10.5
13. Isabella 13 = 13
LOL, poor Aminat. And TEAM ALLI-TEYO!
MMaS is coming later. Os juro.
Beach Scenes
1. Teyona
All the photos this week were flawed in some way (much like last season’s swimsuit photos… girls, is it really so hard to just STAND THERE and be pretty?!), but this is the least flawed of all. And it’s pretty darn good overall. She really captured a kinda sexy mood, even if her body proportions look rather off. And her face is kind of all jaw and chin. But anyway… I dunno. In a way, it reminds me of her light photo, which I still love. It’s effortless, but she still looks like a beautiful model.
2. Celia
I dunno, I go back and forth between this photo and Allison’s. I think I have to give the #2 to Celia and the #3 to Allison because Celia shows off the outfit better, plus Celia’s body looks insane, even in that INCREDIBLY tiny bikini. I love how much she stands out too. Unfortunately, the reason I don’t like it as much as I could have is from the shoulders up. That pose with her arms is so weird (and the arm on the left looks super short)… why is she choking herself? Worst of all, though, her face just looks simply awful. I don’t like that part of the photo at all. But still, I think it’s good.
3. Allison
If this photo wasn’t so damn far away, I think I would have liked it more. As is, it’s not bad, but my main flaw that’s something she could have helped is the fact that I can barely see the swimsuit. Honestly, you can basically only see her ass and her face, and I wish she wasn’t blocking so much of her body… but it’s still a good shot. She looks cute, she stands out (Nigel got a lot of flack for this photo, but I kinda like it… everything kind of points to the off-center Allison), and I love her eyes and the subtle sexiness. Random, but I also like how she shows off the shoes.
4. Aminat
Not bad, not great. She looks really beautiful, and I love her face. I know she’s done that angle like 80000 times, but what can you say, it looks good. The suit looks great against her skin, which looks marvelous. That said, I think her pose is really bad, it looks like she’s going to collapse and she’s angled herself so she looks thicker than she really is. Oh, and not for anything, but it looks like she’s pooping her hand. I think that's my biggest problem.
5. Fo
Oh dear Jesus, where to start. I love Fo, but this photo is beyond horrendous. I mean, you can tell she was trying to do something interesting with her body, but she really, as much as I adore her, never learned how not to look extremely short and, in this case, hunched over like Gollum. Her legs look about 4 inches long. Her face looks freakishly enormous and it’s a terrible angle and expression. And honestly, what the hell is wrong with her ARMS?! Fo was my ideal winner but seeing how hard she bit it in Brazil (that last picture wasn’t anything to write home about either), I think I’m gonna have to change that. Sigh.
Exotic Birds
1. Allison
UNREAL. The other three, yes, including Celia’s, are so far below this it’s not even funny. This photo is just SIIIIICK. Best of the cycle and one of the best of all time. I love how editorial and graceful this photo is, and the way her face looks. She looks so tiny in the photo, but I adore the way she still manages to stand out. She looks really primal, too. Ugh… it’s really flawless. I can’t even talk about how good it is any more. Every time I look at it, it just grows on me all the more.
2. Celia
Can’t really touch Allison’s, and it’s not as good as so many were saying… but it’s still quite good. I love from her neck to her waist, but her legs seem to weirdly disappear into stumps. And, as ever, I don’t really like her face. She looks like she wants to devour my soul. Love the intensity in her eyes, but it’s too much with that mouth. I see a fierce beast… not a bird at all. But honestly, she just looks like a model here, and it’s a good photo.
3. Aminat
Not bad, just not as good as the other two. Honestly, Allison’s just in another stratosphere and then the other three might as well have been tied. I love her pose, I think she really stands out, but unfortunately she’s missing an arm. Her face looks kind of… odd, I dunno. It looks like she’s squinting weirdly, or cock-eyed, and there’s just something weird with the angle… I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s not great. Still, this picture is honestly one of the better ones in Aminat’s portfolio. I love the longing attitude in it.
4. Teyona
First things first… how’d she end up in a NEST when she was posing in a TREE? Thanks Photoshop… but anyway, this photo honestly isn’t bad. It’s just the “worst” of the four. I almost put her above Aminat, but I see a lot more movement and energy in Aminat’s, so that gave her the slight advantage. I think Teyona looks really beautiful and there’s a lot of serenity in her pose, but I don’t see the grace of a bird there or anything, and like I said, the pose is slightly boring. Still, this isn’t bad, not at all. The last time all the shots in the F4 were this good was the all-holy Cycle 6 (Cycle 7 had Eugena with a terrible photo, Cycle 8 Natasha, Cycle 9 Bianca… well I guess that wasn’t SO terrible, Cycle 10 Dominique, Cycle 11 McKey, MCKEY'S WINDMILL PHOTO HATE).
Pre-finale call-outs:
1. Allison 6/1/8/2/5/1/3/1/3/1 = 3.1
2. Teyona 5/2/10/1/3/4/5/2/1/4 = 3.7
3. Fo 2/5/1/10/2/5/2/4/5 = 4
4. Natalie 4/3/4/4/8/6/1/3 = 4.13
5. Celia 8/4/5/9/4/2/4/6/2/2 = 4.6
6. London 1/9/3/6/7/8/6 = 5.71
7. Nijah 3/8/7 = 6
8. Aminat 10/11/6/3/6/7/7/5/4/3 = 6.2
9. Tahlia 9/12/9/5/1/3 = 6.5
10. Sandra 12/6/2/7/9 = 7.2
11. Kortnie 7/7/11/8 = 8.25
12. Jessica 11/10 = 10.5
13. Isabella 13 = 13
LOL, poor Aminat. And TEAM ALLI-TEYO!
MMaS is coming later. Os juro.
I'm really excited. Apparently there's some shocking twist... I can't even imagine what it is though.
Charles GTFO. Seriously!!! I hope the twist is that he falls into a fire. Errr... he can be okay at the beginning of next season, but he'll have no idea of what the heck happened to him or who he is.
Jim and Pam are still adorkable.
Kevin's volleyball skills are not unlike mine, haha.
Poor Michael :( Does he say "let's go rehearse" to Holly? Rehearse what, I wonder...?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Okay, Kristin Wiig.
I like you more now, since I read in People magazine that you have a "comedy acting crush" on Bill Murray.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
since I'm clearly not gonna get to talk about the last few MMaSes...
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Because it's actually in a promo, I'm not so sure if it will actually happen, but excuse my little shipper heart, AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 01, 2009
Well the MMaS final 4 leaked...
Here you go. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Branden, Jonathan, Mountaha, and Sandhurst. NO JORDAN ZOMG YES!
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