Aw! Remember Week 1? Branden was homophobic, Jonathan had long hair, and Sandhurst was flawless. Well, one of those things hasn't changed...
+3 for 1st place
+2 for 2nd place
+1 for 3rd place
Of course, it's not a perfect system because there are some weeks where all three of the guys did absolutely amazing, and there are some weeks when one of them did way worse than the rest, but you know.
Suspended lingerie
1. Sandhurst 3
2. Branden 2
3. Jonathan 1
Sandhurst sooooo did the best, and Mountaha totally ruined that photo for him. Branden's is fine but too generic/frat boy, and Jonathan looks really stiff.
Week 1 runway
1. Sandhurst 6
2. Jonathan 3
3. Branden 3
Sandhurst had the best walk this week. It was incredibly strong and confident. Jonathan was great, too. Branden SUCKED. He was the worst walk of the week.
1. Sandhurst 9
2. Jonathan 5
3. Branden 4
Sandhurst's is soooo gorgeous. Jonathan's is great too, and I love how he plays with the whole... stop sign idea. Branden's is fine, but I never got the fuss about it at all. He looks kinda dead TBH.
Candy pairs runway
1. Jonathan 8
2. Sandhurst 10
3. Branden 5
All three of them did just fantastic. But Jonathan's had that extra, "WOW! DAMN!" factor. I think Branden can owe a lot of his good walk to Sandhurst's creativity, plus lighting a fire under his ass.
1. Branden 8
2. Jonathan 10
3. Sandhurst 11
Branden's is GREAT. Jonathan's is hot, but kind of ridiculous. Albeit, it was pretty good for the shoot. Sandhurst just looks kinda silly.
Athletic runway
1. Jonathan 13
2. Sandhurst 13
3. Branden 9
Jonathan's was HOTTTT. HOTTTT. Sandhurst's was beautiful, if too dancer-y. Branden's was lame.
Mirrored emotions
1. Branden 12
2. Jonathan 15
3. Sandhurst 14
Branden just did amazing. It's not so much of an emotional shot, but it's just an amazing photo. Jonathan's is fine, but there's something weird/off in those eyes. Sandhurst... NO.
"Beautiful freaks" runway
1. Sandhurst 17
2. Jonathan 17
3. Branden 13
Considering how marvelously retarded this runway was, they all actually did pretty well. Sandhurst really took it to another level, though. I think he's the only one that nailed it. I loved the fashion-y elements of Jonathan, and Branden did fine but didn't look comfortable in all that makeup and the weird get-up.
Sexy sailors
1. Jonathan 20
2. Branden 15
3. Sandhurst 18
Jonathan's is SEXY. HOT. Etc. The other two are lackluster. Branden's just staring there and his body looks really weird. Sandhurst's would be great if not for the weird sucking on Mountaha's thigh.
"Gender bending" runway
1. Sandhurst 21
2. Jonathan 22
3. Branden 16
Sandhurst looked like such a natural on the runway and he was so strong. Jonathan did really well, too. Loved his masculinity. Branden was just kind of awkward, uncomfortable, and hulky.
1. Sandhurst 24
2. Jonathan 24
3. Branden 17
Sandhurst's is great. I love the energy... while it's still controlled. Jonathan's is kind of ridiculous, but I see what he was going for. Branden's is AWFUL.
Elemental runway
1. Sandhurst 27
2. Jonathan 26
3. Branden 19
Sandhurst did amazingly. His walk was beyond classy, to be honest. Jonathan did fine, but he was so stiff! Branden just did awful. He did that Gabe thing where he's such a handsome guy, but he screwed up his face so he looked God awful, plus he's always been an awkward walker.
'60s photoshoot
1. Jonathan 29
2. Branden 21
3. Sandhurst 28
Jonathan did great, but he looks slightly old. Brandhurst's photo is BAD.
Improv runway
1. Jonathan 32
2. Branden 23
3. Sandhurst 29
Jonathan (and Jordan) nailed it. Branden was kind of blah and Sandhurst clearly smoked A WHOLE LOT OF CRACK before doing this runway. I have seriously watched that runway about 30 times on YouTube, and I laugh EVERY TIME. It's second funniest to Shawn's beautiful freak runway...
1. Jonathan 35
2. Sandhurst 31
3. Branden 24
No competition. Jonathan BLEW ME AWAY with this photo. Soooo fucking hot. GIVE YOUR LOVE TO A COWBOY MAN! (If you're in the mood to watch something as gay as Make Me a Supermodel.) Sandhurst did pretty well, and that's not an easy angle to look good at at all... but there's no way that's half as good as Jonathan's. Branden looks like a frat boy yokel.
Countryside runway
1. Jonathan 38
2. Sandhurst 34
3. Branden 25
Eh. This runway was really all about Mountaha and Salome, but Jonathan just looked so... natural.
1. Branden 28
2. Sandhurst 36
3. Jonathan 39
All three of them did amazingly. Branden may have lucked into it, but WOW that was some luck. Sandhurst's is iconic, damn. Jonathan's is great too, but the styling might be helping him there. All three of these are in my top ten photos of the season, by the way.
Butterfly runway
1. Sandhurst 39
2. Jonathan 41
3. Branden 29
Sandhurst and Mountaha were the only ones who fully succeeded here. Jonathan was a little hulky, but those clothes looked great on him and he looked so soft and young, it was pretty amazing. Branden sucked.
1. Sandhurst 42
2. Branden 30
3. Jonathan 42
Sandhurst had the best solo shot, Branden had great energy but I don't like his solo shot much, and Jonathan... we all know what happened to Jonathan here.
Heelys runway
1. Jonathan 45
2. Sandhurst 44
3. Branden 31
All three did pretty well, but Jonathan and Sandhurst brought it to another level. Branden just kinda... was there.
1. Branden 34
2. Sandhurst 45
3. Jonathan 46
I don't like any of these, and I wish Branden would change his face, but it's the best... I guess. Nice schlong. I don't think Sandhurst's is that bad at all. I love the urgency. My only issue with it is the gap in his teeth. Jonathan's is ridiculous but he still looks hot, and it's the choice of photo and he did well overall.
Gothic/glam runway
1. Branden 37
2. Jonathan 48
3. Sandhurst 46
Branden really blew me away here. His walk was super strong. Jonathan did well too. Sandhurst didn't do badly, but he looked slightly uncomfortable, which he never has before.
1. Sandhurst 49
2. Jonathan 50
3. Branden 38
Sandhurst murdered it. I've heard a LOT of criticism of this photo (coughbyjealousandobsessiveMountahafanscough), but they're really wrong. He doesn't look crazy at all... partially because of the styling, but partially because, if you look at that face in close-up, there's so much CONTROL there, minus the one popped eyelid. Plus, he's the only one that gave the photographer any sort of usable variation. Jonathan's is fine and "fashion," but not, you know, exciting. Branden looks DUMB.
Suit runway
1. Jonathan 51
2. Sandhurst 51
3. Branden 39
All three did really well, but had flaws. Jonathan still has his elbows out, Sandhurst's was a little... generic-ish (though still strong and classy), and Branden's was still slightly stiff. All three of them did about ten times better than Mountaha, though.
As you can see, Jonathan and Sandhurst are actually tied. They've both done amazingly throughout the season, though both have had their stumbling blocks.
I've come to love Branden (haha, remember when I did my original predictions after Episode 1 and I said he was a homophobic tool who wasn't long for the show? D'oh! I DID call five of the top six, though, so yay?), but I don't think he's been half as good as the other two, and I'll be slightly disappointed if he wins unless he kills it in the last week. He definitely has the most high fashion potential, so he'll have a career no matter what, but if they were going to award on potential, they should just have crowned Colin the winner at casting and not bothered to have a whole damn season. His walk has drastically improved these last two weeks, but it's still awkward, and I've heard all this "OMG HIS PHOTOS ARE SO AMAZING" but he has probably as many stumbles in his portfolio as the other two.
Jonathan... I hear this whole "OMG HE'S NOT A MODEL!" thing on all kinds of forums. Wha? Yeah, he's not a high fashion, European market model. However, you wanna stick him up on a billboard like those really, really LOVELY David Beckham Armani ads? PERFECT. Tyson Beckford is more or less flawless, but he ain't high fashion either. However, he is more or less the definition of a supermodel: someone who moves from campaign to campaign and is known by so many people, even those who don't know a damn thing about fashion or modeling. That's really impressive, considering he's a. a guy and b. black, which makes it unbelievably difficult to make it in the industry.
My heart has been withColin Sandhurst since the beginning, though. I called him as the winner pre-show, and he's only grown on me. He has a few clunker photos in his portfolio, but overall, he brings a real creativity and thoughtfulness - without getting all caught up in his head - to set, and many of his photos are fantastic. He's always killed it on the runway, and again, he is not only good, but creative. He has many limitations in the industry - his skin color, his height, his "thundah, thundah, thundah thighs" - but he has performed wonderfully this entire competition, and improved on things the judges told him to (looking too dancer-y, having an "accountant face"). Sandhurst FTW!
+2 for 2nd place
+1 for 3rd place
Of course, it's not a perfect system because there are some weeks where all three of the guys did absolutely amazing, and there are some weeks when one of them did way worse than the rest, but you know.
Suspended lingerie
1. Sandhurst 3
2. Branden 2
3. Jonathan 1
Sandhurst sooooo did the best, and Mountaha totally ruined that photo for him. Branden's is fine but too generic/frat boy, and Jonathan looks really stiff.
Week 1 runway
1. Sandhurst 6
2. Jonathan 3
3. Branden 3
Sandhurst had the best walk this week. It was incredibly strong and confident. Jonathan was great, too. Branden SUCKED. He was the worst walk of the week.
1. Sandhurst 9
2. Jonathan 5
3. Branden 4
Sandhurst's is soooo gorgeous. Jonathan's is great too, and I love how he plays with the whole... stop sign idea. Branden's is fine, but I never got the fuss about it at all. He looks kinda dead TBH.
Candy pairs runway
1. Jonathan 8
2. Sandhurst 10
3. Branden 5
All three of them did just fantastic. But Jonathan's had that extra, "WOW! DAMN!" factor. I think Branden can owe a lot of his good walk to Sandhurst's creativity, plus lighting a fire under his ass.
1. Branden 8
2. Jonathan 10
3. Sandhurst 11
Branden's is GREAT. Jonathan's is hot, but kind of ridiculous. Albeit, it was pretty good for the shoot. Sandhurst just looks kinda silly.
Athletic runway
1. Jonathan 13
2. Sandhurst 13
3. Branden 9
Jonathan's was HOTTTT. HOTTTT. Sandhurst's was beautiful, if too dancer-y. Branden's was lame.
Mirrored emotions
1. Branden 12
2. Jonathan 15
3. Sandhurst 14
Branden just did amazing. It's not so much of an emotional shot, but it's just an amazing photo. Jonathan's is fine, but there's something weird/off in those eyes. Sandhurst... NO.
"Beautiful freaks" runway
1. Sandhurst 17
2. Jonathan 17
3. Branden 13
Considering how marvelously retarded this runway was, they all actually did pretty well. Sandhurst really took it to another level, though. I think he's the only one that nailed it. I loved the fashion-y elements of Jonathan, and Branden did fine but didn't look comfortable in all that makeup and the weird get-up.
Sexy sailors
1. Jonathan 20
2. Branden 15
3. Sandhurst 18
Jonathan's is SEXY. HOT. Etc. The other two are lackluster. Branden's just staring there and his body looks really weird. Sandhurst's would be great if not for the weird sucking on Mountaha's thigh.
"Gender bending" runway
1. Sandhurst 21
2. Jonathan 22
3. Branden 16
Sandhurst looked like such a natural on the runway and he was so strong. Jonathan did really well, too. Loved his masculinity. Branden was just kind of awkward, uncomfortable, and hulky.
1. Sandhurst 24
2. Jonathan 24
3. Branden 17
Sandhurst's is great. I love the energy... while it's still controlled. Jonathan's is kind of ridiculous, but I see what he was going for. Branden's is AWFUL.
Elemental runway
1. Sandhurst 27
2. Jonathan 26
3. Branden 19
Sandhurst did amazingly. His walk was beyond classy, to be honest. Jonathan did fine, but he was so stiff! Branden just did awful. He did that Gabe thing where he's such a handsome guy, but he screwed up his face so he looked God awful, plus he's always been an awkward walker.
'60s photoshoot
1. Jonathan 29
2. Branden 21
3. Sandhurst 28
Jonathan did great, but he looks slightly old. Brandhurst's photo is BAD.
Improv runway
1. Jonathan 32
2. Branden 23
3. Sandhurst 29
Jonathan (and Jordan) nailed it. Branden was kind of blah and Sandhurst clearly smoked A WHOLE LOT OF CRACK before doing this runway. I have seriously watched that runway about 30 times on YouTube, and I laugh EVERY TIME. It's second funniest to Shawn's beautiful freak runway...
1. Jonathan 35
2. Sandhurst 31
3. Branden 24
No competition. Jonathan BLEW ME AWAY with this photo. Soooo fucking hot. GIVE YOUR LOVE TO A COWBOY MAN! (If you're in the mood to watch something as gay as Make Me a Supermodel.) Sandhurst did pretty well, and that's not an easy angle to look good at at all... but there's no way that's half as good as Jonathan's. Branden looks like a frat boy yokel.
Countryside runway
1. Jonathan 38
2. Sandhurst 34
3. Branden 25
Eh. This runway was really all about Mountaha and Salome, but Jonathan just looked so... natural.
1. Branden 28
2. Sandhurst 36
3. Jonathan 39
All three of them did amazingly. Branden may have lucked into it, but WOW that was some luck. Sandhurst's is iconic, damn. Jonathan's is great too, but the styling might be helping him there. All three of these are in my top ten photos of the season, by the way.
Butterfly runway
1. Sandhurst 39
2. Jonathan 41
3. Branden 29
Sandhurst and Mountaha were the only ones who fully succeeded here. Jonathan was a little hulky, but those clothes looked great on him and he looked so soft and young, it was pretty amazing. Branden sucked.
1. Sandhurst 42
2. Branden 30
3. Jonathan 42
Sandhurst had the best solo shot, Branden had great energy but I don't like his solo shot much, and Jonathan... we all know what happened to Jonathan here.
Heelys runway
1. Jonathan 45
2. Sandhurst 44
3. Branden 31
All three did pretty well, but Jonathan and Sandhurst brought it to another level. Branden just kinda... was there.
1. Branden 34
2. Sandhurst 45
3. Jonathan 46
I don't like any of these, and I wish Branden would change his face, but it's the best... I guess. Nice schlong. I don't think Sandhurst's is that bad at all. I love the urgency. My only issue with it is the gap in his teeth. Jonathan's is ridiculous but he still looks hot, and it's the choice of photo and he did well overall.
Gothic/glam runway
1. Branden 37
2. Jonathan 48
3. Sandhurst 46
Branden really blew me away here. His walk was super strong. Jonathan did well too. Sandhurst didn't do badly, but he looked slightly uncomfortable, which he never has before.
1. Sandhurst 49
2. Jonathan 50
3. Branden 38
Sandhurst murdered it. I've heard a LOT of criticism of this photo (coughbyjealousandobsessiveMountahafanscough), but they're really wrong. He doesn't look crazy at all... partially because of the styling, but partially because, if you look at that face in close-up, there's so much CONTROL there, minus the one popped eyelid. Plus, he's the only one that gave the photographer any sort of usable variation. Jonathan's is fine and "fashion," but not, you know, exciting. Branden looks DUMB.
Suit runway
1. Jonathan 51
2. Sandhurst 51
3. Branden 39
All three did really well, but had flaws. Jonathan still has his elbows out, Sandhurst's was a little... generic-ish (though still strong and classy), and Branden's was still slightly stiff. All three of them did about ten times better than Mountaha, though.
As you can see, Jonathan and Sandhurst are actually tied. They've both done amazingly throughout the season, though both have had their stumbling blocks.
I've come to love Branden (haha, remember when I did my original predictions after Episode 1 and I said he was a homophobic tool who wasn't long for the show? D'oh! I DID call five of the top six, though, so yay?), but I don't think he's been half as good as the other two, and I'll be slightly disappointed if he wins unless he kills it in the last week. He definitely has the most high fashion potential, so he'll have a career no matter what, but if they were going to award on potential, they should just have crowned Colin the winner at casting and not bothered to have a whole damn season. His walk has drastically improved these last two weeks, but it's still awkward, and I've heard all this "OMG HIS PHOTOS ARE SO AMAZING" but he has probably as many stumbles in his portfolio as the other two.
Jonathan... I hear this whole "OMG HE'S NOT A MODEL!" thing on all kinds of forums. Wha? Yeah, he's not a high fashion, European market model. However, you wanna stick him up on a billboard like those really, really LOVELY David Beckham Armani ads? PERFECT. Tyson Beckford is more or less flawless, but he ain't high fashion either. However, he is more or less the definition of a supermodel: someone who moves from campaign to campaign and is known by so many people, even those who don't know a damn thing about fashion or modeling. That's really impressive, considering he's a. a guy and b. black, which makes it unbelievably difficult to make it in the industry.
My heart has been with