Just 'cuz I'm in a Yankee mood.
The story behind this photo, which is a few months old but whatever deal with it y'all: Yankees are playing the Mets in interleague play at Shea Citi Field this year, so they're under National League rules, where there are no designated hitters; instead, the pitchers bat, and the pitchers are almost always really, really terrible at doing so, especially American League pitchers, who aren't used to hitting.
So it's a 3-2 game with the Yankees leading in the top of the 9th, two out and two on. Jeter is... I forget whether he's pinch-hitting or actually in the game or not, because I know he'd sat out some games that weekend because he had a head cold (on his birthday, too! Poor Derek.), but he's up at bat. And Mariano Rivera is due to hit behind him. Now, Mariano Rivera, despite playing for a really long time, still doesn't have all that much experience hitting due to the fact that there really aren't very many interleague games, some of them will be at Yankee Stadium (so AL rules), and he might not even need to pitch those games. I'm pretty sure there's a hilarious video of Melky Cabrera readying Mariano to bat, in which he shows him, like, the wonders of batting helmets and gloves. Awesome.
So with Jeter up and Mariano due to hit behind him, the Yankees put Cervelli, their adorable catcher, in the batting circle, and not Mariano. I think the Mets may have fallen for that truly dumb "let's pretend the pitcher's not batting next!!!" move, because they start actually pitching to Jeter, as opposed to just walking him and then obviously getting Mariano out. And Derek makes this "really? You're pitching to me? Do you know who's up next?" face, which was pretty hysterical, especially considering Jeter is kind of a robot (who I love, but... a robot) and the guy had the flu.
Oh, and Mo? Worked the count to a walk, driving in his first career RBI. In the bottom of the ninth, he'd get his 500th career save. I could devote many, many, many more paragraphs to the awesomeness of Mariano, but this has been long enough already.
That was a lot to explain one picture. BUT WHATEVS I love it.