This was during the game, when Tex and A-Rod scored the runs on Matsui's single that would give them the lead, which they wouldn't relinquish for the rest of the game. And... Mark Teixeira being WAYYY TOO OMG EXCITED!!!! about something? Yeah, how surprising.

Mo is... Mo. ILhim. And he looks so handsome with a hat! And TERRIBLE without one.

This is my favorite photo in a while. Is this guy ever gonna age? And whoah, chicken legs.

Yeah, I might have saved that photo as "hotwetarod," you wanna make something of it?

This might be my favorite picture of the day because everyone else is like "yay champagne fun times!!!" and Tex is drinkin' a beer, y'all. Keepin' it classy.

He is just love.

Who the hell is the guy on the right? And why is Sergio Mitre (that is Sergio Mitre, right?) looking like Zac Efron here?

A Yankee newbie and THE MAN.

Ace is my favorite bullpen member other than Mo, and hip hip JORGE!

This photo is gonna inspire a lot of fanfiction.
Well done, boys. Well done.