Phil: I agree with all of the above. I need a drink, though. Otherwise I might...smile or something. Or take off this jacket, which I don't think I ever do. Don't I look weirdly like Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood in this picture? I don't know why or how. Probably the mustache...
Laura: Teehee. That's so true. I love you, Phil.
Phil: I'm supposed to be all indie and weird and showing love will completely destroy that image, but dammit, Laura, I love you too. Nobody's such a good actor that they can pretend that they don't.
Laura: Somehow, despite being kind of a mess and always playing super-weird characters that make everyone uncomfortable, I find you incredibly charming. I love everything. Weren't we great in The Savages together? Let's cuddle forever.
Phil: Let's.