Best Actor :: Musical / Comedy
and the nominees are

Steve Carell as Dan Burns in Dan in Real Life

Don Cheadle as Petey Greene in Talk to Me

Tom Hanks as Charlie Wilson in Charlie Wilson's War

Philip Seymour Hoffman as Jon Savage in The Savages
(why is it so hard to find a picture of him or Linney by him/herself?)

Sam Riley as Ian Curtis in Control

Seth Rogen as Ben Stone in Knocked Up
and the winner is
Sam Riley
Best Actor :: Drama
and the nominees are

Casey Affleck as Robert Ford in The Assassination of Jesse James...

Christian Bale as Lieutenant Dieter Dengler in Rescue Dawn

Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood

Tommy Lee Jones as Hank Deerfield in In the Valley of Elah

James McAvoy as Robbie Turner in Atonement

Viggo Mortensen as Nikolai in Eastern Promises
and the winner is
and the nominees are
Steve Carell as Dan Burns in Dan in Real Life
Don Cheadle as Petey Greene in Talk to Me
Tom Hanks as Charlie Wilson in Charlie Wilson's War
Philip Seymour Hoffman as Jon Savage in The Savages
(why is it so hard to find a picture of him or Linney by him/herself?)
Sam Riley as Ian Curtis in Control
Seth Rogen as Ben Stone in Knocked Up
and the winner is
Sam Riley
Best Actor :: Drama
and the nominees are
Casey Affleck as Robert Ford in The Assassination of Jesse James...
Christian Bale as Lieutenant Dieter Dengler in Rescue Dawn
Daniel Day-Lewis as Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood
Tommy Lee Jones as Hank Deerfield in In the Valley of Elah
James McAvoy as Robbie Turner in Atonement
Viggo Mortensen as Nikolai in Eastern Promises
and the winner is
My Oscar ballot thing:
Casey Affleck (or if you want to follow the Academy's stupid rules, switch him out for McAvoy)
Christian Bale
* Daniel Day-Lewis *
Tommy Lee Jones
Viggo Mortensen
Of course, many fantastic leading male performances haven't gotten mentioned at all here, so my apologies to: Jude Law in Breaking and Entering, Gordon Pinsent in Away from Her, Brad Pitt in The Assassination..., George Clooney in Michael Clayton, Josh Brolin in No Country for Old Men, Chris Cooper in Breach, Philip Seymour Hoffman in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (quite a year he had, that one), Steve Buscemi in Interview, Ulrich Muhe in The Lives of Others, Gabriel Bryne in Jindabyne, Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild, Casey Affleck in Gone Baby Gone, Russell Crowe in American Gangster, Kurt Russell in Death Proof, and Samuel L. Jackson in Black Snake Moan. *smooches*
Casey Affleck (or if you want to follow the Academy's stupid rules, switch him out for McAvoy)
Christian Bale
* Daniel Day-Lewis *
Tommy Lee Jones
Viggo Mortensen
Of course, many fantastic leading male performances haven't gotten mentioned at all here, so my apologies to: Jude Law in Breaking and Entering, Gordon Pinsent in Away from Her, Brad Pitt in The Assassination..., George Clooney in Michael Clayton, Josh Brolin in No Country for Old Men, Chris Cooper in Breach, Philip Seymour Hoffman in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (quite a year he had, that one), Steve Buscemi in Interview, Ulrich Muhe in The Lives of Others, Gabriel Bryne in Jindabyne, Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild, Casey Affleck in Gone Baby Gone, Russell Crowe in American Gangster, Kurt Russell in Death Proof, and Samuel L. Jackson in Black Snake Moan. *smooches*