But even worse is, during this ~HEATH LEDGER MUST NOT BE SEEN~ version of Ten Things, they had a commercial break... with a Billy Mays commercial. Um.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Oh. Oh... dear.
I'm watching Ten Things I Hate About You on commercial TV or whatever. And... all of Heath Ledger's appearances have been totally edited out of this version. Look, Heath Ledger's death is really sad. It's still kind of hard to watch Brokeback Mountain. But instead of hiding the fact that he was in certain movies (and having them make no gorran sense), shouldn't we celebrate the contributions he made to his art?
But even worse is, during this ~HEATH LEDGER MUST NOT BE SEEN~ version of Ten Things, they had a commercial break... with a Billy Mays commercial. Um.
But even worse is, during this ~HEATH LEDGER MUST NOT BE SEEN~ version of Ten Things, they had a commercial break... with a Billy Mays commercial. Um.
heath ledger,
ten things i hate about you