Clare should have won this ish, but I came to root for Tahnee because the Cassi stans are so fucking annoying. Also, Tahnee is every type of attractive you could want: cute, pretty, just plain gorgeous, smoking hot. It sounds weird saying that, as I'm straight, and I'm pretty sure she's 16, but it's true.
Oh, and the reactions to her win have been predictably hilariously awful (ZOMG FATNEE IS SUCH A FAT WHORE FAT FAT FAT DID I MENTION SHE'S OBESE OH MY GOD SHE'S SO DISGUSTING NOW PARDON ME WHILE I DROWN IN CHEETOS), but... whatever, haters. She's got the title, and the cash, and the prizes, and what have you. I think Demelza last year had a stunning face, but everyone looked the other way when it came to her body. Tahnee is waaaay more gorgeous and has about the same body, but because she's not some bitch, everyone hates her (odd, that).
Go, Tahnee. Prove them haters wrong.
Go, Tahnee. Prove them haters wrong.
And best of luck to the other girls, because they're all amazing. Cassi, if you get off your ass and walk halfway decently, you could be a great international model, but until then, I ain't quite believing your hype 10000%.