Yes, I made that image all by myself, and oh, it took me hours. ;) It's gorgeous, too, I know ;) As always, refer to OfficeTally for spoilers.
From Ausiello, we learn that Ryan will have a brush-in with the law soon, but not for a reason we expect, as in, probably not for his coke issue. I've been offering up this plotline as a joke, like, for a while, but if Ryan did have some sort of fire accident at Corporate with a cheesy pita, it would be hysterical. They're setting Ryan up for a pretty massive fuckin' fall, though... maybe him, Devon, Roy, Hannah, and Martin Nash all get together for a non-productivity-fire-startin'-coke-snortin'-employee-assaultin'-insider-tradin'-feminist-bitchin'-extravapalooza!
But, of course, the bigger news - The Office's pregnancy. Here is the link directly from that site concerning it. Let's read carefully, ya'll:
- "what a storyline it will be... this pregnancy has the potential to change everything" This statement eliminates minor characters. So, probably no Phyllis (who's menopausal) or Meredith (who doesn't have a uterus). I'd say Kelly, too, because she hasn't had all that much screentime since the strike, and Kelly/Darryl has had no screen time. If they want to set up a "Kelly cheated on Darryl with Ryan!!!" story, or something, the writers would have a lot of development to do in the next two episodes (I don't doubt they could do it, but still).
- "hopeless situations that are anchored in deceit and despair" That statement eliminates Pam, plus the big JAM storyline this season is supposed to be either engagement, elopement, or having sex, not pregnancy. Anyway, who does that first quote sound like to you? That's right, the dying star herself, the lovely and possibly insane Miss Jan Levinson. And if anyone could somehow mess up a vasectomy, it would be Michael Scott. I guess they're going to "have a BLEEPing kid" after all!
- It would be very funny if, after a season of trying to hide the fact that Angela Kinsey is pregnant, Angela Martin reveals, in the finale, that she's pregnant! Plus, uptight Christian bitch pregnant out of wedlock? AMAZING. But, I don't think it'll happen.
- So, basically, unless it's something unbelievably fucked-up, ludicrous, twisted, and unrealistic, like, um, I don't know, Andy having Jim's baby, I'm placing my bets on Jan being pregnant with Michael's child. It's a good way to keep Melora on the show. Plus, well, obviously Michael is going to need a LOT of help in raising another human being, but don't you think he'd probably be a better father than he would Regional Manager...? It could be a totally hilarious, but, in the end, totally sweet storyline.
I think TODAY'S :D :D :D (it's past midnight, shhhh) episode is going to put us through the wringer. Pre-finale episodes always do - think "Conflict Resolution" when Jim confesses to Pam that it's him that complained about her organizing her wedding at work, and "Beach Games" with Pam's speech. Oh, lord, am I excited...
From Ausiello, we learn that Ryan will have a brush-in with the law soon, but not for a reason we expect, as in, probably not for his coke issue. I've been offering up this plotline as a joke, like, for a while, but if Ryan did have some sort of fire accident at Corporate with a cheesy pita, it would be hysterical. They're setting Ryan up for a pretty massive fuckin' fall, though... maybe him, Devon, Roy, Hannah, and Martin Nash all get together for a non-productivity-fire-startin'-coke-snortin'-employee-assaultin'-insider-tradin'-feminist-bitchin'-extravapalooza!
But, of course, the bigger news - The Office's pregnancy. Here is the link directly from that site concerning it. Let's read carefully, ya'll:
- "what a storyline it will be... this pregnancy has the potential to change everything" This statement eliminates minor characters. So, probably no Phyllis (who's menopausal) or Meredith (who doesn't have a uterus). I'd say Kelly, too, because she hasn't had all that much screentime since the strike, and Kelly/Darryl has had no screen time. If they want to set up a "Kelly cheated on Darryl with Ryan!!!" story, or something, the writers would have a lot of development to do in the next two episodes (I don't doubt they could do it, but still).
- "hopeless situations that are anchored in deceit and despair" That statement eliminates Pam, plus the big JAM storyline this season is supposed to be either engagement, elopement, or having sex, not pregnancy. Anyway, who does that first quote sound like to you? That's right, the dying star herself, the lovely and possibly insane Miss Jan Levinson. And if anyone could somehow mess up a vasectomy, it would be Michael Scott. I guess they're going to "have a BLEEPing kid" after all!
- It would be very funny if, after a season of trying to hide the fact that Angela Kinsey is pregnant, Angela Martin reveals, in the finale, that she's pregnant! Plus, uptight Christian bitch pregnant out of wedlock? AMAZING. But, I don't think it'll happen.
- So, basically, unless it's something unbelievably fucked-up, ludicrous, twisted, and unrealistic, like, um, I don't know, Andy having Jim's baby, I'm placing my bets on Jan being pregnant with Michael's child. It's a good way to keep Melora on the show. Plus, well, obviously Michael is going to need a LOT of help in raising another human being, but don't you think he'd probably be a better father than he would Regional Manager...? It could be a totally hilarious, but, in the end, totally sweet storyline.
I think TODAY'S :D :D :D (it's past midnight, shhhh) episode is going to put us through the wringer. Pre-finale episodes always do - think "Conflict Resolution" when Jim confesses to Pam that it's him that complained about her organizing her wedding at work, and "Beach Games" with Pam's speech. Oh, lord, am I excited...