I need to rewatch, but for now:
Toby = FAIL
Toby = FAIL
Michael = WIN
Dwight = MORE WIN(ning back Angela's heart!!!)
- the cold open was hysterical. Michael with a giant blob of Vaseline on him while doing his talking head (I think, it could have just been a trick of the light). "Pam, translate." "Force it in as deep as you can" - "That's what she said!"
- "I can't hear you, it's just noise coming out of an ugly scientist!"
- In my secret fantasy world, Pam's middle name was always Jane. But I like Morgan too. PAMELA MORGAN BEESLEY-HALPERT!!!! Also, OMG FAKE PROPOSALS AND HAND HOLDING OMG OMG OMG. When I was watching it the first time around, I was with a lot of people, and I heard "I am proposing... (people talking) make me the happiest man in the world" and I was like OMG DID HE JUST ACTUALLY PROPOSE AND I MISSED IT BECAUSE OF THESE IDIOTS?!?!??!!?!!?!?!? It's probably fortunate for them that that wasn't the case. ;) I love how Pam, even with ludicrous myopia, could tell something was off with Jim after he met with Ryan and Toby. They're just that connected.
- "DID I STUTTER?" (cue Ryan, Season 2: "Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life."
- 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. NOW. NOW. NOW. DO IT NOW.
- Stanley did not apologize to his wife. Or his current one. Or his future one.
- the amazingness of Dwight's chart really cannot be conveyed in mere words.
- "Could you just say 'These are due back Thursday'?"
- Creed & Kevin's talking heads
- Fluffy fingers!!! NEWSIES!!!!!! OMG that scene with Darryl was tooooooo much. I am both disappointed and terribly proud that Michael didn't tickle Stanley.
- the way Toby's talking head about Jim's performance dissolved into "Pam............."
- Angela and the world's lamest Mad Libs were great as was, but then she had to crack up over them. And then they followed it with Dwight's incredible talking head about "I hope nothing horrible ever happens to them." And then, of course... "I've got a Mad Lib for you. A stupid, idiot numbskull named Andy Bernard sold his Xterra to a smart and capable man named Dwight. This is shaping up to be an awesome day for Dwight." I die laughing. And ANGELA BEING IMPRESSED!!!! I need a little more Dwangela in my life.
- the scene with Michael and Stanley at the end, the one the cameras had to sneak in to catch... damn damn damn damn damn. Emmys for Steve Carell and Leslie David Baker plzthx. Also, note how smartly this episode showed the difference between Ryan and Michael. Ryan pretends to be a friend to certain people, then stabs them in the back. Michael can't be truly mean to an employee that's blatantly disrespectful and even cruel to him.
- Michael's neverending talking head. Every time I thought it was going to end, or it was getting lame, he did something EVEN FUNNIER. I loved his awful Borat imitation.
I severely doubt Jim's getting fired. The writers know he's too important, and the only people that could do it are Michael and David Wallace...and guess who have giant man-crushes on Jim. I think Toby might, indeed, be going, as the writers have pretty sharply made him not terribly sympathetic. Really, though, when Ryan started criticizing Jim's job performance, Jim so should have said "yeah, well, at least I make sales, you cokehead asshat," but he's Jim and he wouldn't do that. I do wish Jim would tell Pam about what happened, but a. he probably doesn't want her to worry and b. he was in the middle of the office, what was he gonna do, yell out, "Hey, Ryan and Toby are conspiring against me!"? Yeah, I don't think so.
Post-strike episodes ranked:
"Chair Model"
"Dinner Party"
"Did I Stutter?"
"Night Out"
All of them have been great.
Michael = WIN
Dwight = MORE WIN(ning back Angela's heart!!!)
- the cold open was hysterical. Michael with a giant blob of Vaseline on him while doing his talking head (I think, it could have just been a trick of the light). "Pam, translate." "Force it in as deep as you can" - "That's what she said!"
- "I can't hear you, it's just noise coming out of an ugly scientist!"
- In my secret fantasy world, Pam's middle name was always Jane. But I like Morgan too. PAMELA MORGAN BEESLEY-HALPERT!!!! Also, OMG FAKE PROPOSALS AND HAND HOLDING OMG OMG OMG. When I was watching it the first time around, I was with a lot of people, and I heard "I am proposing... (people talking) make me the happiest man in the world" and I was like OMG DID HE JUST ACTUALLY PROPOSE AND I MISSED IT BECAUSE OF THESE IDIOTS?!?!??!!?!!?!?!? It's probably fortunate for them that that wasn't the case. ;) I love how Pam, even with ludicrous myopia, could tell something was off with Jim after he met with Ryan and Toby. They're just that connected.
- "DID I STUTTER?" (cue Ryan, Season 2: "Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life."
- 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. NOW. NOW. NOW. DO IT NOW.
- Stanley did not apologize to his wife. Or his current one. Or his future one.
- the amazingness of Dwight's chart really cannot be conveyed in mere words.
- "Could you just say 'These are due back Thursday'?"
- Creed & Kevin's talking heads
- Fluffy fingers!!! NEWSIES!!!!!! OMG that scene with Darryl was tooooooo much. I am both disappointed and terribly proud that Michael didn't tickle Stanley.
- the way Toby's talking head about Jim's performance dissolved into "Pam............."
- Angela and the world's lamest Mad Libs were great as was, but then she had to crack up over them. And then they followed it with Dwight's incredible talking head about "I hope nothing horrible ever happens to them." And then, of course... "I've got a Mad Lib for you. A stupid, idiot numbskull named Andy Bernard sold his Xterra to a smart and capable man named Dwight. This is shaping up to be an awesome day for Dwight." I die laughing. And ANGELA BEING IMPRESSED!!!! I need a little more Dwangela in my life.
- the scene with Michael and Stanley at the end, the one the cameras had to sneak in to catch... damn damn damn damn damn. Emmys for Steve Carell and Leslie David Baker plzthx. Also, note how smartly this episode showed the difference between Ryan and Michael. Ryan pretends to be a friend to certain people, then stabs them in the back. Michael can't be truly mean to an employee that's blatantly disrespectful and even cruel to him.
- Michael's neverending talking head. Every time I thought it was going to end, or it was getting lame, he did something EVEN FUNNIER. I loved his awful Borat imitation.
I severely doubt Jim's getting fired. The writers know he's too important, and the only people that could do it are Michael and David Wallace...and guess who have giant man-crushes on Jim. I think Toby might, indeed, be going, as the writers have pretty sharply made him not terribly sympathetic. Really, though, when Ryan started criticizing Jim's job performance, Jim so should have said "yeah, well, at least I make sales, you cokehead asshat," but he's Jim and he wouldn't do that. I do wish Jim would tell Pam about what happened, but a. he probably doesn't want her to worry and b. he was in the middle of the office, what was he gonna do, yell out, "Hey, Ryan and Toby are conspiring against me!"? Yeah, I don't think so.
Post-strike episodes ranked:
"Chair Model"
"Dinner Party"
"Did I Stutter?"
"Night Out"
All of them have been great.