But of course.
- It wasn't the greatest episode ever, but it was still really really really funny. There was a ton of "OMG WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN OMG SEASON FINALE NEXT WEEK!!!!" tension. The parts that were supposed to be funny though, like anything involving the amazing ANDY (blisters...the pants...the shortcut!!!), were just great. Very good episode as always.
- We have all learned by now that Michael + microphone = oh no + HILARITY. I mean, there's this episode, "E-Mail Surveillance" with the awkward kareoke, "Booze Cruise" with the ship sinking, "Diwali" with the proposal, "Dwight's Speech" with his attempts to entertain the crowd, and "Phyllis' Wedding" with the most terrible toast ever...
- I think Michael needs Jan. He's gone nuts since this breakup. So it's a good thing she'll be back next episode ;), pregnant ;), with his child ;)
- "I am going to do something very bold at this job that I've never done before. Try."
- "Thank you Dateline." Yes, it was "ruined" by the preview, but it's still really funny.
- "I'd never say this to her face but she is wonderful and a very gifted artist." "Why wouldn't you say that to her face?"
- "Ohhh, I like you." OHHHHH, BE MINE JIM HALPERT (except I'd feel really bad about taking you away from Pam).
- I'm so glad our Jimmy "never, ever [gives] up" on many things in his life. :) Seeing him "win one" (to quote one of his golfin' buddies) after getting sorta beat up these last two episodes was just great.
- The tag worries me a tad, but I don't think the spin-off will be like, "Jim and Pam n luv n NY!!!!!" Didn't Jenna Fischer say she specifically wasn't leaving Dunder-Mifflin/the show?
- When everyone left the office except Dwight and Angela, I started chuckling cuz I knew this would be good. The fact that nothing happened was unbelievably frustrating, but also totally in-character and hilarious.
- "You know what? Screw this." CUE THE MAKING OUT!!!! (Yes, I did think for half a second that he was going to propose.) Jesus Christ, that was hot. I made many little shrieky noises that may or may not have been human. Also, Michael standing like two inches away going, "Kiss her. Kiss her good," was hiiiiighlarious, as were Kevin and Andy's porno noises (what was Andy doing there? ahhh, he's hilarious). WATCH JENNA FISCHER'S FACE when Jim and Pam finally break apart. Jenna and John were just awesome in this episode.