Everyone's favorite couples...
- I loved this episode. As far as season finales go, yeah it wasn't as good as "The Job" or "Casino Night," but it was still really excellent. I have faith in the writers. A lot of the JAMcentric forums are freaking out about how it was the worst/one of the worst episodes ever, but I feel like if Andy had interrupted anyone else's proposal, no one would really care. Even if you did hate the last ten minutes - and yeah, they were actually fucking painful at times, so much so that I'm not all that excited to rewatch - you had to admit the first fifty were brilliant.
- I do admit the JAM engagement thing was a bit nasty of the writers. If that's the way it was gonna go, they might as well not have brought it up. But... I'm pretty convinced they'll be engaged in the S5 premiere. If they're not, that is bullshit and out of character and all that. If they break up because of the lack of proposal that we saw, I'll be furious. Yeah, I know those two haven't always been A+ with the communication in the past...but that was before they were dating. There's no way Jim wouldn't have been able to pick up on the fact that she was really upset, and told her something like, "Pam, I was planning on proposing to you tonight, but Andy stole my thunder and I thought it would really cheapen my proposal. But I love you, and it's still coming, and it's still gonna kick your ass," or just proposing right there. Like I was saying, I guess my big problem was the episode ending with Pam almost in tears. That wasn't the right note to go out on. Something better would have been Jim, saying, like, "Well, tonight wasn't my night, but it will be. Soon. (grin)" I think I said exactly that earlier, so whatever. Also, you can't tell me Pam's so stupid she didn't realize Andy proposing might have taken the wind out of Jim's sails toward doing the same. I kind of think this episode was like, one half of an episode, and the S5 season premiere will be the second half in that it'll answer all our questions. Plus, let's think optimistically here. S2 ended with OMG JOY!!!! and then when S3 came back, we all got a kick in the pants. S4 ended with a kick in the pants, and hopefully when we come back with S5, we'll all be like OMG JOY!!!!
- Jim Halpert, your timing sucks. Call back to S3 finale: "we just never got the timing right..." yeah, no kidding. Boohoo.
- I would like to state that I am the one that jinxed the JAM engagement. At 9:35, I said, out loud, "huh, where's Andy? He hasn't been here all episode." Guys, I'm really sorry :(
- that parking lot is cursed.
- The acting was outstanding this episode. Steve, John, Jenna, Rainn, Amy, Ed, Angela, Brian, Phyllis, Melora, take a bow, all of you. John, Angela, and Melora better get big fat Emmy nominations for this episode alone (well, they all should. But I was just naming three that don't have them), and if Amy Ryan somehow gets a "guest actress" nomination I will cry in happiness.
- Ugh, I LOVE Holly, and Amy Ryan was fantastic. Please, Amy, don't give in to the bazillion movie offers you undoubtedly have now! Stay with The Office! Her and Michael are destined to be. :D
- I'm quite disappointed that Michael let Toby go to his goodbye party. Damn him trying to impress Holly ;)
- the Holly/Kevin story was absolutely one of the greatest things this series has ever come up with. Dwight K. Schrute came up with a prank that rivaled any of Mr. Halpert's.
- Creed's talking head (hiding behind the fridge, which made it even funnier) made me laugh so hysterically that my dad, who I was watching it with, was like, "(Justine Credible), it's not that funny." OH YES IT IS.
- "The real crime was the beard." LMAOOOOO!!!! This is why I love Oscar!
- again, see the post about prophetic Prison Mike. Jim's voice mails to Ryan were fucking genius. Ryan totally got what he deserved, but I think he's far from gone for good.
- Kelly's TH about Ryan in jail was awesome.
- the exit interview!!! "Who do you think you are? What gives you the right?" I want to ask Jen Celotta those questions over at OfficeTally. ;)
- Jim: "I'm gonna propose tonight. Holy crap!" Oh, happy-first-half!Jim. There is so much I need to warn you about... and yet, tragically, I cannot.
- MOSE! I love how Meredith can't stay away from those rabid animals.
- the Pam/Toby stuff, as far as I'm concerned, is just her being nice and the writers throwing one last bit of dramatic irony at us, like if Toby had really tried in S3, he might have gotten her. He's gone, so they're not gonna do anything with that storyline.
- I do not, in any way, buy Jan's "it's a surrogate" story. Her TH about "making this one count..." ouch... And yeah, when Kevin called Michael and was like "you gotta see this," I was like, ooh, here we go with the crazy knocked-up Jan! Why did that have to be the prediction I was sure of that I got right :(
- obviously, Andy is dead to me now ;), but he was so sweet and cute and Andy-like when he proposed (tiny hand!), even though I was basically screaming "NO! NO NO NOOOOO!!!" at the television. It's too bad that engagement is obviously doomed. Poor Andy doesn't deserve what he's going to get. I thought being rejected by Michael, triumphed over by Dwight, etc., in "The Return," was good "punishment" for his behavior. He doesn't deserve Angela fucking Dwight like an hour after he proposes, that's just mean. Dude, Andy, I told you: seek out Karen. :P
- the men of Dunder-Mifflin are insane when it comes to engagement rings. Jim got his a week into the relationship (that's totally understandable in-context, but out of it...?). Andy's been carrying around one for six years. Also, in this show, when an engagement involves a microphone, you will either be cringing or yelling "NO NO NO NOOOO!!!!" after it ("Booze Cruise," "Diwali," this one).
- I loved Angela's incredible enthusiasm when she accepted Andy's proposal.
- oh, and Andy: way to keep an eye on your new fiancee.
- Dwight's "it's my own fault" destroyed my heart. Oh, Possum. :(
- I CAN'T GET OVER THAT FUCKING TAG. SO AMAZING. I just want to know what happened between Andy proposing and that tag...
- I am gleeful over the possibilities of Phyllis-Angela wars next year. God, Phyllis is gonna blackmail the shit out of Angela. Here is a sample dialogue that the writers can feel free to steal from me without credit.
Pam: So, what time should we have the party start?
Angela: 12:30.
Phyllis: Really? Because I was thinking the party should start at noon.
Phyllis: (significant look to Angela) The party. Will start. At noon.
Angela: ... (pissed off, defeated) the party will start at noon.
Pam: (very confused look)
I would also very much enjoy it if the line "you know what I think is kind of whorish, Angela? Having sex in the office with a man that's not your fiance!" was said at some point.
- DID I MENTION THE TAG???!?!?!??!?!
So basically, guys, I'm holding out to S5. IS IT SEPTEMBER YET?!??!?!?!??!