Friday, October 31, 2008
It's a No on Prop 8 ad.
Nothing has been better ever.
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
America's Next Top Model, 10/29
All of the top five are quite good.
1. Samantha
I know, I know, but it's actually fantastic. It's the only one without wonky stuff going on. It's a million times more elegant than I was expecting. For the first time ever, I'm really impressed with Sam.
2. Analeigh
Her pose is so graceful, gorgeous, and interesting but the face is a little wonky.
3. McKey
Her legs go on for about a billion miles, which I love, but her face looks like a pinhead and her expression looks like a scared raccoon.
4. Marjorie
I love the pose, it's so dynamic, but I'm getting a little tired of the hunched/broken back thing in almost every picture. Her arms look very short and the face isn't that great. But it's still a very good shot.
5. Sheena
It's true, she's not doing nearly as much as the other five girls, but I think she looks gorgeous and her pose, while simple, is very strong - what Jaslene specialized in.
6. Elina
I thought Elina would rock this shoot. I thought wrong. She looks like she's doing a jig, and she's got that stupid bitchface from the balloon ladder shoot, just with demon-crossed eyes.
Keep on prayin' for Analeigh to win this one, guys!
1. Samantha
I know, I know, but it's actually fantastic. It's the only one without wonky stuff going on. It's a million times more elegant than I was expecting. For the first time ever, I'm really impressed with Sam.
2. Analeigh
Her pose is so graceful, gorgeous, and interesting but the face is a little wonky.
3. McKey
Her legs go on for about a billion miles, which I love, but her face looks like a pinhead and her expression looks like a scared raccoon.
4. Marjorie
I love the pose, it's so dynamic, but I'm getting a little tired of the hunched/broken back thing in almost every picture. Her arms look very short and the face isn't that great. But it's still a very good shot.
5. Sheena
It's true, she's not doing nearly as much as the other five girls, but I think she looks gorgeous and her pose, while simple, is very strong - what Jaslene specialized in.
6. Elina
I thought Elina would rock this shoot. I thought wrong. She looks like she's doing a jig, and she's got that stupid bitchface from the balloon ladder shoot, just with demon-crossed eyes.
Keep on prayin' for Analeigh to win this one, guys!
I've totally been neglecting this blog.
Hello again, world.
(I'm busy. And my boyfriend's back from Africa after almost a year.'s been busy.)
(I'm busy. And my boyfriend's back from Africa after almost a year.'s been busy.)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"Crime Aid." FINALLY!

So great. S5 rocks the hell outta me.
- a lot of line deliveries in this episode were really, really great. Like, better than usual.
- anything Phyllis/Dwight was amazing
- the cut from the sex conversation to Michael's "probably have soup... something light"
- Michael turning his microphone "all the way down"
- "The future mother of my children." OMG MY OVARIES EXPLODED.
- Yay, weird Creed talking heads!
- Michael's C.R.I.M.E.A.I.D. explanation
- Michael's favorite Bruce Springsteen songs, according to Darryl
- Jim's face after "it squeaks when you bang it - that's what she said!"
- DAVID WALLACE!!!!!!!!!!! When he was sitting in the front row chanting "Bruce, Bruce," I was amused indeed. I just hope he doesn't turn into a grumpy Gus and transfer Holly! :(
- Ryan hiding from David Wallace!
- Dwight constantly offering x amount of dollars... and one penny
- Dwangela ;_; Like, it was really funny that Hank was playing his guitar, but I didn't notice how sad the song was until Angela "chose" Andy. I do like that they're fleshing out the Angelandy relationship this season. It makes sense that they're together now, even if Dwight is Angela's soul mate, as opposed to them being together just because Angela was trying to stick it to Dwight.
- the only good thing about Roy coming back (like I predicted, the only reason they did it was so he could be like "omg U were a frend 2!!! lol sheez gonna cheet on u!!!") was that Jim got to say "she's engaged... to me" to his stupid, stupid face.
Episodes of this season ranked:
Weight Loss (A+)
Crime Aid (A)
Baby Shower (A)
Business Ethics (A-/B+)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This looks like SUCH a winner.
30 Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
"Crime Aid"? Loved. It. Is it too early to (Crime reduces innocence, makes everyone angry, I) declare (BANKRUPTCY!!!!!) S5 friggin' brilliant? Full comments on it tomorrow. Or maybe Sunday. Monday. Tuesday? DON'T RUSH ME PEOPLE!
Friday, October 24, 2008
My ranking the ANTM ladies that are going abroad.
6. Samantha
Voting: 10/14
Balloon: 13/13
Swimsuit: 4/12
Fierce Eyes: 10/10
Natural disasters: 7/9
Fiercee Awards: 6/8
Cover Girl commercial: 4/7
Average call-out: 7.71
5. Elina
Voting: 8/14
Balloon: 7/13
Swimsuit: 6/12
Fierce Eyes: 7/10
Natural disasters: 6/9
Fiercee Awards: 4/8
Cover Girl commercial: 5/7
Average call-out: 6.14
4. McKey
Voting: 4/14
Balloon: 6/13
Swimsuit: 9/12
Fierce Eyes: 5/10
Natural disasters: 2/9
Fiercee Awards: 7/8
Cover Girl commercial: 7/7
Average call-out: 5.71
3. Sheena
Voting: 6/14
Balloon: 8/13
Swimsuit: 3/12
Fierce Eyes: 3/10
Natural disasters: 4/9
Fiercee Awards: 3/8
Cover Girl commercial: 2/7
Average call-out: 4.14
2. Marjorie
Voting: 2/14
Balloon: 3/13
Swimsuit: 5/12
Fierce Eyes: 6/10
Natural disasters: 3/9
Fiercee Awards: 1/8
Cover Girl commercial: 6/7
Average call-out: 3.71
1. Analeigh
Voting: 3/14
Balloon: 4/13
Swimsuit: 1/12
Fierce Eyes: 1/10
Natural disasters: 1/9
Fiercee Awards: 2/8
Cover Girl commercial: 1/7
Average call-out: 1.86
Based entirely on the shoots, I would have eliminated Samantha (for the balloon and fierce eyes shot) and McKey (for the Cover Girl commercial) already (based on pictures alone, I eliminated Clark Week 1, Samantha Week 2, Hannah Week 3, Samantha Week 4, Joslyn Week 5, Lauren Brie Week 6, and McKey Week 7). Analeigh, Sheena, and Elina have never been in the bottom 2.
Voting: 10/14
Balloon: 13/13
Swimsuit: 4/12
Fierce Eyes: 10/10
Natural disasters: 7/9
Fiercee Awards: 6/8
Cover Girl commercial: 4/7
Average call-out: 7.71
5. Elina
Voting: 8/14
Balloon: 7/13
Swimsuit: 6/12
Fierce Eyes: 7/10
Natural disasters: 6/9
Fiercee Awards: 4/8
Cover Girl commercial: 5/7
Average call-out: 6.14
4. McKey
Voting: 4/14
Balloon: 6/13
Swimsuit: 9/12
Fierce Eyes: 5/10
Natural disasters: 2/9
Fiercee Awards: 7/8
Cover Girl commercial: 7/7
Average call-out: 5.71
3. Sheena
Voting: 6/14
Balloon: 8/13
Swimsuit: 3/12
Fierce Eyes: 3/10
Natural disasters: 4/9
Fiercee Awards: 3/8
Cover Girl commercial: 2/7
Average call-out: 4.14
2. Marjorie
Voting: 2/14
Balloon: 3/13
Swimsuit: 5/12
Fierce Eyes: 6/10
Natural disasters: 3/9
Fiercee Awards: 1/8
Cover Girl commercial: 6/7
Average call-out: 3.71
1. Analeigh
Voting: 3/14
Balloon: 4/13
Swimsuit: 1/12
Fierce Eyes: 1/10
Natural disasters: 1/9
Fiercee Awards: 2/8
Cover Girl commercial: 1/7
Average call-out: 1.86
Based entirely on the shoots, I would have eliminated Samantha (for the balloon and fierce eyes shot) and McKey (for the Cover Girl commercial) already (based on pictures alone, I eliminated Clark Week 1, Samantha Week 2, Hannah Week 3, Samantha Week 4, Joslyn Week 5, Lauren Brie Week 6, and McKey Week 7). Analeigh, Sheena, and Elina have never been in the bottom 2.
Leave it to the professionals. Leave it to CoverGirl...
Call-out order last night:
1. Analeigh *
2. Sheena
3. Joslyn
4. Samantha
5. Elina
6. Marjorie
7. McKey
* Best ever? C'mon, Tyra, we all know that was Jade or Dominique (BRASILIA!)!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I love these two together!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sarah Failin'
Monday, October 20, 2008
I. Hate. Roy. Anderson. So. Much. Why. Is. He. Back.
I knew he was coming back because of spoilers, and I know he's just in this one episode. I still really fucking hate him and if they're going to bring back lame old love interests, I'd rather see Karen. Or, God, even Katy (Jesus is probably busy, though). I'm not saying it can't be handled well, but he's not there for a multi-episode arc. Presumably, he's only there to be like "omg shee cheeted on mee shee culd cheet on u lolz hlprt", what's the fucking point other than to infuriate me by seeing his stupid-ass face?
Can you tell I hate Roy? And it's really bad because by extension I always end up being like "THAT FUCKER" whenever I see David Denman, who I'm sure is a lovely person.
Oh well... MICHOLLY LOOOOOOVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! But not about Roy.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Colin Powell endorses Obama.
...aaaaand the racist comments start coming in... like five hours ago.
(What was the point of Sarah Palin on SNL? I mean, she wasn't bad, she just did nothing.)
...aaaaand the racist comments start coming in... like five hours ago.
(What was the point of Sarah Palin on SNL? I mean, she wasn't bad, she just did nothing.)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
so, W.
Should I go see it, or should I wait for Netflix like I do with, uh, everything nowadays, it seems? It looks kinda funny. I hate George Bush's policies, but I really don't hate him. I think he's like crazy uncle George. If only he didn't run our friggin' country...
"Baby Shower"

"Wanna go out?" is the new "Then... it's a date."
Guys, I really really love S5. Already.
- the cold open. Oh dear lord. So funny. And it went on for just the right amount of time, because it could have gotten really stupid.
- Jim's chart during the cold open. "Delusion!"
- Angela randomly calling Andy a pervert. Angela and Andy were really cute together this episode, no?
- Jan already having her baby and not telling Michael about it was so fucking harsh. I think Crazy!Jan is gone, but EvilBitchManipulative!Jan is still here, with a vengeance.
- That said, I kind of like that big things are just happening in this season. Like, there's not a Very Special Jan's Birth Episode. There wasn't a Very Special JAM Engagement Episode. I don't think the big post-Super Bowl episode will be a Very Special JAM Wedding Episode. A Very Special Angelandy Wedding That Goes Horribly Wrong Episode, perhaps. (grin)
- the Michael holding babies montage was so adorable.
- everything involving Jan singing "Son of a Preacher Man" to Astrid. Seriously, WTF. This show's so nuts, I love it.
- Jan and the tub birth. Ew ew ew ew/I laughed my ass off.
- "When I felt Astrid I just felt... shortchanged." I teared up. Poor Michael. ;_;
- Michael and Darryl's ridiculous baby daddy conversation. LOVED IT.
- Holly and Jan's super awkward conversation. LOVED IT.
- Andy, Angela, Astrid, and the vegetable patch!!!! HAH!!!!! Where the hell was that thing lying around, anyway?!?
- I could not believe what a BITCH Jan was when she told Michael not to date Holly. Wow. Ugh. :(
- That said, the scene following it, where Michael embraced Holly wordlessly? I teared up again, but happy tears. :) Oh, and see the top of this post!
- LOVED that ending Jim and Pam conversation. Even when these two are out of synch, they're in synch, you know? Love 'em.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Okay, so instead of that obnoxious elimination game
What I did was (I had a lot of spare time today, 6 hours on a train) I took all my personal call-out averages for the photoshoots of ANTM, and then awarded the girls more points based on how low their call-out was. IE, if a model had the best picture, in my view, in the original 14-girl week, they would get 14 points; conversely, the model I believe to have the worst picture that week would only get 1 point. Yeah, it skews badly toward girls who do well at the beginning of the competition, but... I wanted to rank these all based on total scores, but it's unfair to compare girls in C3, C10, or C11, with 14, to C1 with only 10 girls, or C2 with 12. For a tie-breaker, I first compared the number of #1 callouts I would give a girl. If it was equal, then I compared the weeks they spent in the competition. In this case, having less weeks helps, since it meant the girl was a stronger competitor in the weeks she was there. If a model did not participate in a photoshoot, they recieved 0 points for it, as opposed to the 1 they would get for being the worst of the week.
1. Adrianne 34
2. Elyse 34
3. Kesse 29
4. Shannon 27
5. Giselle 27
6. Robin 26
7. Katie 17
8. Nicole 13
9. Ebony 13
10. Tessa 1
Adrianne has 3 #1s by my count, Elyse has 1; Shannon has 2 #1 call-outs, Giselle has 0; and though neither Nicole or Ebony had a first call-out, Nicole spent fewer weeks in the competition. Shocked by how well Kesse did (though I do give her a first call-out for Week 1 and a third call-out for Week 2, giving her 10 + 7 right off the bat), as well as Robin. Oh, and Katie shouldn't have been eliminated so early.
1. Shandi 55
2. April 53
3. Mercedes 44
4. Yoanna 40
5. Camille 33
6. Catie 31
7. Sara 31
8. Jenascia 28
9. Heather 10
10. Xiomara 9
11. Bethany 5
12. Anna 0
Anna is the only contestant in ANTM history to have a score of 0. Booo Anna! As you can see, Xiomara sucked and Jenascia should have stuck around longer. Catie had one first-call out to Sara's none.
1. Yaya 70
2. Nicole 59
3. Norelle 56
4. Eva 50
5. Cassie 44
6. Ann 40
7. Amanda 38
8. Toccara 38
9. Kristi 22
10. Julie 15
11. Jennipher 15
12. Leah 9
13. Kelle 9
14. Magdalena 3
Shocked at how badly Amanda did (I think she has a strong portfolio overall, but many people were usually better than her in any given week) and how well Toccara did (she got a very high call-out from me on the first photoshoot, which helped). Amanda had one #1 to Toccara's none. Julie and Leah (why did she get booted?) spent fewer weeks in the competition than Jennipher and Kelle, respectively. Cassie had some problems but holy shit was she a good model. Same with Kristi.
1. Kahlen 79
2. Christina 66
3. Naima 63
4. Brittany 48
5. Michelle 47
6. Rebecca 44
7. Keenyah 38
8. Tiffany 31
9. Noelle 26
10. Lluvy 24
11. Tatiana 24
12. Brandy 14
13. Sarah 11
14. Brita 5
Kahlen is flawless, and Christina is the only other girl this cycle with any sort of consistency. Naima did really strong toward the beginning, while Brittany sucked there; Naima only got uneven when the numbers were lower, and thus getting 1s mattered less. Lluvy's relatively high score surprises me, but she actually got good call-outs the first two weeks of the competition with 14 and 13 girls, then crashed hard. Anyway, she spent fewer weeks on the show than Tatiana. Also, please notice how much Rebecca rocks, thank you.
1. Nicole 70
2. Jayla 68
3. Nik 64
4. Bre 55
5. Lisa 48
6. Kyle 46
7. Kim 32
8. Diane 30
9. Coryn 24
10. Cassandra 20
11. Sarah 6
12. Ashley 4
13. Ebony 3
These girls were kind of meh. I'm surprised Bre did so well, but the sheer number of photoshoots she did probably kept her above more worthy models. Kim sucks. Ebony really sucks. Diane didn't get a chance.
1. Joanie 81
2. Sara 63
3. Danielle 62
4. Furonda 46
5. Jade 44
6. Leslie 40
7. Nnenna 40
8. Mollie Sue 33
9. Gina 23
10. Brooke 12
11. Wendy 10
12. Kari 9
13. Kathy 6
Joanie has the record for highest number of points, so far, and she's in a cycle with 13 girls as opposed to 14. Hot. No clue why Sara is above Danielle, I think I'm on crack. Leslie had three #1 call-outs and Nnenna had 0. Brooke SUUUUUCKS.
1. CariDee 77
2. Michelle 71
3. Melrose 61
4. Amanda 57
5. AJ 42
6. Brooke 40
7. Eugena 39
8. Anchal 32
9. Jaeda 24
10. Megg 22
11. Megan 10
12. Christian 4
13. Monique 4
With the exception of a few, these girls mostly sucked. LOL @ AJ being #5 with five photoshoots! I don't know how Brooke got so many points; I didn't think she was a great model.
1. Jaslene 72
2. Brittany 68
3. Renee 62
4. Natasha 43
5. Dionne 41
6. Jael 35
7. Felicia 34
8. Sarah 29
9. Diana 28
10. Whitney 22
11. Samantha 14
12. Cassandra 14
13. Kathleen 4
I was thinking Brittany would be #1, but then again I really didn't like her High School Stereotype photo very much. Natasha was badly hurt by the fact that I would have eliminated her during the first two weeks, and put her in the bottom two the third. Dionne and Jael did much better than I was expecting. Whitney shouldn't have stuck around so long; Felicia should have stuck around much longer. Samantha spent fewer weeks on the show than Cassandra.
1. Jenah 70
2. Chantal 59
3. Lisa 47
4. Heather 46
5. Ebony 35
6. Saleisha 35
7. Victoria 34
8. Sarah 29
9. Janet 23
10. Bianca 17
11. Ambreal 16
12. Kimberly 14
13. Mila 2
This cycle is just so fucked up. I am actually surprised Saleisha had a higher score than Victoria, but Saleisha got saved by the fact that another, even worse model, Bianca, was in it until almost the very end. I eliminated Bianca literally every single week except for the plant shoot (where Saleisha's photo was even worse, but Bianca was still bottom 2) and the gargoyle shoot (she actually had a good photo there), giving her a lot of 1s and giving Saleisha at least 2s. Blah. LOL @ Ebony, who left before they all went overseas, having less weeks in the competition and thus giving her the edge over Saleisha in the rankings. Victoria owns your soul, by the way. I feel like Chantal's score was too high, but what can you do? In the weeks where her pictures were atrocious (plant shoot, Cover Girl original shoot) someone else was always doing way way worse.
1. Anya 74
2. Whitney 62
3. Lauren 49
4. Fatima 46
5. Aimee 41
6. Dominique 41
7. Katarzyna 33
8. Claire 33
9. Stacy Ann 29
10. Marvita 21
11. Amis 15
12. Allison 11
13. Kimberly 9
14. Atalya 2
LOL @ Aimee and Katarzyna's placings... Aimee and Dominique both had a #1 call-out from me each, but Aimee spent (far!) fewer weeks in the competition. Katarzyna had a #1 call-out from me and Claire had none. Kat had a really weak beginning of the competition, and Aimee was incredibly strong there (Kat was bottom three week 1 and eliminated week 2; Aimee was second call-out week 1 and first week 2). Didn't expect Lauren to do so well, either.
CYCLE 11 (so far)
1. Analeigh 60
2. Marjorie 52
3. Sheena 46
4. Lauren Brie 40
4. McKey 40
5. Joslyn 33
6. Elina 33
7. Isis 27
8. Clark 23
9. Samantha 22
10. Brittany 16
11. Hannah 7
12. ShaRaun 6
13. Nikeysha 5
I can't think of a way to break the tie between LB and McKey, since they both have the same score, number of #1 call-outs (none), and, at this point, weeks in the competition, but seeing as McKey's moving on and LB's not, it's gonna be a moot point. Joslyn has 1 #1 call-out to Elina's 0. Sheena's call-out average is that high? GO ANALEIGH!
1. Adrianne 34
2. Elyse 34
3. Kesse 29
4. Shannon 27
5. Giselle 27
6. Robin 26
7. Katie 17
8. Nicole 13
9. Ebony 13
10. Tessa 1
Adrianne has 3 #1s by my count, Elyse has 1; Shannon has 2 #1 call-outs, Giselle has 0; and though neither Nicole or Ebony had a first call-out, Nicole spent fewer weeks in the competition. Shocked by how well Kesse did (though I do give her a first call-out for Week 1 and a third call-out for Week 2, giving her 10 + 7 right off the bat), as well as Robin. Oh, and Katie shouldn't have been eliminated so early.
1. Shandi 55
2. April 53
3. Mercedes 44
4. Yoanna 40
5. Camille 33
6. Catie 31
7. Sara 31
8. Jenascia 28
9. Heather 10
10. Xiomara 9
11. Bethany 5
12. Anna 0
Anna is the only contestant in ANTM history to have a score of 0. Booo Anna! As you can see, Xiomara sucked and Jenascia should have stuck around longer. Catie had one first-call out to Sara's none.
1. Yaya 70
2. Nicole 59
3. Norelle 56
4. Eva 50
5. Cassie 44
6. Ann 40
7. Amanda 38
8. Toccara 38
9. Kristi 22
10. Julie 15
11. Jennipher 15
12. Leah 9
13. Kelle 9
14. Magdalena 3
Shocked at how badly Amanda did (I think she has a strong portfolio overall, but many people were usually better than her in any given week) and how well Toccara did (she got a very high call-out from me on the first photoshoot, which helped). Amanda had one #1 to Toccara's none. Julie and Leah (why did she get booted?) spent fewer weeks in the competition than Jennipher and Kelle, respectively. Cassie had some problems but holy shit was she a good model. Same with Kristi.
1. Kahlen 79
2. Christina 66
3. Naima 63
4. Brittany 48
5. Michelle 47
6. Rebecca 44
7. Keenyah 38
8. Tiffany 31
9. Noelle 26
10. Lluvy 24
11. Tatiana 24
12. Brandy 14
13. Sarah 11
14. Brita 5
Kahlen is flawless, and Christina is the only other girl this cycle with any sort of consistency. Naima did really strong toward the beginning, while Brittany sucked there; Naima only got uneven when the numbers were lower, and thus getting 1s mattered less. Lluvy's relatively high score surprises me, but she actually got good call-outs the first two weeks of the competition with 14 and 13 girls, then crashed hard. Anyway, she spent fewer weeks on the show than Tatiana. Also, please notice how much Rebecca rocks, thank you.
1. Nicole 70
2. Jayla 68
3. Nik 64
4. Bre 55
5. Lisa 48
6. Kyle 46
7. Kim 32
8. Diane 30
9. Coryn 24
10. Cassandra 20
11. Sarah 6
12. Ashley 4
13. Ebony 3
These girls were kind of meh. I'm surprised Bre did so well, but the sheer number of photoshoots she did probably kept her above more worthy models. Kim sucks. Ebony really sucks. Diane didn't get a chance.
1. Joanie 81
2. Sara 63
3. Danielle 62
4. Furonda 46
5. Jade 44
6. Leslie 40
7. Nnenna 40
8. Mollie Sue 33
9. Gina 23
10. Brooke 12
11. Wendy 10
12. Kari 9
13. Kathy 6
Joanie has the record for highest number of points, so far, and she's in a cycle with 13 girls as opposed to 14. Hot. No clue why Sara is above Danielle, I think I'm on crack. Leslie had three #1 call-outs and Nnenna had 0. Brooke SUUUUUCKS.
1. CariDee 77
2. Michelle 71
3. Melrose 61
4. Amanda 57
5. AJ 42
6. Brooke 40
7. Eugena 39
8. Anchal 32
9. Jaeda 24
10. Megg 22
11. Megan 10
12. Christian 4
13. Monique 4
With the exception of a few, these girls mostly sucked. LOL @ AJ being #5 with five photoshoots! I don't know how Brooke got so many points; I didn't think she was a great model.
1. Jaslene 72
2. Brittany 68
3. Renee 62
4. Natasha 43
5. Dionne 41
6. Jael 35
7. Felicia 34
8. Sarah 29
9. Diana 28
10. Whitney 22
11. Samantha 14
12. Cassandra 14
13. Kathleen 4
I was thinking Brittany would be #1, but then again I really didn't like her High School Stereotype photo very much. Natasha was badly hurt by the fact that I would have eliminated her during the first two weeks, and put her in the bottom two the third. Dionne and Jael did much better than I was expecting. Whitney shouldn't have stuck around so long; Felicia should have stuck around much longer. Samantha spent fewer weeks on the show than Cassandra.
1. Jenah 70
2. Chantal 59
3. Lisa 47
4. Heather 46
5. Ebony 35
6. Saleisha 35
7. Victoria 34
8. Sarah 29
9. Janet 23
10. Bianca 17
11. Ambreal 16
12. Kimberly 14
13. Mila 2
This cycle is just so fucked up. I am actually surprised Saleisha had a higher score than Victoria, but Saleisha got saved by the fact that another, even worse model, Bianca, was in it until almost the very end. I eliminated Bianca literally every single week except for the plant shoot (where Saleisha's photo was even worse, but Bianca was still bottom 2) and the gargoyle shoot (she actually had a good photo there), giving her a lot of 1s and giving Saleisha at least 2s. Blah. LOL @ Ebony, who left before they all went overseas, having less weeks in the competition and thus giving her the edge over Saleisha in the rankings. Victoria owns your soul, by the way. I feel like Chantal's score was too high, but what can you do? In the weeks where her pictures were atrocious (plant shoot, Cover Girl original shoot) someone else was always doing way way worse.
1. Anya 74
2. Whitney 62
3. Lauren 49
4. Fatima 46
5. Aimee 41
6. Dominique 41
7. Katarzyna 33
8. Claire 33
9. Stacy Ann 29
10. Marvita 21
11. Amis 15
12. Allison 11
13. Kimberly 9
14. Atalya 2
LOL @ Aimee and Katarzyna's placings... Aimee and Dominique both had a #1 call-out from me each, but Aimee spent (far!) fewer weeks in the competition. Katarzyna had a #1 call-out from me and Claire had none. Kat had a really weak beginning of the competition, and Aimee was incredibly strong there (Kat was bottom three week 1 and eliminated week 2; Aimee was second call-out week 1 and first week 2). Didn't expect Lauren to do so well, either.
CYCLE 11 (so far)
1. Analeigh 60
2. Marjorie 52
3. Sheena 46
4. Lauren Brie 40
4. McKey 40
5. Joslyn 33
6. Elina 33
7. Isis 27
8. Clark 23
9. Samantha 22
10. Brittany 16
11. Hannah 7
12. ShaRaun 6
13. Nikeysha 5
I can't think of a way to break the tie between LB and McKey, since they both have the same score, number of #1 call-outs (none), and, at this point, weeks in the competition, but seeing as McKey's moving on and LB's not, it's gonna be a moot point. Joslyn has 1 #1 call-out to Elina's 0. Sheena's call-out average is that high? GO ANALEIGH!
In difficult times like this, it's important to remember...
Monday, October 13, 2008
My hypothetical ANTM scenarios...
I tried to be realistic, in terms of random personality eliminations and whatnot. There are probably still a whole bunch 'o' BS eliminations, but eh. I also feel like my winners are overwhelmingly Caucasian, but.........
Episode 1: J.Lo Bikinis
Bottom 2: Tessa & Robin
Both girls are torn down for bad photos, but Tessa is viewed as having less potential, plus being incredibly awkward in her picture, so she is sent home.
Episode 2: Stuff Magazine
Bottom 2: Shannon & Kesse
Kesse's ability to take criticism is questioned, but Shannon is eliminated for her incredible awkwardness in the last two photoshoots.
Episode 3: Snake beauty shot
Bottom 2: Kesse & Nicole
Kesse's photo is the worst of the week, but Nicole is seen as not wanting it enough, due to her behavior at the challenge.
Episode 4: Contact commercial
Bottom 2: Adrianne & Ebony
Adrianne is heavily admonished for her accent, but Ebony seems unenthusiastic about the competition.
Episode 5: Reebok
Bottom 2: Kesse & Giselle
Giselle's confidence is called into question, but Kesse is eliminated for not improving enough.
Episode 6: Paris Lingerie
Bottom 2: Katie & Elyse
Katie is viewed by some judges as coasting, but in a shocker elimination, Elyse is sent home for taking an absolutely horrible picture this week, not to mention her know-it-all attitude.
Episode 7: Nude
Bottom 2: Katie & Robin
Katie is viewed as taking her posing too far and too sexy after last week's scare of being just a pretty girl, but Robin not participating in the photoshoot virtually automatically eliminated her.
Episode 8:Finale
Bottom 2: Katie & Giselle
Again, it's debated if Katie's just coasting or not, but the judges believe Giselle is too frightened and unsure of herself to handle the final runway.
Final 2: Katie & Adrianne
Winner: Adrianne, for an outstanding portfolio and edgy look
10. Tessa
9. Shannon
8. Nicole
7. Ebony
6. Kesse
5. Elyse
4. Robin
3. Giselle
2. Katie
1. Adrianne
Episode 1: Eves
Bottom 2: Anna & Bethany
Bethany's photo is terrible, but Anna did not participate in the photoshoot.
Episode 2: Steve Madden
Bottom 2: Xiomara & Bethany
Xiomara's photo is the worst of the week, but Bethany has had two terrible weeks in a row.
Episode 3: Suspended shots
Bottom 2: Xiomara & Camille
Camille's attitude and not her photoshoot is what put her in the bottom two, but Xiomara is viewed as the worst of the group, especially with her shots constantly looking cross-eyed.
Episode 4: Celebrities
Bottom 2: Camille & Heather
Once again, Camille's attitude lands her in the bottom two, but Heather is viewed as resting on pretty and boring, and is eliminated.
Episode 5: Underwater
Bottom 2: Camille & Jenascia
Jenascia's photo is mediocre, and questions are raised about her height, but Camille's attitude hasn't been improving, despite being in the bottom two twice in a row, and she is sent home.
Episode 6: Rollitos Commercial
Bottom 2: Catie & Jenascia
Catie's maturity is called into question, but Jenascia goes home for being short and not having the potential of the other girls.
Episode 7: "Shake Ya Body"
Bottom 2: Catie & Yoanna
Both girls perform badly in the music video, but Catie is mediocre, while Yoanna's part is an absolute disaster.
Episode 8: Coliseum
Bottom 2: Mercedes & Catie
The judges question whether Mercedes can handle high-fashion modeling or not, but they also feel Catie is not emotionally ready to model.
Episode 9: Nude
Bottom 2: Shandi & Sara
Shandi is talked down for being so awkward during the shoot, but Sara is eliminated for confidence issues.
Episode 10: Finale
Beauty shots
Bottom 2: April & Shandi
Both girls have shots that are not as strong as Mercedes', but Shandi is sent home for "a lack of focus."
Final 2: April & Mercedes
Winner: April, for her outstanding portfolio and versatility
12. Anna
11. Bethany
10. Xiomara
9. Heather
8. Camille
7. Jenascia
6. Yoanna
5. Catie
4. Sara
3. Shandi
2. Mercedes
1. April
Episode 1: Bikinis
Eliminated outside of panel: Kelle, for the worst picture of the week
Bottom 2: Jennipher & Ann
Ann is told she needs to take direction better, but Jennipher's far worse photo, plus her not appearing like a model in person, saves Ann.
Episode 2: Beauty shots
Bottom 2: Julie & Magdalena
Magdalena's had two mediocre photos in a row, but Julie admitted she wasn't really here for modeling, effectively disqualifying her.
Episode 3: Lee Jeans
Bottom 2: Amanda & Magdalena
Amanda has a bad week, but Magdalena's had three bad weeks in a row.
Episode 4: Skates
Bottom 2: Eva & Toccara
The judges say Eva isn't doing much to make up for her lack of height, but eliminate Toccara for her terrible photo.
Episode 5: Jumping
Bottom 2: Ann & Cassie
Both girls are scolded for terrible photos, but Ann has the worst one of the week.
Episode 6: Doppelganger
Bottom 2: Kristi & Leah
Leah has a mediocre portfolio compared to the other girls, but Kristi is viewed as having a lack of confidence, as viewed by her bombing the photoshoot this week.
Episode 7: Tarantula beauty shot
Bottom 2: Leah & Norelle
These two girls have weaker photos when compared to the others this week, but Leah has the weakest portfolio of all remaining models.
Episode 8: Campbell's soup commercial
Bottom 2: Yaya & Amanda
Yaya is talked down for her arrogance, but the judges feel, despite her amazing eyes, Amanda doesn't look like a model in person or in her commercial.
Episode 9: Kimonos
Bottom 2: Yaya & Cassie
Both girls are told they have terrible attitudes, but amid rumors about her failing health and possible anorexia, Cassie is sent home.
Episode 10: Anime Motorcycles
Bottom 2: Eva & Nicole
The other two girls have much stronger photoshoots, but Eva is viewed as not compensating for her lack of height with fantastic photos.
Episode 11: Finale
Cover Girl Ad/Commercial
Bottom 2: Nicole & Norelle
Norelle has a very spacey commercial, but the judges say Nicole isn't memorable.
Final 2: Norelle & Yaya
Winner: Yaya. She has a superior portfolio and a far better runway walk. Though her attitude can still be viewed as somewhat arrogant, the judges do believe she has changed for the better.
14. Kelle
13. Jennipher
12. Julie
11. Magdalena
10. Toccara
9. Ann
8. Kristi
7. Leah
6. Amanda
5. Cassie
4. Eva
3. Nicole
2. Norelle
1. Yaya
Episode 1: Aliens in Manhattan
Bottom 2: Keenyah & Brandy
Both have bad pictures, but Brandy has a terrible attitude to boot.
Episode 2: Dog walking
Bottom 2: Tiffany & Brittany
Brittany is called "too sexy," but Tiffany's picture is even worse.
Episode 3: Zodiac
Bottom 2: Lluvy & Sarah
Lluvy has "the worst picture in ANTM history," but Sarah has three bad pictures in a row, and a terrible runway walk.
Episode 4: Ethnicity
Bottom 2: Brita & Noelle
The judges say Brita looks old, but Noelle doesn't look like a model in person and is inconsistent.
Episode 5: Gas station
Bottom 2: Brita & Lluvy
The double elimination takes place here, with Brita looking old in all her pictures, and Lluvy being unable to translate her unique looks to strong photos.
Episode 6: Pillow fight
Bottom 2: Michelle & Keenyah
Michelle takes her worst picture yet, but Keenyah has a mediocre portfolio.
Episode 7: Seven Deadly Sins
Bottom 2: Rebecca & Tatiana
Both girls have bad shoots this week, but Tatiana has the weaker portfolio.
Episode 8: African Animals
Bottom 2: Rebecca & Michelle
Michelle being unable to handle pressure is called into question, but the judges don't think Rebecca has improved enough.
Episode 9: Kloofing
Bottom 2: Christina & Naima
Christina supposedly has an icy demeanor, but Naima is considered very inconsistent.
Episode 10: African dancing
Bottom 2: Kahlen & Michelle
Kahlen took her worst picture yet, but Michelle has the weakest portfolio of all the remaining girls.
Episode 11: Finale
Cover Girl Commercial/Ad
Bottom 2: Kahlen & Christina
Kahlen's haunted by her insecurity issues again, but Christina seems very icy (again) and impersonal.
Final 2: Kahlen & Brittany
Winner: Kahlen, for her stunning portfolio, sweet personality, and overcoming her confidence issues on the final runway.
13. Brandy
12. Tiffany
11. Sarah
10. Noelle
9. Brita & Lluvy
8. Keenyah
7. Tatiana
6. Rebecca
5. Naima
4. Michelle
3. Christina
2. Brittany
1. Kahlen
I'll add the rest later, but for now, lists!:
13. Kim
12. Ebony
11. Sarah
10. Ashley
9. Bre
8. Coryn
7. Diane
6. Lisa
5. Cassandra
4. Jayla
3. Kyle
2. Nik
1. Nicole
13. Furonda
12. Kathy
11. Brooke
10. Kari
9. Wendy
8. Gina
7. Jade
6. Nnenna
5. Mollie Sue
4. Sara
3. Leslie
2. Danielle
1. Joanie
CYCLE 7 (yay, I cut out Cover Girls in spaaaace!)
12. Jaeda
11. Monique & Eugena
10. Christian
9. Megg
8. Anchal
7. Megan
6. Amanda
5. AJ
4. Brooke
3. Michelle
2. Melrose
1. CariDee
13. Jael
12. Kathleen
11. Cassandra
10. Dionne
9. Whitney
8. Sarah
7. Diana
6. Felicia
5. Samantha
4. Natasha
3. Brittany
2. Renee
1. Jaslene
13. Mila
12. Bianca
11. Saleisha
10. Kimberly
9. Ambreal
8. Sarah
7. Janet
6. Ebony
5. Heather
4. Lisa
3. Victoria
2. Jenah
1. Chantal
13. Atalya
12. Katarzyna
11. Allison
10. Marvita
9. Claire
8. Amis
7. Stacy Ann & Fatima
6. Lauren
5. Whitney
4. Dominique
3. Kimberly
2. Aimee
1. Anya
CYCLE 11 (yeah, I know)
14. Nikeysha
13. ShaRaun
12. Hannah
11. Samantha
10. Joslyn
9. Clark
8. Brittany
7. Elina
6. Isis
5. Marjorie
4. McKey
3. Lauren Brie
2. Sheena
1. Analeigh
Episode 1: J.Lo Bikinis
Bottom 2: Tessa & Robin
Both girls are torn down for bad photos, but Tessa is viewed as having less potential, plus being incredibly awkward in her picture, so she is sent home.
Episode 2: Stuff Magazine
Bottom 2: Shannon & Kesse
Kesse's ability to take criticism is questioned, but Shannon is eliminated for her incredible awkwardness in the last two photoshoots.
Episode 3: Snake beauty shot
Bottom 2: Kesse & Nicole
Kesse's photo is the worst of the week, but Nicole is seen as not wanting it enough, due to her behavior at the challenge.
Episode 4: Contact commercial
Bottom 2: Adrianne & Ebony
Adrianne is heavily admonished for her accent, but Ebony seems unenthusiastic about the competition.
Episode 5: Reebok
Bottom 2: Kesse & Giselle
Giselle's confidence is called into question, but Kesse is eliminated for not improving enough.
Episode 6: Paris Lingerie
Bottom 2: Katie & Elyse
Katie is viewed by some judges as coasting, but in a shocker elimination, Elyse is sent home for taking an absolutely horrible picture this week, not to mention her know-it-all attitude.
Episode 7: Nude
Bottom 2: Katie & Robin
Katie is viewed as taking her posing too far and too sexy after last week's scare of being just a pretty girl, but Robin not participating in the photoshoot virtually automatically eliminated her.
Episode 8:Finale
Bottom 2: Katie & Giselle
Again, it's debated if Katie's just coasting or not, but the judges believe Giselle is too frightened and unsure of herself to handle the final runway.
Final 2: Katie & Adrianne
Winner: Adrianne, for an outstanding portfolio and edgy look
10. Tessa
9. Shannon
8. Nicole
7. Ebony
6. Kesse
5. Elyse
4. Robin
3. Giselle
2. Katie
1. Adrianne
Episode 1: Eves
Bottom 2: Anna & Bethany
Bethany's photo is terrible, but Anna did not participate in the photoshoot.
Episode 2: Steve Madden
Bottom 2: Xiomara & Bethany
Xiomara's photo is the worst of the week, but Bethany has had two terrible weeks in a row.
Episode 3: Suspended shots
Bottom 2: Xiomara & Camille
Camille's attitude and not her photoshoot is what put her in the bottom two, but Xiomara is viewed as the worst of the group, especially with her shots constantly looking cross-eyed.
Episode 4: Celebrities
Bottom 2: Camille & Heather
Once again, Camille's attitude lands her in the bottom two, but Heather is viewed as resting on pretty and boring, and is eliminated.
Episode 5: Underwater
Bottom 2: Camille & Jenascia
Jenascia's photo is mediocre, and questions are raised about her height, but Camille's attitude hasn't been improving, despite being in the bottom two twice in a row, and she is sent home.
Episode 6: Rollitos Commercial
Bottom 2: Catie & Jenascia
Catie's maturity is called into question, but Jenascia goes home for being short and not having the potential of the other girls.
Episode 7: "Shake Ya Body"
Bottom 2: Catie & Yoanna
Both girls perform badly in the music video, but Catie is mediocre, while Yoanna's part is an absolute disaster.
Episode 8: Coliseum
Bottom 2: Mercedes & Catie
The judges question whether Mercedes can handle high-fashion modeling or not, but they also feel Catie is not emotionally ready to model.
Episode 9: Nude
Bottom 2: Shandi & Sara
Shandi is talked down for being so awkward during the shoot, but Sara is eliminated for confidence issues.
Episode 10: Finale
Beauty shots
Bottom 2: April & Shandi
Both girls have shots that are not as strong as Mercedes', but Shandi is sent home for "a lack of focus."
Final 2: April & Mercedes
Winner: April, for her outstanding portfolio and versatility
12. Anna
11. Bethany
10. Xiomara
9. Heather
8. Camille
7. Jenascia
6. Yoanna
5. Catie
4. Sara
3. Shandi
2. Mercedes
1. April
Episode 1: Bikinis
Eliminated outside of panel: Kelle, for the worst picture of the week
Bottom 2: Jennipher & Ann
Ann is told she needs to take direction better, but Jennipher's far worse photo, plus her not appearing like a model in person, saves Ann.
Episode 2: Beauty shots
Bottom 2: Julie & Magdalena
Magdalena's had two mediocre photos in a row, but Julie admitted she wasn't really here for modeling, effectively disqualifying her.
Episode 3: Lee Jeans
Bottom 2: Amanda & Magdalena
Amanda has a bad week, but Magdalena's had three bad weeks in a row.
Episode 4: Skates
Bottom 2: Eva & Toccara
The judges say Eva isn't doing much to make up for her lack of height, but eliminate Toccara for her terrible photo.
Episode 5: Jumping
Bottom 2: Ann & Cassie
Both girls are scolded for terrible photos, but Ann has the worst one of the week.
Episode 6: Doppelganger
Bottom 2: Kristi & Leah
Leah has a mediocre portfolio compared to the other girls, but Kristi is viewed as having a lack of confidence, as viewed by her bombing the photoshoot this week.
Episode 7: Tarantula beauty shot
Bottom 2: Leah & Norelle
These two girls have weaker photos when compared to the others this week, but Leah has the weakest portfolio of all remaining models.
Episode 8: Campbell's soup commercial
Bottom 2: Yaya & Amanda
Yaya is talked down for her arrogance, but the judges feel, despite her amazing eyes, Amanda doesn't look like a model in person or in her commercial.
Episode 9: Kimonos
Bottom 2: Yaya & Cassie
Both girls are told they have terrible attitudes, but amid rumors about her failing health and possible anorexia, Cassie is sent home.
Episode 10: Anime Motorcycles
Bottom 2: Eva & Nicole
The other two girls have much stronger photoshoots, but Eva is viewed as not compensating for her lack of height with fantastic photos.
Episode 11: Finale
Cover Girl Ad/Commercial
Bottom 2: Nicole & Norelle
Norelle has a very spacey commercial, but the judges say Nicole isn't memorable.
Final 2: Norelle & Yaya
Winner: Yaya. She has a superior portfolio and a far better runway walk. Though her attitude can still be viewed as somewhat arrogant, the judges do believe she has changed for the better.
14. Kelle
13. Jennipher
12. Julie
11. Magdalena
10. Toccara
9. Ann
8. Kristi
7. Leah
6. Amanda
5. Cassie
4. Eva
3. Nicole
2. Norelle
1. Yaya
Episode 1: Aliens in Manhattan
Bottom 2: Keenyah & Brandy
Both have bad pictures, but Brandy has a terrible attitude to boot.
Episode 2: Dog walking
Bottom 2: Tiffany & Brittany
Brittany is called "too sexy," but Tiffany's picture is even worse.
Episode 3: Zodiac
Bottom 2: Lluvy & Sarah
Lluvy has "the worst picture in ANTM history," but Sarah has three bad pictures in a row, and a terrible runway walk.
Episode 4: Ethnicity
Bottom 2: Brita & Noelle
The judges say Brita looks old, but Noelle doesn't look like a model in person and is inconsistent.
Episode 5: Gas station
Bottom 2: Brita & Lluvy
The double elimination takes place here, with Brita looking old in all her pictures, and Lluvy being unable to translate her unique looks to strong photos.
Episode 6: Pillow fight
Bottom 2: Michelle & Keenyah
Michelle takes her worst picture yet, but Keenyah has a mediocre portfolio.
Episode 7: Seven Deadly Sins
Bottom 2: Rebecca & Tatiana
Both girls have bad shoots this week, but Tatiana has the weaker portfolio.
Episode 8: African Animals
Bottom 2: Rebecca & Michelle
Michelle being unable to handle pressure is called into question, but the judges don't think Rebecca has improved enough.
Episode 9: Kloofing
Bottom 2: Christina & Naima
Christina supposedly has an icy demeanor, but Naima is considered very inconsistent.
Episode 10: African dancing
Bottom 2: Kahlen & Michelle
Kahlen took her worst picture yet, but Michelle has the weakest portfolio of all the remaining girls.
Episode 11: Finale
Cover Girl Commercial/Ad
Bottom 2: Kahlen & Christina
Kahlen's haunted by her insecurity issues again, but Christina seems very icy (again) and impersonal.
Final 2: Kahlen & Brittany
Winner: Kahlen, for her stunning portfolio, sweet personality, and overcoming her confidence issues on the final runway.
13. Brandy
12. Tiffany
11. Sarah
10. Noelle
9. Brita & Lluvy
8. Keenyah
7. Tatiana
6. Rebecca
5. Naima
4. Michelle
3. Christina
2. Brittany
1. Kahlen
I'll add the rest later, but for now, lists!:
13. Kim
12. Ebony
11. Sarah
10. Ashley
9. Bre
8. Coryn
7. Diane
6. Lisa
5. Cassandra
4. Jayla
3. Kyle
2. Nik
1. Nicole
13. Furonda
12. Kathy
11. Brooke
10. Kari
9. Wendy
8. Gina
7. Jade
6. Nnenna
5. Mollie Sue
4. Sara
3. Leslie
2. Danielle
1. Joanie
CYCLE 7 (yay, I cut out Cover Girls in spaaaace!)
12. Jaeda
11. Monique & Eugena
10. Christian
9. Megg
8. Anchal
7. Megan
6. Amanda
5. AJ
4. Brooke
3. Michelle
2. Melrose
1. CariDee
13. Jael
12. Kathleen
11. Cassandra
10. Dionne
9. Whitney
8. Sarah
7. Diana
6. Felicia
5. Samantha
4. Natasha
3. Brittany
2. Renee
1. Jaslene
13. Mila
12. Bianca
11. Saleisha
10. Kimberly
9. Ambreal
8. Sarah
7. Janet
6. Ebony
5. Heather
4. Lisa
3. Victoria
2. Jenah
1. Chantal
13. Atalya
12. Katarzyna
11. Allison
10. Marvita
9. Claire
8. Amis
7. Stacy Ann & Fatima
6. Lauren
5. Whitney
4. Dominique
3. Kimberly
2. Aimee
1. Anya
CYCLE 11 (yeah, I know)
14. Nikeysha
13. ShaRaun
12. Hannah
11. Samantha
10. Joslyn
9. Clark
8. Brittany
7. Elina
6. Isis
5. Marjorie
4. McKey
3. Lauren Brie
2. Sheena
1. Analeigh
Sunday, October 12, 2008
"Business Ethics."
- Season 5 is off to an extremely awkwardtastic start. And in Office-verse, that ain't a bad thing. In fact, it's a great thing. So much greeeat awkwardness in "Weight Loss" and this one... Like, the scene above? HAH!
- I didn't mind the lack of Pam. If it starts to happen for a few more episodes, though... :(
- Loved Jim telling the office about his engagement, everyone's non-reaction, and then Michael KNOCKING JIM OVER!!!
- Ryan's bizarrely specific Survivor reference (according to Wikipedia, there was a Joanna in Survivor Season 6. And again, according to Wikipedia, she got kicked out by the young, pretty female alliance because they felt she was discriminating against them because they were young and pretty, which is hysterical when you consider what Ryan said. Hah!) cracked me up.
- Michael not working for five days after he discovered YouTube. I feel his pain.
- JIM TIMING DWIGHT. And Dwight admitting he's totally not ethical... followed by a big ol' Jim grin... followed by a big ol' evil Dwight grin! LOVED IT.
- following that, Jim baiting Dwight with Battlestar Galactica!
- "How do you tell somebody you care about deeply, 'I told you so'?"
- And, at the end, Michael getting everyone in the conference room for Holly, and their little smiles throughout the meeting. Awwww... Micholly 4-EVA, ya'll!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
oh, and needless to say...
I loved "Business Ethics" (you know you're busy when you don't get to talk about an Office episode until [technically] Saturday)! Full comments later.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
ANTM callout, 10/9
1. Marjorie
Everything about this picture is so awesome. She's truly using her awkwardness to her advantage, yet she still looks so modelesque and great.
2. Analeigh
Her face looks a wee bit busted in the close-up (gorgeous eyes though), but it's good in the non-zoom, and even in the close-up it makes sense in the context of what her shot was supposed to be. Her body language and pose is fantastic. It's a really funny picture.
3. Sheena
She could have done a bit more with this I think, but these three are the top three for being the only ones to understand their assignments.
4. Elina
She looks unbelievably gorgeous, but it seems like the only times I ever LOVE Elina's photos are when she misses the point of the assignment. She's not being overemotional at all. However, there were shots where she was really crying, and they didn't pick those. Weird.
5. Joslyn
Gorgeous pose, but her face could be more dramatic/offended. I saw better shots here, too!
6. Samantha
It's a beautiful shot, but that's mostly due to the lighting. It was a very weird/hard to act out assignment, but she's still just standing there.
7. McKey
I do not know why the judges liked this picture so much. Until I watched the show, I had NO idea what her theme was supposed to be. She doesn't look angry or shocked like she should, she just looks mildly drunk. She's just sitting there and it's a baaaaadddd angle on her face.
8. Lauren Brie
Oh my lord, sorry Cheesy, but everything about this photo is hot buttered ass. It's so stupid-looking and awkward. Her eyes are even worse than Sheena's. Even her hair looks like crap. I think she's too high-fashion for the cheap-ass shoots that ANTM often thinks up.
My ten favorite photos of the cycle so far:
10. Sheena - Eyes Above Water
9. Marjorie - Suspended Balloon Ladders
8. Marjorie - Fiercee Awards
7. Isis - Voting Is Sexy
6. Clark - Eyes Above Water
5. McKey - Natural Disasters
4. Lauren Brie - Suspended Balloon Ladders
3. Joslyn - Suspended Balloon Ladders
2. Analeigh - Natural Disasters
1. Analeigh - Eyes Above Water
And five worst:
5. Clark - Voting Is Sexy
4. Hannah - Bikinis
3. Joslyn - Natural Disasters
2. Lauren Brie - Fiercee Awards
1. Samantha - Suspended Balloon Ladders
Everything about this picture is so awesome. She's truly using her awkwardness to her advantage, yet she still looks so modelesque and great.
2. Analeigh
Her face looks a wee bit busted in the close-up (gorgeous eyes though), but it's good in the non-zoom, and even in the close-up it makes sense in the context of what her shot was supposed to be. Her body language and pose is fantastic. It's a really funny picture.
3. Sheena
She could have done a bit more with this I think, but these three are the top three for being the only ones to understand their assignments.
4. Elina
She looks unbelievably gorgeous, but it seems like the only times I ever LOVE Elina's photos are when she misses the point of the assignment. She's not being overemotional at all. However, there were shots where she was really crying, and they didn't pick those. Weird.
5. Joslyn
Gorgeous pose, but her face could be more dramatic/offended. I saw better shots here, too!
6. Samantha
It's a beautiful shot, but that's mostly due to the lighting. It was a very weird/hard to act out assignment, but she's still just standing there.
7. McKey
I do not know why the judges liked this picture so much. Until I watched the show, I had NO idea what her theme was supposed to be. She doesn't look angry or shocked like she should, she just looks mildly drunk. She's just sitting there and it's a baaaaadddd angle on her face.
8. Lauren Brie
Oh my lord, sorry Cheesy, but everything about this photo is hot buttered ass. It's so stupid-looking and awkward. Her eyes are even worse than Sheena's. Even her hair looks like crap. I think she's too high-fashion for the cheap-ass shoots that ANTM often thinks up.
My ten favorite photos of the cycle so far:
10. Sheena - Eyes Above Water
9. Marjorie - Suspended Balloon Ladders
8. Marjorie - Fiercee Awards
7. Isis - Voting Is Sexy
6. Clark - Eyes Above Water
5. McKey - Natural Disasters
4. Lauren Brie - Suspended Balloon Ladders
3. Joslyn - Suspended Balloon Ladders
2. Analeigh - Natural Disasters
1. Analeigh - Eyes Above Water
And five worst:
5. Clark - Voting Is Sexy
4. Hannah - Bikinis
3. Joslyn - Natural Disasters
2. Lauren Brie - Fiercee Awards
1. Samantha - Suspended Balloon Ladders
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Matt Damon's 38?
Hey, John McCain!
I'm not your "friend." Stop frickin' calling me that.
No love,
Justine Credible
PS. "That one" kicked your ass tonight, and in general.
No love,
Justine Credible
PS. "That one" kicked your ass tonight, and in general.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
I promise I'm not dead...
...just EXTRAORDINARILY busy. Gah.
Don't worry, posts on ANTM and The Office are coming this week, of course (and I'll discuss the many Office episode spoilers we have, because we've got the synopsis for a lot of them).
Don't worry, posts on ANTM and The Office are coming this week, of course (and I'll discuss the many Office episode spoilers we have, because we've got the synopsis for a lot of them).
Saturday, October 04, 2008
...Joe Biden made me cry last night. ;_;
America, I will be ashamed if this ticket isn't elected...
America, I will be ashamed if this ticket isn't elected...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
ANTM last night
HAH! Every spoiler I read had Analeigh going home, and I was actually upset about it. So you can imagine how overjoyed I was to see who actually went home... oh, and you could tell Clark did not think she would be going home. HAH!
Call-out order:
1. Analeigh
It's official now; Analeigh can do no wrong. This picture is so strong in body language, yet kitschy and cute like the shot demanded. I wish she was looking at the camera, but it's SO strong otherwise that I can ignore that.
2. McKey
SO high fashion, I want to vomit. She made that cheap-ass set look utterly amazing. Bonus points for going best with the theme! Her only problem is some wonky eye stuff, like... well, everyone in this shoot.
3. Sheena
It appears that she didn't have as much "stuff" to work with as the other girls, so she had to hold her own by herself, and she totally did. Such a strong pose and face. Only issue? NO NECK AAAHHH!!!!
4. Lauren Brie
Lauren sure does love those awkward poses crammed into the corner of her photos... but she totally owns those awkward poses. Probably the strongest facially of all the girls, too. I couldn't stand that the judges threw the "resting on pretty" criticism at her. She's going out of her way to be really edgy, all the time.
5. Elina
This is quite a good picture and a very strong pose, but she's too harsh in the face and she looks like she's the bully on the playground destroying all the kids' toys. It's still a very good picture, though. Love that leg up on the cliff thing.
6. Marjorie
AAHH!!! WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH HER FACE!!!! Uh, that said, her pose is the strongest apart from Analeigh's (and considering the theme, McKey's).
7. Clark
I love the pose, even if Tyra dismissed it as "a shaving ad" or whatever. However, facially, it's a mess. She's looking at the weirdest off-camera point, and it's the worst angle on her nose.
8. Samantha
First call out my ass. The pose is great, but she's mostly covering it with that wave. Facially, it's awful. She looks tired and minorly dead. Oh, and I think I know why I'm always like "why does she look plus size all the time?" Her face photographs very chubby. Plus, she looks like Whitney C10 in photos... but Whitney was prettier and had more defined cheekbones.
9. Joslyn
The worst by FAR. She looks like an awkward, distracted kid playing with her toys, it's a bad expression on her face, and her eyes are DEAD. Yikes. I thought she was going home for sure...
So far, my call-out averages of the remaining girls:
Analeigh (3, 4, 1, 1, 1) - 2
Elina (8, 8, 5, 7, 5) - 6.6
Joslyn (7, 1, 9, 8, 9) - 6.8
Lauren Brie (10, 2, 2, 4, 4) - 4.4
Marjorie (2, 3, 4, 6, 6) - 4.2
McKey (4, 6, 8, 5, 2) - 5
Samantha (12, 13, 6, 10, 8) - 9.8
Sheena (6, 7, 3, 3, 3) - 4.4
And the averages of the eliminated girls:
Sharaun - 9
Nikeysha - 11
Brittany - 9
Hannah - 12
Isis - 6.5
Clark - 7.6
Call-out order:
1. Analeigh
It's official now; Analeigh can do no wrong. This picture is so strong in body language, yet kitschy and cute like the shot demanded. I wish she was looking at the camera, but it's SO strong otherwise that I can ignore that.
2. McKey
SO high fashion, I want to vomit. She made that cheap-ass set look utterly amazing. Bonus points for going best with the theme! Her only problem is some wonky eye stuff, like... well, everyone in this shoot.
3. Sheena
It appears that she didn't have as much "stuff" to work with as the other girls, so she had to hold her own by herself, and she totally did. Such a strong pose and face. Only issue? NO NECK AAAHHH!!!!
4. Lauren Brie
Lauren sure does love those awkward poses crammed into the corner of her photos... but she totally owns those awkward poses. Probably the strongest facially of all the girls, too. I couldn't stand that the judges threw the "resting on pretty" criticism at her. She's going out of her way to be really edgy, all the time.
5. Elina
This is quite a good picture and a very strong pose, but she's too harsh in the face and she looks like she's the bully on the playground destroying all the kids' toys. It's still a very good picture, though. Love that leg up on the cliff thing.
6. Marjorie
AAHH!!! WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH HER FACE!!!! Uh, that said, her pose is the strongest apart from Analeigh's (and considering the theme, McKey's).
7. Clark
I love the pose, even if Tyra dismissed it as "a shaving ad" or whatever. However, facially, it's a mess. She's looking at the weirdest off-camera point, and it's the worst angle on her nose.
8. Samantha
First call out my ass. The pose is great, but she's mostly covering it with that wave. Facially, it's awful. She looks tired and minorly dead. Oh, and I think I know why I'm always like "why does she look plus size all the time?" Her face photographs very chubby. Plus, she looks like Whitney C10 in photos... but Whitney was prettier and had more defined cheekbones.
9. Joslyn
The worst by FAR. She looks like an awkward, distracted kid playing with her toys, it's a bad expression on her face, and her eyes are DEAD. Yikes. I thought she was going home for sure...
So far, my call-out averages of the remaining girls:
Analeigh (3, 4, 1, 1, 1) - 2
Elina (8, 8, 5, 7, 5) - 6.6
Joslyn (7, 1, 9, 8, 9) - 6.8
Lauren Brie (10, 2, 2, 4, 4) - 4.4
Marjorie (2, 3, 4, 6, 6) - 4.2
McKey (4, 6, 8, 5, 2) - 5
Samantha (12, 13, 6, 10, 8) - 9.8
Sheena (6, 7, 3, 3, 3) - 4.4
And the averages of the eliminated girls:
Sharaun - 9
Nikeysha - 11
Brittany - 9
Hannah - 12
Isis - 6.5
Clark - 7.6
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
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