Thursday, November 06, 2008

America's Next Top Model, Cycle 11

All of these are extremely good to still not all that bad, save Marjorie's simplistic shot.

1. Samantha
WTF. Y'all know I don't like Samantha much. Y'all know I still think her balloon shot is the worst of the cycle. But this? She rocked it. This is incredibly gorgeous and could easily be used for a Gap ad or something.

2. Analeigh
It's a tiny bit posey-posey, but her face looks stunning (screw you Paulina) and it's such a strong pose.

3. McKey
This is the first time I've ever thought, "Wow, McKey's gorgeous." I wish she had used the light a lot better, though.

4. Elina
She is beautiful, and her body looks good here. However, her face is shockingly weak in profile.

5. Marjorie
Oh noooooo, Marjorie finally takes a bad picture. She looks like a drunk boy; her face and pose are terrible.

1. Analeigh
She's doing Marjorie's "busted doll" thing even better than Marj does it. Love the face, especially the eyes, LOVE the body.

2. Marjorie
I love that, after the crazy crap she does every week that I love but tire of, she can manage to be equally fierce while being so simple in her posing. She looks so strong and confident. Oh, and I can't wait for her to pull a Shandi next episode!!!

3. Samantha
WTF GUYS, SAM'S GETTING GOOD AND IT'S CONFUSING ME LIKE A LOT. She looks so long (!) and lean (!) and her pose could look like she was popping a squat, but she's working with it so much that it doesn't at all.

4. McKey
I like, lose my balance looking at this picture. Between the crazy body and the tilt of the neck/head and the way it's photographed and whatnot, it's just too much. I don't like her face very much here, either. The whole picture is so awkward and she's not totally owning it. But hey, I can't deny she's trying.

5. Elina
Whoo! Elina's gone crazy! Or, you know, not. She looks a little bit like a dog peeing (though she's kind of owning the shot, so not ALL that much) and I've seen that face way too many times. Her makeup also makes her look dirty, which isn't her fault, but doesn't help. It was definitely her time to go; I found her extremely limited and she hadn't done anything good overseas.

If I had to do an overall call-out:
1. Analeigh
2. Samantha
3. McKey
4. Marjorie
5. Elina