Sunday, June 24, 2007

I think I'm the only one that likes Gwyneth Paltrow.

Seriously, though. She's pretty and generally wears pretty clothes at awards shows (that scary black see-through thing being an exception), which will always endear anyone to me. And she's a good actress. And no, Cate Blanchett wasn't better than her in 1998 (though Emily Watson [and Samantha Morton, and Angelina Jolie in TV-world] owned both of them, so stop bitching everyone)! But seriously, Shakespeare in Love, Emma, Proof, Sylvia, The Royal Tenenbaums, Possession (she's actually good!), The Talented Mr. Ripley, Sliding Doors (I'm serious!), Shallow Hal (still serious!), and most recently Infamous, in which she has a cameo where she is notably better than anyone else in the entire film. That's a great, great body of work. I heart Gwynnie, and I hate when people hate her because she dares to have an opinion about things with which they disagree.