Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy birthday Schindler & the Scoop solution

Happy happy birthday Liam Neeson, AKA Oskar Schindler and Alfred Kinsey. Oh, and Aslan. And Daniel. And Qui-Gonn (ew). And Jean Valjean (he was PERFECT). And Michael Collins. The guy plays a lot of God/Jesus figures, doesn't he? For good reason. He's amazing. Yay!

I'm watching Scoop on TV and I discovered why everyone except me hated it. Scarlett Johansson's character, Sondra Pransky, is basically written as a somewhat drunk, somewhat slutty, female Woody Allen. She delivers her lines almost too perfectly - they are really really Woody-esque. It sounds totally bizarre for Woody Allen stuttering to be coming out of Scarlett Johansson's mouth. The movie is good though! Seriously! Watch it again!