Saturday, June 23, 2007

People are idiots.

"Crash was as subtle as a brick."

Um...who said it was supposed to be subtle? Racism's a hard issue to discuss. I mean, really, if you're gonna talk about racism, talk about racism. Hell, show me a movie about racism that is subtle. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner isn't (it's also pretty terrible). In the Heat of the Night isn't. Do the Right Thing, one of the greatest films ever made, isn't. And Crash had people meet it with total anger; for a movie like that, something even worse than people hating it is people thinking it's mediocre and ignoring it (also, I love when people say "Crash was mediocre," then go on to eviscerate it and give it a 1/10. People, that's not "mediocre." Look in a dictionary.).

Lost in Translation's on now! YAAAYYYY!!!