"Employee Transfer"Worst of the season so far, but not terrible. It was really great until the first commercial break. The Michael/Holly storyline just kind of ... ended. The Dwight/Andy storyline was hilarious - limited, but they did a lot with it. The Jim/Pam storyline went absolutely nowhere and was actually kind of detrimental. That said...
- One of the best cold opens EVER. I love when Dwight gets interrupted by the elevator and just goes, "oh!"
- Darryl was a star in this episode!
- Ugh, Jim's brothers came off as jerks and they were played by really bad actors. So unfortunate. :(
- "Did Darryl touch you?" "
- Jim defending Pam so strongly was really hot.
- JIM'S BROTHERS PULLING JIMFACES. Other than actually getting Jim and Pam in the same room together again OMG finally, this was the only good part of that storyline.
- Darryl calling... someone
- Andy's overly convoluted way of telling Dwight he would meet him at 3 in the conference room, which confused even Dwight
- even if the Michael/Holly storyline was super rushed, it still broke my heart. ;_;
- Andy looked really good in overalls, didn't he? And I liked that the end of that episode was something like a callback to "Product Recall." :D
"Customer Survey"
So great and funny, but it ended on that total bittersweet note. Ugh, stupid Alex was totally out of line there. And no, it was nothing like what Jim did in "Boys and Girls" or "Casino Night." Jim and Pam, back then, had been best friends for several years, and Pam had been engaged to a completely unsympathetic and unsupportive jerk for, again, several years. What Alex did was ridiculously out of line and he needs to be punched in the face, hard. I'm so fucking tired of seeing Jim be miserable.
- Michael pretending to be engaged, WTF, and his call to his mom
- Darryl's thoughts on Michael's "engagement"
- "Kapoor's List. Sort of a
Schindler's List parody. ...Thaaaat's not appropriate." I feel like between this and the rape joke (which, I'm sorry, WAS funny, if horrific), this was like the "edgy" episode.
- Jim and Pam on the Bluetooth all episode was really adorable, and I thought it was going to be kind of cloying and obnoxious.
- Michael and Dwight's "joking" conversation
- I love how at first I was like, "OMG, Andy has a mug specifically made with his face on it, that's so ridiculous," and then it turned into a pretty important part of the plotline, like Michael's beard in "Weight Loss."
- hey, we finally got an "I love you" "I love you too!" Woot.
- Dwight's delivery of "get a friend, loser"
- Jim and Michael's smug/smudge conversation
- Jim and Pam's conversation of why he might not have done so well on his performance reviews ("Little bit. Worth it.")
- the Michael/Jim/Dwight phonecall. Somehow, "Buttlicker" did not stop being funny.
- two-story tents?
- LOVED the entire scene with Jim and Dwight in the car (and Pam on the Bluetooth)
- "I need paper..."
- Pam's ridiculous excitement after she throws out a "that's what she said"
- Jim and Ryan's conversation. I actually wish Ryan got more screentime this season, because about 95% of what he says is a ridiculous cliche and it's hilarious.
- the fact that Kelly felt the need to get revenge on Jim and Dwight for not coming to an
America's Got Talent party!!!
- Jim and Dwight celebrating Dwight being right
- Michael and Kelly bonding
- Jim's "don't." I'm almost positive it was meant for Dwight... but that ambiguity...
- the tag. Oh, Dwangelandy, won't you just stop ripping me apart already? :(
I miss Holly already. Oh, and I'm gonna say it: Pam, suck it up and get back to Scranton. Before Alex said anything in "Customer Survey," all signs pointed toward her missing home. So far this season's been excellent, but keeping Pam away from Scranton has been the weakest part of it. The office itself just seems... off without her there. I so terribly miss her and Michael and her and Angela together. C'mon, guys, bring her back. ASAP. :(