Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...

...that's supposed to be the Darth Vader movies. Because several of the movie channels keep showing the Star Wars movies in chronological order (as in, from Episode I to Episode VI), and I've had the chance to observe two things. a) The leap in quality of the movie overall from Episode III to Episode IV is hilarious. b) While I think it was horrible of George Lucas to re-release the old movies with new special effects, the old special effects are indeed laughably bad.

Sorry I haven't posted anything of substance in a while, I guess. Life is busy. But I saw Shrek the Third and...loved it? Why am I liking all these summer movies that are getting such shitty reviews? I do hope they stop because I've thought every Shrek movie was very very good and the chances of them making a good fourth one seem extremely slim.