Sunday, June 03, 2007

That movie is on.

Yeah you know. That movie with the cowboys and the mountain and the sodomy and the "I wish I knew how to quit you" and all that.

And the scene that's pictured above just happened. Um...yeah. Talk about subverting the goddamn movie! If Jack and Ennis are closeted homosexuals (I'm certainly willing to believe that, as it's a very viable thing), then why oh why is Jack so very interested in Lureen? Don't give me that crap about "societal norms" or whatever. I mean, if she came up to him, then yeah. But no, he actively pursues her, and he's shown fully enjoying heterosexual interactions, much like Ennis is at first (that sledding scene pisses me off). The scene that takes place in the back of the car is pure joy, much more so than almost any of Ennis and Jack's tortured encounters (except that kiss outside Ennis' house. Hot!).

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Brokeback Mountain is not a bad movie. However, it's not a very good one either. And really, what is it trying to tell us? It doesn't even know.
(Quick edit: Oh my God, the makeup/hair in this movie is so horrendous. Lureen's hair and Jack's mustache are laughable, and Ennis' age makeup looks like they half-heartedly rubbed some baby powder onto his temples. I seriously had more convincing age makeup in all my high school plays/musicals.)