Gee, do you think they're trying to make this like The Departed. I couldn't get that at all. Nope. (/sarcasm)
That said, I'm impressed. It looks really interesting and Russell and Denzel seem great. Oh, and Roger Bart, why are you being hideously miscast in movies? In Hostel Part II (which I won't see even if you pay me a lot), he's apparently the psycho killer. In American Gangster, it appears as if he plays some kind of super-racist Mafia man (speaking of which: OMG is it REALLY the last Sopranos this week? SO WEIRD). Oh and wasn't he apparently on Desperate Housewives (gross) as a crazed pharmacist? People, this guy won his Tony FOR PLAYING SNOOPY. He also played pretty much the largest gay stereotype ever in The Producers. That doesn't exactly scream "please put me in Hostel Part II."
But yeah. American Gangster looks great. That and Ratatouille! I'm SO EXCITED for that!!!