Friday, July 31, 2009
Oh, dear lord.
You know... I clearly like John Krasinski. He is lovely and all that, and I've definitely had mini-picspams of him here, as well as *squee*ing over him. But Jesus H., there are some megacreepy women out there when it comes to him. o_O
I don't need to read the reviews for Funny People.
The mainstream reviews will be all OMG JUDD APATOW PLEASE LET US BE YOUR LOVE SLAVES YOU ARE SO AMAZING. Entertainment Weekly will probably have an ALL JUDD APATOW issue... which will differ from its normal issues in name only.
And everyone will ignore the fact that the movie is probably stupid and not all that funny, a la Freaks and Geeks and The 40-Year-Old Virgin (I've decided I officially like Knocked Up). That said, the "Were you mad when you died at the end of Die Hard?" line that they keep playing in the trailer is really funny, but nothing else in the trailer is. And when the trailer, which always has about 85% of the funniest lines in the movie, isn't funny........
And everyone will ignore the fact that the movie is probably stupid and not all that funny, a la Freaks and Geeks and The 40-Year-Old Virgin (I've decided I officially like Knocked Up). That said, the "Were you mad when you died at the end of Die Hard?" line that they keep playing in the trailer is really funny, but nothing else in the trailer is. And when the trailer, which always has about 85% of the funniest lines in the movie, isn't funny........
funny people,
judd apatow,
knocked up,
the 40-year-old virgin
So I'm watching what is the second season of Rock of Love, and considering Rock of Love: Bus was the third season, this is pretty... amazing. Apparently living on a bus releases skankiness, because honestly, these girls are not so bad. Their hair looks at least somewhat natural. They're not wearing so much makeup it's laughably obvious. They may have natural breasts; at any rate, they're not 32FFFFFFs or whatever, and spilling out of ridiculous tops. One girl just got puking, falling over drunk and the other girls are treating it like she needs to be cared for, not like "ZOMG TOTAL FUN TIMES!!!!! I'M GONNA PUKE THEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER MAKE OUT WITH BRETT!!!!" And some of them are wearing sweaters. What the efffff?
This is not quite the skantastic Rock of Love that I... love.
This is not quite the skantastic Rock of Love that I... love.
You know your life is sad when
So today I watched Mamma Mia! on HBO and MST3Ked it... by myself. And the thing is, I was really funny! Like, I need to record it and put it up on teh UToobz or whatevs.
But yeah. My life is sad. JOBS, BECOME AVAILABLE.
But yeah. My life is sad. JOBS, BECOME AVAILABLE.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Encore (the film channel) is trying to promote Jerry Bruckheimer. "Hey! I did Armageddon! Come see G-Force!" WTF. No.
On the other unrelated hand, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report have been pretty great this week.
On the other unrelated hand, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report have been pretty great this week.
That ANTM thing I was doing will be even more pushed back or whatever because the owner of ANTMMain closed down the site, claiming it was too hard to keep up with or whatever. Huh? It's a Blogspot website! I understand if the guy who maintained it didn't want to update it and put up a blog post indicating that, but he should have just kept up all the pictures he already had. ;_; I mean, it's Blogspot! I've been using this for years now (even though it is now ~passe~ and I should be on Twitter or whatevs), and it's really easy to maintain, as in, you do not have to maintain it at all. :(
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Watchin' Top Chef Masters...
...which I may have said I've really come to enjoy, but anyway, Hubert Keller just made some kind of crazy shrimp and lobster cappuccino or something. Whuhhhh??? How do you make that, and how do you not PUKE over it?
Anyway, Rick Bayless FTW

(Don't mind me, I learned to tinypic those like a week ago so I'm all excited about it)
Anyway, Rick Bayless FTW
(Don't mind me, I learned to tinypic those like a week ago so I'm all excited about it)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I didn't realize Emily Blunt actually hadn't been cast in Iron Man 2, and my girl ScarJo had been instead. WOOT. This is gonna be awesome.
ETA: Oh wait, I actually did post about this, in March, in a blog entry with an almost identical title. Guess I forgot. Whatever, it's gonna be awesome anyway!!!!
ETA: Oh wait, I actually did post about this, in March, in a blog entry with an almost identical title. Guess I forgot. Whatever, it's gonna be awesome anyway!!!!
"Trapped in the Closet" is running on IFC. Combined with this and Bill Kristol's thorough OWNING by Jon Stewart (I don't think Jon's way of interviewing, where he's constantly interrupting, is necessarily the best, but you know what? Kristol got us into the Iraq War. He got us Sarah Palin. Fucker deserves it as opposed to, like, poor Cameron Diaz.), this is clearly the among the BEST NIGHTS EVER.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Oh. Oh... dear.
I'm watching Ten Things I Hate About You on commercial TV or whatever. And... all of Heath Ledger's appearances have been totally edited out of this version. Look, Heath Ledger's death is really sad. It's still kind of hard to watch Brokeback Mountain. But instead of hiding the fact that he was in certain movies (and having them make no gorran sense), shouldn't we celebrate the contributions he made to his art?
But even worse is, during this ~HEATH LEDGER MUST NOT BE SEEN~ version of Ten Things, they had a commercial break... with a Billy Mays commercial. Um.
But even worse is, during this ~HEATH LEDGER MUST NOT BE SEEN~ version of Ten Things, they had a commercial break... with a Billy Mays commercial. Um.
heath ledger,
ten things i hate about you
you know what was the shit? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVEEEEEE
When I beat that game, it was like... the greatest day ever.
Also, oh God, I am voluntarily watching Mamma Mia!. Ohgodohgodohgodwhat????
When I beat that game, it was like... the greatest day ever.
Also, oh God, I am voluntarily watching Mamma Mia!. Ohgodohgodohgodwhat????
Sunday, July 26, 2009
So whoever told me to watch Dexter (that would be EVERYONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN), you were right. It's really great. WHOAH.
Like, REALLY good. REALLY good. Except now they're talking about ComicCon or something and they have all these crazy people that are like "I LOVE DEXTER I WANNA HAVE SEX WITH HIM!!!!!!" and... um... no.
Like, REALLY good. REALLY good. Except now they're talking about ComicCon or something and they have all these crazy people that are like "I LOVE DEXTER I WANNA HAVE SEX WITH HIM!!!!!!" and... um... no.
Had to be said.
Na na na na
Na na na na
Hey hey hey
(I changed a line somewhere in there. See if you can find it! Uh-oh, I think she might come to this webpage and sue me now!)
Na na na na
Hey hey hey
(I changed a line somewhere in there. See if you can find it! Uh-oh, I think she might come to this webpage and sue me now!)
I think
the guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall (the one who plays the protagonist, not the greasy man-slut musician) is like, perfect for me. Ugh. Come date me, guy who I think is also on How I Met Your Mother! (or wait, I kind of already have a boyfriend. Whatevs. Do it anyway!)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
You know, I hate to be an asshole, but...
I keep seeing this everywhere, and all I can think is, "Yeah, it's cute. But is having a wedding with Chris Brown prominently featured the best idea for your future marriage?"
Oh God. I'm an asshole. :(
Via Gawker: You'll Never Guess Orphan's Surprise Ending, Because It's Completely Ridiculous.
Spoilers for the actual ending of Orphan, for those who care.
Now, I read a lot of funny stuff on teh internetz. This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. That's all.
Spoilers for the actual ending of Orphan, for those who care.
Now, I read a lot of funny stuff on teh internetz. This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. That's all.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Don't get me wrong, I'm not delusional. I don't think she's going to ~change the industry~ and I recognize that her body isn't right for the industry, right now.
But holyfuckherfaaaaace. If girls this gorgeous, this special, can't get work, I think it really says something fucked up about the fashion industry. And that's all, and I'm tired of people running around boards going on and on and on about how Tahnee is hideous and has no potential.
Watching Bravo's live show that they play on midnight sometimes...
And GODDAMMIT I LOVE IZAAC MIZRAHI SO MUCH. I JUST DO. DON'T MAKE ME JUSTIFY IT. I want him to be my BFFL so we can get drunk but not sloppy and then be cleverly bitchy together. Also, he can design all my clothes.
Oh, and congrats Anna? You were talented, but I repeatedly forgot you were there. :( At least it wasn't Daniella...
Oh, and congrats Anna? You were talented, but I repeatedly forgot you were there. :( At least it wasn't Daniella...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
CNTM Cycle 3.
So I figured I might as well review Canada's Next Top Model most recent cycle of greatness. To see any photos I'm talking about, All-CNTM rocks (and that link takes you right to the C3 page). I'll be ranking the photos and offering brief comments on each of them.
1. Rebeccah
Hello stunning bitch. Ugh, this photo is more or less flawless. It's easily one of the best in CNTM history, IMO. She looks like some high fashion doll. Gorgeous.
2. Meaghan
Wow, her face is so beautiful. She looks just like a china doll, and I love the fact that she looks just slightly harsh, but not enough to throw me off in the photo. Her mouth looks really tight, though. I don't watch, but I heard she had braces, so she was gonna have issues with her mouth, but yeah.
3. Maryam
This photo does have quite a few flaws. Like, for instance, she looks 4'2". But that's made up for in the fact that it's just such a high impact photo. She's just got a stunning face and I love her expression. It makes me pause and look at the photo, and that's what you always want in a photo, IMO.
4. Nikita
She looks a little old and harsh, and the way she's sitting is not the most flattering for her body, frankly. But damn, that FACE. This girl has one of the best faces to ever appear on an NTM show. It's just outstanding.
5. Heather
It's a good photo, but I'm not totally crazy about it. She's hiding the clothes almost completely, and her face looks a little pinched and old. Like I said, though, that's kinda nitpicky. I think this is a strong photo, and she looks confident and glamorous.
6. Jill
I don't understand why she was bottom two. This photo is pretty good. It's a little too... swimsuit modeling for this generally glamorous shoot, but she looks confident and sexy, and that face is great.
7. Linsay
If you're a Linsay fan, you won't like me. I think she's fug, manly, and looks twenty years older, and it comes across in almost every photo she took. Anyway, this photo is okay. Her body language is great. I do have quite a few issues with it, though. Her face looks about as good as it did in any photo, but it's, like Jill's, too overtly sexy. And those hips are just crazy here. She looks like the clothing barely fits her. And that's not a good thing for a model.
8. Tiffany
So I'm tired of Alex Perry's whole ~expensive~ thing being thrown around as the new "OMG this could be straight out of Vogue" as the generic NTM photo comment, at least I understand what Alex means when he says that because this photo is like its opposite. Tiffany just looks so... cheap. She looks long and lean and the dress looks nice on her, but she doesn't look ready for the photo at all; she looks like a car salesman, only she's selling the bird. As Project Runway fans might say, she looks chip in a chip way. Though at least she looks confident, if unready, and it's not as bad as...
9. Ebonie
She just looks so totally freaked out. Every other girl looked extremely confident, at least, and she lost all her glamour in this photo. I don't think it's a usable photo. But hey, she doesn't look as freaked out as...
10. Tara
That's just TERROR. And is she trying to put the snake in her mouth or something? Gross. I totally get an Anchal vibe from this photo, down to the freak out-edness... and that's not necessarily a good thing. Ugh, the fear here is just so unavoidable, it really takes me out of the shoot.
1. Nikita
Well HELLO CHEEKBONES. This photo is heavenly. I wish her pose was a little less "and now, on Wheel of Fortune..." but she just looks gorgeous and again, HELLO CHEEKBONES.
2. Heather
It's got a really dreamy feel to it. I love that this pose is neither super controlled and stiff/awkward, nor does it look like she's about to fall off the ladder. Really beautiful photo.
3. Meaghan
I'm really not crazy about that dazed look in her eyes/face... but many of these photos were great adventures in mediocrity, so she still emerges as one of the best. It does have a dreamy pose and she shows the hell out of that unflattering clothing without looking bulky.
4. Maryam
It's a little too labored. Like, there's too much effort going into this photo, it's kind of awkward, and I wish she wasn't being kind of blocked by that male model. Yet despite the awkwardness, it does work. That facial expression is just stunning. She's a really beautiful girl.
5. Tara
It's not really any good, but it's better than the rest. Hate the sneer, love the confidence and the fact that she made it sort of an interesting photo.
6. Jill
She doesn't look like she's trying, and that "uhhhh I have a head cold just take the picture uhhhh" face really bothers me. But at least she looks soft and beautiful.
7. Rebeccah
I think she landed B2 this week, supposedly for not being original enough and looking too much like Twiggy/Agyness. That's a BS reason, but this photo is bad. Only Twiggy (and okay, Clare from AusNTM) can do Twiggy; I'd put Rebeccah this low because she looks like a friggin' blow-up doll. Aaaand that's all.
8. Ebonie
That face is just bad, bad, bad, bad. She looks very old here, and in her expression, she just doesn't look ready. I like the way she's showing off the clothes here, though.
9. Linsay
I think it's terrible. The way she's holding herself, it looks like she has a giant ass, and you can barely see her face... but what you can see is pretty atrocious. Her nose and mouth and eyes just don't photograph well. This chick is no model.
1. Rebeccah
When this girl's on, she's so on. I wish her eyes were open, but it takes my breath away with how gorgeous it is.
2. Heather
It's high impact for sure, and I love how much passion she brought to this photo... but that face is heading a bit too much in the ugly-ugly direction for me, as opposed to ugly-pretty. But it's definitely got that oomph/extra that I always love in photos.
3. Meaghan
Desperation personified, in a good way. Again, she could use a little more ugly-pretty as opposed to ugly-ugly.
4. Linsay
She looks dead, not longing, but I do like this photo. It's definitely one of her best.
5. Maryam
You can definitely tell it was taken in a sound stage or whatever, and I'm actually not that crazy about her face... but this entire photo is just so stunningly wounded. I love that.
6. Nikita
It's pretty ugly, actually, like quite a few of these... but the longing is there. This week was really strong, and most of the girls performed extremely well.
7. Tara
Hey there Anchal. Make yourself look prettier, and a lot less sweaty. K bye.
8. Ebonie
Hahahahaha her EXPRESSION. Was that mean? Yeah, well, I'm tired.
Amazing photoshoot! One of the best in NTM history, and all the girls did really well.
1. Nikita
Yeah, hi there flawless.
2. Meaghan
Yeah, this is more or less perfect. The only thing that's not? The hand. But it's still an amazing photo!
3. Maryam
She looks weirdly like Teyona here, but it's an amazing photo. It's not easy to pull off that pose and not make it look awkward, but she totally did it. It's only as "low" as it is because of the weirdness in the arm and back.
4. Linsay
This is definitely her best photo. It's divine. The pose is a little too jewelry ad but there's no denying it's gorgeous. And for the first and only time in the cycle, she looks like she has modeling potential... those cheekbones!
5. Heather
I love the dramatics in this photo. It's almost like... a religious experience. Only in a week like this could a photo this strong be called right before the bottom two. However, something in her eyes is... weird or bug-eyed or something. It doesn't totally work, but I love how haunting the photo is.
6. Rebeccah
It's a gorgeous photo, but she looks so startled. And I'm sure, if she had her mouth exposed, it would be open and thus all blow up doll-y. Really, when this is the "second worst" photo of the week, though...
7. Tara
It's beautiful, but pedestrian. I wish she'd pushed it more, but it's still a photo she can be very proud of.
1. Meaghan
Only two girls did even okay at this shoot, which was as much a miserable failure as the week before was a triumph. I love her body language and the attitude in her face. She looks like a model here, even in this cheap ass shoot
2. Nikita
The other girl that wasn't a laughingstock. Her pose and face strikes me as faker than Meaghan's, but I get this VERY HBIC vibe from this photo, which I love.
3. Rebeccah
I don't understand why she was booted for this, considering that other girls humiliated themselves... but that expression is not at all flattering to her face. She just looks bad, and kind of older than she was, which is never a good thing for fashion.
4. Maryam
I like how she's selling the phone and it looks like she's having fun but unfortunately, she looks really old, ugly, and busted.
5. Heather
She looks extremely pedestrian and broad. Heck, in the face, she even looks ugly. That's not a good thing for a model, at all.
6. Linsay
Linsay wasn't notably awful until this point, where... it emerged. Seriously, that face is just awful. What is she doing? She looks deranged. It's the worst photo of the cycle.
1. Nikita
Whoah, I gave Nikita a whole lot of FCOs, and I don't even consider her the best girl of the cycle (that's Meaghan, and Maryam might have been the second best). Anyway, I'm stunned by how great this photo is. She's really a goddess here.
2. Meaghan
I would like more interaction between these two girls, and the diva alter ego is totally obscuring the plain alter ego, but it's a divine photo. I adore that diva's pose, and how strong she looks.
3. Maryam
I can't give her a FCO because I don't think it's fair, considering she had a totally different photoshoot, but this photo is DIVINE. It really could be in any magazine, and you guys know I hate that comment about good photos. It's just a very fashion photo, and I love the animalistic look in her eyes. I really wish Alexandra hadn't quit at the beginning of the cycle so they could have actually done this photoshoot!!
4. Heather
I think her "plain" alter ego is better than the diva/model one, but she did a pretty good job here. I like this photo, I just think the other girls did better.
5. Linsay
The face of the plain girl is quite ugly (that's not a good face for anyone, Linsay), and the face of the diva or whatever is drag queen-y. I don't see all that much connection between them, either. It's not really awful or anything, though.
1. Nikita
She looks really pretty and friendly. I wouldn't think she could pull off something like this, but well, there you go.
2. Maryam
She looks hella tired and there's something weird in her hair/forehead but it's a nice photo, if not really Cover Girl.
3. Meaghan
Really the only weak photo in her portfolio, unfortunately. I don't like the smile at all, she looks all twisted and uncomfortable.
4. Linsay
I think it's really bad. No way this deserved FCO. She looks super old and tired. If they'd booted Linsay at the F6 or so, I would have never noticed how much she sucks, but among girls like Meaghan, Maryam, and Nikita, she's laughable.
1. Meaghan
I already talked about this photo, sorta. DIVINE GODDESS! I think, even with the beauty shot photos, this might be my favorite photo of the cycle. It's just GORGEOUS.
2. Nikita
I'm surprised at how bad this is. Her face is just dead. Really, the only option for FCO was Meaghan, but Nikita totally should have stayed.
3. Linsay
Her F4 and F3 FCOs were some of the worst FCOs in any NTMs I've seen. It's unbelievably commercial - it belongs on Self or something - but it wouldn't even be usable for that because her face has never looked worse. Old, mannish, flat-out ugly... all the things we've come to, um, love about Linsay are back. Seriously, how did she get FCO over Meaghan's divine-ness this week???
1. Rebeccah
Hello stunning bitch. Ugh, this photo is more or less flawless. It's easily one of the best in CNTM history, IMO. She looks like some high fashion doll. Gorgeous.
2. Meaghan
Wow, her face is so beautiful. She looks just like a china doll, and I love the fact that she looks just slightly harsh, but not enough to throw me off in the photo. Her mouth looks really tight, though. I don't watch, but I heard she had braces, so she was gonna have issues with her mouth, but yeah.
3. Maryam
This photo does have quite a few flaws. Like, for instance, she looks 4'2". But that's made up for in the fact that it's just such a high impact photo. She's just got a stunning face and I love her expression. It makes me pause and look at the photo, and that's what you always want in a photo, IMO.
4. Nikita
She looks a little old and harsh, and the way she's sitting is not the most flattering for her body, frankly. But damn, that FACE. This girl has one of the best faces to ever appear on an NTM show. It's just outstanding.
5. Heather
It's a good photo, but I'm not totally crazy about it. She's hiding the clothes almost completely, and her face looks a little pinched and old. Like I said, though, that's kinda nitpicky. I think this is a strong photo, and she looks confident and glamorous.
6. Jill
I don't understand why she was bottom two. This photo is pretty good. It's a little too... swimsuit modeling for this generally glamorous shoot, but she looks confident and sexy, and that face is great.
7. Linsay
If you're a Linsay fan, you won't like me. I think she's fug, manly, and looks twenty years older, and it comes across in almost every photo she took. Anyway, this photo is okay. Her body language is great. I do have quite a few issues with it, though. Her face looks about as good as it did in any photo, but it's, like Jill's, too overtly sexy. And those hips are just crazy here. She looks like the clothing barely fits her. And that's not a good thing for a model.
8. Tiffany
So I'm tired of Alex Perry's whole ~expensive~ thing being thrown around as the new "OMG this could be straight out of Vogue" as the generic NTM photo comment, at least I understand what Alex means when he says that because this photo is like its opposite. Tiffany just looks so... cheap. She looks long and lean and the dress looks nice on her, but she doesn't look ready for the photo at all; she looks like a car salesman, only she's selling the bird. As Project Runway fans might say, she looks chip in a chip way. Though at least she looks confident, if unready, and it's not as bad as...
9. Ebonie
She just looks so totally freaked out. Every other girl looked extremely confident, at least, and she lost all her glamour in this photo. I don't think it's a usable photo. But hey, she doesn't look as freaked out as...
10. Tara
That's just TERROR. And is she trying to put the snake in her mouth or something? Gross. I totally get an Anchal vibe from this photo, down to the freak out-edness... and that's not necessarily a good thing. Ugh, the fear here is just so unavoidable, it really takes me out of the shoot.
1. Nikita
Well HELLO CHEEKBONES. This photo is heavenly. I wish her pose was a little less "and now, on Wheel of Fortune..." but she just looks gorgeous and again, HELLO CHEEKBONES.
2. Heather
It's got a really dreamy feel to it. I love that this pose is neither super controlled and stiff/awkward, nor does it look like she's about to fall off the ladder. Really beautiful photo.
3. Meaghan
I'm really not crazy about that dazed look in her eyes/face... but many of these photos were great adventures in mediocrity, so she still emerges as one of the best. It does have a dreamy pose and she shows the hell out of that unflattering clothing without looking bulky.
4. Maryam
It's a little too labored. Like, there's too much effort going into this photo, it's kind of awkward, and I wish she wasn't being kind of blocked by that male model. Yet despite the awkwardness, it does work. That facial expression is just stunning. She's a really beautiful girl.
5. Tara
It's not really any good, but it's better than the rest. Hate the sneer, love the confidence and the fact that she made it sort of an interesting photo.
6. Jill
She doesn't look like she's trying, and that "uhhhh I have a head cold just take the picture uhhhh" face really bothers me. But at least she looks soft and beautiful.
7. Rebeccah
I think she landed B2 this week, supposedly for not being original enough and looking too much like Twiggy/Agyness. That's a BS reason, but this photo is bad. Only Twiggy (and okay, Clare from AusNTM) can do Twiggy; I'd put Rebeccah this low because she looks like a friggin' blow-up doll. Aaaand that's all.
8. Ebonie
That face is just bad, bad, bad, bad. She looks very old here, and in her expression, she just doesn't look ready. I like the way she's showing off the clothes here, though.
9. Linsay
I think it's terrible. The way she's holding herself, it looks like she has a giant ass, and you can barely see her face... but what you can see is pretty atrocious. Her nose and mouth and eyes just don't photograph well. This chick is no model.
1. Rebeccah
When this girl's on, she's so on. I wish her eyes were open, but it takes my breath away with how gorgeous it is.
2. Heather
It's high impact for sure, and I love how much passion she brought to this photo... but that face is heading a bit too much in the ugly-ugly direction for me, as opposed to ugly-pretty. But it's definitely got that oomph/extra that I always love in photos.
3. Meaghan
Desperation personified, in a good way. Again, she could use a little more ugly-pretty as opposed to ugly-ugly.
4. Linsay
She looks dead, not longing, but I do like this photo. It's definitely one of her best.
5. Maryam
You can definitely tell it was taken in a sound stage or whatever, and I'm actually not that crazy about her face... but this entire photo is just so stunningly wounded. I love that.
6. Nikita
It's pretty ugly, actually, like quite a few of these... but the longing is there. This week was really strong, and most of the girls performed extremely well.
7. Tara
Hey there Anchal. Make yourself look prettier, and a lot less sweaty. K bye.
8. Ebonie
Hahahahaha her EXPRESSION. Was that mean? Yeah, well, I'm tired.
Amazing photoshoot! One of the best in NTM history, and all the girls did really well.
1. Nikita
Yeah, hi there flawless.
2. Meaghan
Yeah, this is more or less perfect. The only thing that's not? The hand. But it's still an amazing photo!
3. Maryam
She looks weirdly like Teyona here, but it's an amazing photo. It's not easy to pull off that pose and not make it look awkward, but she totally did it. It's only as "low" as it is because of the weirdness in the arm and back.
4. Linsay
This is definitely her best photo. It's divine. The pose is a little too jewelry ad but there's no denying it's gorgeous. And for the first and only time in the cycle, she looks like she has modeling potential... those cheekbones!
5. Heather
I love the dramatics in this photo. It's almost like... a religious experience. Only in a week like this could a photo this strong be called right before the bottom two. However, something in her eyes is... weird or bug-eyed or something. It doesn't totally work, but I love how haunting the photo is.
6. Rebeccah
It's a gorgeous photo, but she looks so startled. And I'm sure, if she had her mouth exposed, it would be open and thus all blow up doll-y. Really, when this is the "second worst" photo of the week, though...
7. Tara
It's beautiful, but pedestrian. I wish she'd pushed it more, but it's still a photo she can be very proud of.
1. Meaghan
Only two girls did even okay at this shoot, which was as much a miserable failure as the week before was a triumph. I love her body language and the attitude in her face. She looks like a model here, even in this cheap ass shoot
2. Nikita
The other girl that wasn't a laughingstock. Her pose and face strikes me as faker than Meaghan's, but I get this VERY HBIC vibe from this photo, which I love.
3. Rebeccah
I don't understand why she was booted for this, considering that other girls humiliated themselves... but that expression is not at all flattering to her face. She just looks bad, and kind of older than she was, which is never a good thing for fashion.
4. Maryam
I like how she's selling the phone and it looks like she's having fun but unfortunately, she looks really old, ugly, and busted.
5. Heather
She looks extremely pedestrian and broad. Heck, in the face, she even looks ugly. That's not a good thing for a model, at all.
6. Linsay
Linsay wasn't notably awful until this point, where... it emerged. Seriously, that face is just awful. What is she doing? She looks deranged. It's the worst photo of the cycle.
1. Nikita
Whoah, I gave Nikita a whole lot of FCOs, and I don't even consider her the best girl of the cycle (that's Meaghan, and Maryam might have been the second best). Anyway, I'm stunned by how great this photo is. She's really a goddess here.
2. Meaghan
I would like more interaction between these two girls, and the diva alter ego is totally obscuring the plain alter ego, but it's a divine photo. I adore that diva's pose, and how strong she looks.
3. Maryam
I can't give her a FCO because I don't think it's fair, considering she had a totally different photoshoot, but this photo is DIVINE. It really could be in any magazine, and you guys know I hate that comment about good photos. It's just a very fashion photo, and I love the animalistic look in her eyes. I really wish Alexandra hadn't quit at the beginning of the cycle so they could have actually done this photoshoot!!
4. Heather
I think her "plain" alter ego is better than the diva/model one, but she did a pretty good job here. I like this photo, I just think the other girls did better.
5. Linsay
The face of the plain girl is quite ugly (that's not a good face for anyone, Linsay), and the face of the diva or whatever is drag queen-y. I don't see all that much connection between them, either. It's not really awful or anything, though.
1. Nikita
She looks really pretty and friendly. I wouldn't think she could pull off something like this, but well, there you go.
2. Maryam
She looks hella tired and there's something weird in her hair/forehead but it's a nice photo, if not really Cover Girl.
3. Meaghan
Really the only weak photo in her portfolio, unfortunately. I don't like the smile at all, she looks all twisted and uncomfortable.
4. Linsay
I think it's really bad. No way this deserved FCO. She looks super old and tired. If they'd booted Linsay at the F6 or so, I would have never noticed how much she sucks, but among girls like Meaghan, Maryam, and Nikita, she's laughable.
1. Meaghan
I already talked about this photo, sorta. DIVINE GODDESS! I think, even with the beauty shot photos, this might be my favorite photo of the cycle. It's just GORGEOUS.
2. Nikita
I'm surprised at how bad this is. Her face is just dead. Really, the only option for FCO was Meaghan, but Nikita totally should have stayed.
3. Linsay
Her F4 and F3 FCOs were some of the worst FCOs in any NTMs I've seen. It's unbelievably commercial - it belongs on Self or something - but it wouldn't even be usable for that because her face has never looked worse. Old, mannish, flat-out ugly... all the things we've come to, um, love about Linsay are back. Seriously, how did she get FCO over Meaghan's divine-ness this week???
Stunning bitch.
This is the winner of Canada's Next Top Model:

Hoooooly. Back in C1, this show was buuuusted. The photoshoots were overwhelmingly terrible and the contestant that was obviously miles above everyone else, Sisi, was booted for some bullshit reason. A girl with this photo in her on-show portfolio won in her place. C2 was better; the winner was like a far more awesome McKey and they had some better photoshoots, though still kinda jank and blah.
BUT THIS CYCLE. The photoshoots were awesome, and the winner, as seen above, is just STUNNING. Congrats, CNTM. Keep this up (and uh, have more than like 4 photoshoots per cycle) and you'll be at Australia level next cycle.

Hoooooly. Back in C1, this show was buuuusted. The photoshoots were overwhelmingly terrible and the contestant that was obviously miles above everyone else, Sisi, was booted for some bullshit reason. A girl with this photo in her on-show portfolio won in her place. C2 was better; the winner was like a far more awesome McKey and they had some better photoshoots, though still kinda jank and blah.
BUT THIS CYCLE. The photoshoots were awesome, and the winner, as seen above, is just STUNNING. Congrats, CNTM. Keep this up (and uh, have more than like 4 photoshoots per cycle) and you'll be at Australia level next cycle.
Just in case you forgot...
Best ever.
(I love that has been doing these "best of..." things for the summer. It allows me to revisit all the awesome moments I forgot about, even if my top 5 moments of whatever would more than likely be different.)
(I love that has been doing these "best of..." things for the summer. It allows me to revisit all the awesome moments I forgot about, even if my top 5 moments of whatever would more than likely be different.)
Random 2:30ish AM observation #infinity
Lauren Ambrose was going through a really awkward phase during the filming of Can't Hardly Wait.
Is Seth Green supposed to be hot? Cuz, no.
Also, why does every female, in every movie/TV show ever made, have sex with a top on??? Yes I know it is because of ~censorship~ and you know, sometimes not all the clothes come off, but THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN VERY OFTEN. Ahem. This especially bothered me in Knocked Up, even though I'm sure it came from Katie Heigl not wanting to end up on the equivalent of Flesh of the Stars ;) or whatevs.
Is Seth Green supposed to be hot? Cuz, no.
Also, why does every female, in every movie/TV show ever made, have sex with a top on??? Yes I know it is because of ~censorship~ and you know, sometimes not all the clothes come off, but THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN VERY OFTEN. Ahem. This especially bothered me in Knocked Up, even though I'm sure it came from Katie Heigl not wanting to end up on the equivalent of Flesh of the Stars ;) or whatevs.
can't hardly wait,
katherine heigl,
knocked up,
lauren ambrose,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Laughing @ morons.
So I'm reading a fairly popular ANTM-related board that is really full of Analeigh hate, and there's a lot of "SHE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK LIKE A PERSON! SHE'S A DISGUSTING GROSS PIG!!!!!"
Yeah, because this is one hideous person. Oh God! I can't even look at it!!!! Look, I know attractiveness is subjective, but there's no way Analeigh is at all disgusting to the point where she doesn't look like a person any more. I'll dare to say it: though she lacks facial bone structure, she's got that baby doll look everyone goes batshit crazy over, like with Gemma Ward, Vlada Roslyakova, and Caroline Trentini. I seriously don't understand why, almost a year after her cycle aired, people still attack her constantly, when the girl didn't even win and is, by all accounts, a lovely person. Yeah, she ain't the most modelesque girl the show's ever seen, but she's far from the least. Heck, she's in the top half of potential from her cycle alone.
In conclusion, Analeigh is awesome and the haters include people who, on this particular forum, called Michelle Obama a "gorilla" and told C9 Ambreal to "go back to the jungle." So yeah. GTFO on their part.
Yeah, because this is one hideous person. Oh God! I can't even look at it!!!! Look, I know attractiveness is subjective, but there's no way Analeigh is at all disgusting to the point where she doesn't look like a person any more. I'll dare to say it: though she lacks facial bone structure, she's got that baby doll look everyone goes batshit crazy over, like with Gemma Ward, Vlada Roslyakova, and Caroline Trentini. I seriously don't understand why, almost a year after her cycle aired, people still attack her constantly, when the girl didn't even win and is, by all accounts, a lovely person. Yeah, she ain't the most modelesque girl the show's ever seen, but she's far from the least. Heck, she's in the top half of potential from her cycle alone.
In conclusion, Analeigh is awesome and the haters include people who, on this particular forum, called Michelle Obama a "gorilla" and told C9 Ambreal to "go back to the jungle." So yeah. GTFO on their part.
ANTM C3: awful/awesome
10. Kristi's Lee Jeans
"The body’s not bad… BUT THAT FACE. Or rather, THAT JAW. Like too many photos this week, the entire photo makes me uncomfortable, both because Kristi herself looks so uncomfortable and because I’m afraid her jaw will attack me."
9. Ann's kimono
"What the hell is this? It’s a little frightening at first glance to be honest, hah. It’s like she’s trying to be graceful but she fails miserably and looks like she’s making up her own dance to “Walk Like An Egyptian.” When she’s in JAPAN. She shows off the kimono well, but I hate how it pools around her feet; I want to scream at her, “PICK IT UP, YOU’RE GOING TO TRIP!!!!” She looks shortish because it cut her legs off too. Her face has a very Kabuki expression, which I appreciate, but she also looks tired and draggish. I didn’t even notice the phone until I was done writing the above rant and then was like “wait, but what the hell about the product?” Not very good."
8. Cassie's YJ Stinger jumping
"Yeah, this is pretty damn terrible. The bottom two photos were just atrocious, and at a level of badness beyond the others. Cassie’s hair and pose conspire to make her look like she stuck her finger in a socket. She looks old with her facial expression and all the makeup they slathered on her. The reason she isn’t eliminated is because you can tell she was trying more than Ann is; there’s a great energy in this photo, but it’s not focused well. And, the drink is clearly in her hand. But still terrible."
7. Amanda's motorcycle
"Her torso’s pose is quite good and I love her extended leg, and I love the makeup style they did on her. That’s about the extent of the good things I can say about this photo. Both her arms totally disappeared, and her face looks completely cracked out. As usual, her eyes are blank and creepy, and the bizarre way her neck is twisted honestly reminds me of a horror film. Ugh, this photo just gives me the willies."
6. Magdalena's swimwear
"Yeah, it’s bad. She’s very very awkward because of her scrunched pose. It looks like her hand on the left is reaching down, uh, somewhere she shouldn’t be touching in a photoshoot and her legs just look frankly awful. Wow, her legs look bad. I like the way she’s looking up so intently, but her neck and back look really strained and her face is just dead, especially her eyes. In person, she was really interesting-looking, but she just does not photograph well."
5. Amanda's doppelganger
"This whole photo is just rancid. Both characters look like big sloppy drag queens. The shot on the left is extremely pedestrian and commercial, but not in a good way, and just… nothing’s there in the shot on the right, other than that it’s terrifying (the makeup, the overly weirdly buff arms, how completely bizarre that skirt is), and not in an interesting/striking way like Ann’s. Seriously bad."
4. Jennipher's roller skating
"This photo is an absolute MESS. Her body proportions look way off, it seriously looks like her legs are freakishly short, and her face is awful. She looks about four feet tall. The dress doesn’t look good on her and that wig was a serious styling mistake. She’s selling the purse okay, but ugh, that’s hardly the first place your eyes go to, and she’s holding it at an awkward place on her body."
3. Ann's YJ Stinger jumping
"Awful. There’s not a single good thing to say about this picture really. There’s no energy in it, her pose is terrible, the clothes are incredibly unflattering and you can barely see them, and she’s holding the product off to the side so she’s not selling it well. She didn’t even make it look soft and pretty, or like she was flying or anything like that. It’s a terrible angle on her face, the structure of it looks all jaw, and her expression is, well, stoned. Maybe Down’s. SORRY ABOUT THAT. But the photo is so bad!"
2. Toccara's roller skating
"She is just standing there, not giving anything to it (it’s not that “simple but strong” thing I always go on about… she’s just lamely standing there) and she looks incredibly obese, unfortunately. Like, did she gain weight between the first episode and this one? She was wearing about an equal amount of clothing but looked great back then and terrible here. Oh, well. The clothes are not flattering at all. Her face isn’t very good either, it’s just a very confused expression. She’s putting no effort into selling the purse."
1. Kelle's Lee Jeans
"OOOOUCH. There. Are. No. Words. Actually… there are many words, but I’m just not gonna say them right now."
10. Nicole's swimwear
"GORGEOUS and very modelesque. She does a great job of selling the suit and drawing attention to it by putting her hands by the top and bottom of the bikini. I like how she plays with the netting. Her body looks fantastic and her face is absolutely flawless, even with heavy makeup (look at it in relative close-up… either she was very cold or they slathered blush on her). I love how she looks off into the distance; I thought that was pretty creative."
9. Nicole's roller skating
"My big problem with this photo is that she looks kinda short. Other than that, I really love it. I love the hunched couture pose and the legs. The knock-kneed thing works really well. She’s showing off at least one of the purses extremely well and yet still subtly, even if the other purse is totally hidden. I love what we can see of her face, too; she’s so beautiful."
8. Ann's doppelganger
"I love the poses and faces of both these girls. She’s even pulling off that weird pose with the girl on the left that could possibly look like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant, but not here. The face of the girl on the right kind of freaks me out, but I think that was part of its goal and it’s such a strong photo, overall. I love their interaction."
7. Julie's swimwear
"I love the weirdness and yet beauty of it. I know some of this photo’s detractors have compared her to a chicken, but I kind of like that! I mean, it’s not totally blatant, but it’s just weird enough that this photo makes you look twice, which you want in an ad of any kind. She looks tall, elegant, beautiful, and modelesque. There’s subtle action in it too. I do wish she wasn’t covering both her arms with that netting."
6. Yaya's snake beauty shot
"She looks like a queen here. This photo is absolutely stunning in its regality. I love how, despite the rather dramatic pose (especially compared to the other girls), the crazy hair, the heavy makeup and her generally extremely dramatic eyes, and the spider, she still manages to sell the jewelry very well. Her lips should have been fully closed and at a second glance, the way they styled her eyebrows REALLY BOTHERS ME, but honestly that’s nitpicking. It’s only #2 because it’s not AS amazing as Amanda’s."
5. Cassie's roller skating
"I think this is one of the best “simple” photos in ANTM history along with, I dunno, a lot of Jaslene’s. Everything about it is so effortless, but it works better than any of these other photos to be perfectly honest. LOVE her pose, LOVE LOVE LOVE the coy look on her face, LOVE how well and how casually she sells the purse. Her face takes the ridiculous makeup very well."
4. Norelle's Nivea beauty shot
"She looks amazing, almost otherworldly. In my opinion, she’s the one with the gorgeous, ethereal eyes here (blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls aren’t the only ones that can look ethereal!), not Amanda. Her eyes are gorgeous and such a stunning color, but they still have the spark of life in them. I love how she’s using her hands and yet they don’t look weird or creepily detached. To be honest I ranked these before I saw the actual episode, so I didn’t see what the girls looked like before photoshopping and ugh, this makes my rankings so much more complicated, because hers was so obviously the pre-photoshopping worst in terms of what they had to fix or whatever. So… I’m just gonna ignore that."
3. Yaya's swimwear
"She looks like a goddess, and super tall when she was on the shorter side. Her body looks flawless too. She's so strong here, and she sells the suit extremely well. She looks elegant and regal, and the haughty look on her face really works for this photo for whatever reason. Like several of the other girls who ranked highly, her pose has a low-grade energy that isn’t ridiculous but nevertheless adds interest to the photograph."
2. Norelle's YJ Stinger jumping
"At first I thought this photo was only okay and I ranked it at like 4 or 5 here, but then I was redoing my call-outs for C3 and I realized homegirl totally NAILED it here. Dunno what I was thinking before. Her pose is simply awesome and she didn’t let bouncing on a trampoline fuck it up. In fact, in a really awesome way, it looks both like she’s jumping on a trampoline, and like she’s jumping or floating through mid-air all by herself. The pose is perfectly modelesque, too, and she looks like seventeen feet tall. She sells the clothes and the energy drink extremely well. Her face is maybe a little too blank, but I’d rather have blank than hideous and at terrible angles like most of the other girls, plus she looks pretty even with the heavy makeup. This photo is miles above all the others this week."
1. Amanda's spider beauty shot
"This is the picture where her eyes work AMAZINGLY well. It’s unbelievable both as a photo and if it was going to be used as an ad. She sells the rings subtly but well. I don’t think she’s resting on pretty, even though she looks almost unbelievably STUNNINGLY beautiful; I think the look in her eyes, the position of her hand, and the smirk/smile are enough to push it past that. Amanda is very overrated overall, but this photo is almost embarrassingly underrated. The passion and beauty in it are just fucking astounding. This photo is easily one of the best pictures in ANTM history. Ugh, I can’t get over how amazing this photo is!!!"
10. Kristi's Lee Jeans
"The body’s not bad… BUT THAT FACE. Or rather, THAT JAW. Like too many photos this week, the entire photo makes me uncomfortable, both because Kristi herself looks so uncomfortable and because I’m afraid her jaw will attack me."
9. Ann's kimono
"What the hell is this? It’s a little frightening at first glance to be honest, hah. It’s like she’s trying to be graceful but she fails miserably and looks like she’s making up her own dance to “Walk Like An Egyptian.” When she’s in JAPAN. She shows off the kimono well, but I hate how it pools around her feet; I want to scream at her, “PICK IT UP, YOU’RE GOING TO TRIP!!!!” She looks shortish because it cut her legs off too. Her face has a very Kabuki expression, which I appreciate, but she also looks tired and draggish. I didn’t even notice the phone until I was done writing the above rant and then was like “wait, but what the hell about the product?” Not very good."
8. Cassie's YJ Stinger jumping
"Yeah, this is pretty damn terrible. The bottom two photos were just atrocious, and at a level of badness beyond the others. Cassie’s hair and pose conspire to make her look like she stuck her finger in a socket. She looks old with her facial expression and all the makeup they slathered on her. The reason she isn’t eliminated is because you can tell she was trying more than Ann is; there’s a great energy in this photo, but it’s not focused well. And, the drink is clearly in her hand. But still terrible."
7. Amanda's motorcycle
"Her torso’s pose is quite good and I love her extended leg, and I love the makeup style they did on her. That’s about the extent of the good things I can say about this photo. Both her arms totally disappeared, and her face looks completely cracked out. As usual, her eyes are blank and creepy, and the bizarre way her neck is twisted honestly reminds me of a horror film. Ugh, this photo just gives me the willies."
6. Magdalena's swimwear
"Yeah, it’s bad. She’s very very awkward because of her scrunched pose. It looks like her hand on the left is reaching down, uh, somewhere she shouldn’t be touching in a photoshoot and her legs just look frankly awful. Wow, her legs look bad. I like the way she’s looking up so intently, but her neck and back look really strained and her face is just dead, especially her eyes. In person, she was really interesting-looking, but she just does not photograph well."
5. Amanda's doppelganger
"This whole photo is just rancid. Both characters look like big sloppy drag queens. The shot on the left is extremely pedestrian and commercial, but not in a good way, and just… nothing’s there in the shot on the right, other than that it’s terrifying (the makeup, the overly weirdly buff arms, how completely bizarre that skirt is), and not in an interesting/striking way like Ann’s. Seriously bad."
4. Jennipher's roller skating
"This photo is an absolute MESS. Her body proportions look way off, it seriously looks like her legs are freakishly short, and her face is awful. She looks about four feet tall. The dress doesn’t look good on her and that wig was a serious styling mistake. She’s selling the purse okay, but ugh, that’s hardly the first place your eyes go to, and she’s holding it at an awkward place on her body."
3. Ann's YJ Stinger jumping
"Awful. There’s not a single good thing to say about this picture really. There’s no energy in it, her pose is terrible, the clothes are incredibly unflattering and you can barely see them, and she’s holding the product off to the side so she’s not selling it well. She didn’t even make it look soft and pretty, or like she was flying or anything like that. It’s a terrible angle on her face, the structure of it looks all jaw, and her expression is, well, stoned. Maybe Down’s. SORRY ABOUT THAT. But the photo is so bad!"
2. Toccara's roller skating
"She is just standing there, not giving anything to it (it’s not that “simple but strong” thing I always go on about… she’s just lamely standing there) and she looks incredibly obese, unfortunately. Like, did she gain weight between the first episode and this one? She was wearing about an equal amount of clothing but looked great back then and terrible here. Oh, well. The clothes are not flattering at all. Her face isn’t very good either, it’s just a very confused expression. She’s putting no effort into selling the purse."
1. Kelle's Lee Jeans
"OOOOUCH. There. Are. No. Words. Actually… there are many words, but I’m just not gonna say them right now."
10. Nicole's swimwear
"GORGEOUS and very modelesque. She does a great job of selling the suit and drawing attention to it by putting her hands by the top and bottom of the bikini. I like how she plays with the netting. Her body looks fantastic and her face is absolutely flawless, even with heavy makeup (look at it in relative close-up… either she was very cold or they slathered blush on her). I love how she looks off into the distance; I thought that was pretty creative."
9. Nicole's roller skating
"My big problem with this photo is that she looks kinda short. Other than that, I really love it. I love the hunched couture pose and the legs. The knock-kneed thing works really well. She’s showing off at least one of the purses extremely well and yet still subtly, even if the other purse is totally hidden. I love what we can see of her face, too; she’s so beautiful."
8. Ann's doppelganger
"I love the poses and faces of both these girls. She’s even pulling off that weird pose with the girl on the left that could possibly look like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant, but not here. The face of the girl on the right kind of freaks me out, but I think that was part of its goal and it’s such a strong photo, overall. I love their interaction."
7. Julie's swimwear
"I love the weirdness and yet beauty of it. I know some of this photo’s detractors have compared her to a chicken, but I kind of like that! I mean, it’s not totally blatant, but it’s just weird enough that this photo makes you look twice, which you want in an ad of any kind. She looks tall, elegant, beautiful, and modelesque. There’s subtle action in it too. I do wish she wasn’t covering both her arms with that netting."
6. Yaya's snake beauty shot
"She looks like a queen here. This photo is absolutely stunning in its regality. I love how, despite the rather dramatic pose (especially compared to the other girls), the crazy hair, the heavy makeup and her generally extremely dramatic eyes, and the spider, she still manages to sell the jewelry very well. Her lips should have been fully closed and at a second glance, the way they styled her eyebrows REALLY BOTHERS ME, but honestly that’s nitpicking. It’s only #2 because it’s not AS amazing as Amanda’s."
5. Cassie's roller skating
"I think this is one of the best “simple” photos in ANTM history along with, I dunno, a lot of Jaslene’s. Everything about it is so effortless, but it works better than any of these other photos to be perfectly honest. LOVE her pose, LOVE LOVE LOVE the coy look on her face, LOVE how well and how casually she sells the purse. Her face takes the ridiculous makeup very well."
4. Norelle's Nivea beauty shot
"She looks amazing, almost otherworldly. In my opinion, she’s the one with the gorgeous, ethereal eyes here (blonde-haired, blue-eyed girls aren’t the only ones that can look ethereal!), not Amanda. Her eyes are gorgeous and such a stunning color, but they still have the spark of life in them. I love how she’s using her hands and yet they don’t look weird or creepily detached. To be honest I ranked these before I saw the actual episode, so I didn’t see what the girls looked like before photoshopping and ugh, this makes my rankings so much more complicated, because hers was so obviously the pre-photoshopping worst in terms of what they had to fix or whatever. So… I’m just gonna ignore that."
3. Yaya's swimwear
"She looks like a goddess, and super tall when she was on the shorter side. Her body looks flawless too. She's so strong here, and she sells the suit extremely well. She looks elegant and regal, and the haughty look on her face really works for this photo for whatever reason. Like several of the other girls who ranked highly, her pose has a low-grade energy that isn’t ridiculous but nevertheless adds interest to the photograph."
2. Norelle's YJ Stinger jumping
"At first I thought this photo was only okay and I ranked it at like 4 or 5 here, but then I was redoing my call-outs for C3 and I realized homegirl totally NAILED it here. Dunno what I was thinking before. Her pose is simply awesome and she didn’t let bouncing on a trampoline fuck it up. In fact, in a really awesome way, it looks both like she’s jumping on a trampoline, and like she’s jumping or floating through mid-air all by herself. The pose is perfectly modelesque, too, and she looks like seventeen feet tall. She sells the clothes and the energy drink extremely well. Her face is maybe a little too blank, but I’d rather have blank than hideous and at terrible angles like most of the other girls, plus she looks pretty even with the heavy makeup. This photo is miles above all the others this week."
1. Amanda's spider beauty shot
"This is the picture where her eyes work AMAZINGLY well. It’s unbelievable both as a photo and if it was going to be used as an ad. She sells the rings subtly but well. I don’t think she’s resting on pretty, even though she looks almost unbelievably STUNNINGLY beautiful; I think the look in her eyes, the position of her hand, and the smirk/smile are enough to push it past that. Amanda is very overrated overall, but this photo is almost embarrassingly underrated. The passion and beauty in it are just fucking astounding. This photo is easily one of the best pictures in ANTM history. Ugh, I can’t get over how amazing this photo is!!!"
ANTM awesome/terrible photos: C2.
10. Heather's suspended shot
"Yeah, it’s really bad. She looks freakishly short and it looks like all her limbs got weirdly foreshortened. The pose isn’t very good, because it completely scrunched her up and hid some of the clothes. I HATE her face; it looks absolutely snarly and just not good at all. And is her tongue lolling out? That’s just weird."
9. Sara's Eve
"While I thought the top eight photos were quite strong, especially for first week photos, I thought the bottom three photos were very weak. That pose has the potential to be awesome, though it is a little over-the-top and obvious, but her face totally ruins it. It’s frankly an ugly face, and she looks terrified. I think the styling is carrying her more than she carries the styling (what the hell is up with her boobs?), and her thigh looks thick."
8. Camille's Steve Madden
"The pose is okay; I really like how she shows off the shoes. Unfortunately, the rest of the photo is pretty terrible. Like I said, her pose is okay for showing off the shoes, but I never like “hey look at my crotch!!!” photos. She also completely lost her arms. Her face looks AWFUL; she looks farrrrr more like a drag queen than last week, and it’s a terrible angle on her face. The makeup isn’t flattering on her. Her entire face and body looks incredibly greasy. It’s kind of gross."
7. Xiomara's Eve
"The pose is okay but the front arm is awkward, especially the way she’s holding the apple, and the back arm totally disappeared. Her front leg looks totally thick and damn, they should have photoshopped it. Her facial close-up is awful, her eyes don’t look good because they’re weirdly crossed or something and she looks kind of old and draggy. The makeup isn’t flattering on her at all."
6. Mercedes' underwater
"I don’t think people realize how bad this photo is. I really strongly dislike her pose, it reminds me of S&M to be honest (maybe because I have a dirty mind?). Why is she locking her hands together? That’s so weird. Her face also looks like it did in her suspended shot… I just get this sweaty and greasy vibe from it. And that’s not good. And she’s underwater! Heh, while this pose may have been totally weird and not good during this particular photoshoot, it would have in fact been pretty awesome for the suspended shots two weeks earlier, and probably better than the pose she had!"
5. Heather's Steve Madden
"This photo is really bad. Her pose is so incredibly awkward; it looks like she’s wiping her ass and like, that she’s having difficulties doing it. The look on her face is terribly snarly and just not appealing in general. She’s showing off the shoes okay, but really, I think they all did a pretty good job with that. It’s hardly enough to put her any higher. Really, it just looks like she’s in some kind of pain. Eek."
4. Bethany's Eve
"The pose is really blah and doesn’t flatter her body at all. Sure, the styling doesn’t help, but the picture is honestly more funny than sexy and it’s certainly not at all elegant. The boobs are laughable, obviously, but the stupid expression on the face makes it even worse. That’s the expression of a cartoon character. Honestly, one of the worst photos in ANTM history, and definitely the most Smurf-esque! She’s lucky Anna didn’t do this photoshoot…"
3. Camille's suspended shot
"Terrrrrible. The upper body is there, sort of, but then the lower half is just… what the hell? It looks like her head is the same length as her legs, and like her arm on the left is about four times longer than anything else on her body. Her face looks absolutely atrocious, and she has a terrible expression on it. She isn’t advertising the clothes well at all."
2. Xiomara's Steve Madden
"I’m sorry, I can’t get over how horrible her face looks here. Her eyes are totally bugging out and she’s cross-eyed as ever. The pose is interesting, but not in a very good way. She’s basically just, uh, showing off her crotch and that’s not good. I mean… she looks like she’s spreadin’ it at the gyno’s. Or, it looks more like she’s advertising the pants, which are terrible (leather with plush bottoms???). She’s actually sort of hiding the shoes she’s supposed to be advertising!"
1. Xiomara's underwater
"Um, yeah. Mercedes’ photo might have been bad, like top hundred worst ever, but this photo is so so terrible, like a serious contender for top ten worst ever. It looks like she’s squatting over to take a poop and her body has absolutely no discernible shape. She’s doing a bad job showing off the clothes. Her face is awful… like, her eyes are closed. This couldn’t have been her best photo in the roll of film… right? Well, it’s Xiomara, so maybe."
10. Mercedes' Eve
"Gorgeous. This photo is easily one of the strongest first photos in ANTM history. It looks like she’s a million feet tall, the entire photo is just so incredibly regal, and I loooove that leg out in front and how she’s using the big swath of fabric, which could easily take over the photo, but Mercedes works it. The photo is incredibly elegant as well. Her face looks awesome, even with a ton of makeup. My only issue is that her back arm sort of disappeared, but you don’t even notice it until you’re ~critically examining~ these like I am."
9. Camille's underwater
"It’s very dynamic and sassy, and everyone knows I love sassy. It’s quite awesome that she could pose like that while underwater. All her legs and arms are there and whatnot, but the problem here is in her face and neck. She has no neck, her shoulders look super tense, and, as usual, she has no clue what to do with her face. Here, she looks kind of like a pufferfish. Fitting since she’s underwater I guess, but still not great. Still, I think it’s an awesome photo. It’s got an impact; it’s better than the sum of its parts."
8. April's Coliseum couture
"It’s kind of low-energy, but I actually like how it comes off here. Like, while it’s low energy, she definitely looks like she’s trying, know what I mean? Argh, I’m probably making no sense LOL. But, like Shandi’s photo, it’s simultaneously a casual pose and very deliberate. The photo looks relatively editorial, especially in comparison to her alert face. The bottom leg looks amazing. The sunglasses are prominently placed."
7. April's suspended shot
"She looks like a stealth warrior ninja, I love it! It’s super dynamic too. Nothing gets weirdly foreshortened and I love the look on her face. She has the cool gender ambiguity going on, which she usually didn’t, but it shows how versatile she was. She models the clothes extremely well and does an exciting job doing it, even. Seriously, slap on a logo and this is already an ad."
6. Catie's suspended shot
"It’s so simple, but it works so well. In fact, I think the simplicity is why it works so well! I love the juxtaposition of her easy pose and her “Who? Me? Oh I’m just hangin’ here” face, and the fact that she’s suspended over a giant hole. She sells the clothes extremely well and looks edgy and gender-ambiguous. The fact that she was freaking out about this photoshoot, yet she turned out such an awesome photo, only makes this photo all the better."
5. Mercedes' F3 beauty shot
"It’s not as HOLY SHIT AMAZING as Yoanna’s photo this week, but it’s still HOLY SHIT AMAZING though. I love the angle, the right intensity in her eyes, and the very very slight opening of her lips. Everything really works. It’s not as intense as Yoanna’s because she’s not looking at the viewer, but really it doesn’t matter because this photo is so darn good. You absolutely can’t tell that she often got attacked for being “too commercial,” because this photo is super awesome and more importantly, super editorial. It’s not as much of an ad as Yoanna’s, but it’s still a gorgeous photo."
4. Shandi's suspended shot
"I freaking adore it, it’s A Clockwork Orange meets fashion. Despite the long hair, it’s got that great HF androgyny thing going on. It’s effortlessly editorial. Her pose is different from most of the other girls’, yet still really strong. The pose seems a little weird when you can’t see the ring thing she’s holding on to, but it’s definitely not fatal to the photo. In fact, it adds to it. She sells the clothes extremely well, too."
3. April's underwater
"SO dynamic! Again, like in the suspended shot, she looks like some kind of awesome ninja warrior. She advertises the clothes incredibly well and looks modelesque and appealing, commercial while still editorial. It’s incredible that she was able to get that very exact pose while underwater but hey, it only shows how freaking awesome April was. As a final note, the heel grab is bleepin’ genius for her pose. Love it."
2. Shandi's Coliseum couture
"BRILLIANT. Sometimes photos just speak for themselves, to be honest. Everything about this is effortlessly high fashion and she does an amazing yet subtle job selling the sunglasses (the only one who actually achieved that goal). I love how it’s simultaneously a casual pose and yet very, very deliberate. Her legs look awesome and she totally rocks the bizarre hair."
1. Yoanna's F3 beauty shot
"don’t have to fully explain why this is stunning, right? Sweet Jesus, this picture is flawless. Like Shandi’s Coliseum couture photo, sometimes photos just speak for themselves. THAT FACE. I WANT IT. It’s proof that really great models can do a lot with poses that aren’t in any way big or dramatic. The intensity in her eyes is amazing. Seriously, she’s wearing a goddamn helmet and she makes me want to run out and buy that helmet so I can look half as fierce as Yoanna does here. This photo really needs to be a Sephora ad like ASAP. It’s completely editorial and yet it still has commercial appeal. I don’t necessarily think Yoanna was the strongest model throughout the competition, but this photo alone justifies her win."
10. Heather's suspended shot
"Yeah, it’s really bad. She looks freakishly short and it looks like all her limbs got weirdly foreshortened. The pose isn’t very good, because it completely scrunched her up and hid some of the clothes. I HATE her face; it looks absolutely snarly and just not good at all. And is her tongue lolling out? That’s just weird."
9. Sara's Eve
"While I thought the top eight photos were quite strong, especially for first week photos, I thought the bottom three photos were very weak. That pose has the potential to be awesome, though it is a little over-the-top and obvious, but her face totally ruins it. It’s frankly an ugly face, and she looks terrified. I think the styling is carrying her more than she carries the styling (what the hell is up with her boobs?), and her thigh looks thick."
8. Camille's Steve Madden
"The pose is okay; I really like how she shows off the shoes. Unfortunately, the rest of the photo is pretty terrible. Like I said, her pose is okay for showing off the shoes, but I never like “hey look at my crotch!!!” photos. She also completely lost her arms. Her face looks AWFUL; she looks farrrrr more like a drag queen than last week, and it’s a terrible angle on her face. The makeup isn’t flattering on her. Her entire face and body looks incredibly greasy. It’s kind of gross."
7. Xiomara's Eve
"The pose is okay but the front arm is awkward, especially the way she’s holding the apple, and the back arm totally disappeared. Her front leg looks totally thick and damn, they should have photoshopped it. Her facial close-up is awful, her eyes don’t look good because they’re weirdly crossed or something and she looks kind of old and draggy. The makeup isn’t flattering on her at all."
6. Mercedes' underwater
"I don’t think people realize how bad this photo is. I really strongly dislike her pose, it reminds me of S&M to be honest (maybe because I have a dirty mind?). Why is she locking her hands together? That’s so weird. Her face also looks like it did in her suspended shot… I just get this sweaty and greasy vibe from it. And that’s not good. And she’s underwater! Heh, while this pose may have been totally weird and not good during this particular photoshoot, it would have in fact been pretty awesome for the suspended shots two weeks earlier, and probably better than the pose she had!"
5. Heather's Steve Madden
"This photo is really bad. Her pose is so incredibly awkward; it looks like she’s wiping her ass and like, that she’s having difficulties doing it. The look on her face is terribly snarly and just not appealing in general. She’s showing off the shoes okay, but really, I think they all did a pretty good job with that. It’s hardly enough to put her any higher. Really, it just looks like she’s in some kind of pain. Eek."
4. Bethany's Eve
"The pose is really blah and doesn’t flatter her body at all. Sure, the styling doesn’t help, but the picture is honestly more funny than sexy and it’s certainly not at all elegant. The boobs are laughable, obviously, but the stupid expression on the face makes it even worse. That’s the expression of a cartoon character. Honestly, one of the worst photos in ANTM history, and definitely the most Smurf-esque! She’s lucky Anna didn’t do this photoshoot…"
3. Camille's suspended shot
"Terrrrrible. The upper body is there, sort of, but then the lower half is just… what the hell? It looks like her head is the same length as her legs, and like her arm on the left is about four times longer than anything else on her body. Her face looks absolutely atrocious, and she has a terrible expression on it. She isn’t advertising the clothes well at all."
2. Xiomara's Steve Madden
"I’m sorry, I can’t get over how horrible her face looks here. Her eyes are totally bugging out and she’s cross-eyed as ever. The pose is interesting, but not in a very good way. She’s basically just, uh, showing off her crotch and that’s not good. I mean… she looks like she’s spreadin’ it at the gyno’s. Or, it looks more like she’s advertising the pants, which are terrible (leather with plush bottoms???). She’s actually sort of hiding the shoes she’s supposed to be advertising!"
1. Xiomara's underwater
"Um, yeah. Mercedes’ photo might have been bad, like top hundred worst ever, but this photo is so so terrible, like a serious contender for top ten worst ever. It looks like she’s squatting over to take a poop and her body has absolutely no discernible shape. She’s doing a bad job showing off the clothes. Her face is awful… like, her eyes are closed. This couldn’t have been her best photo in the roll of film… right? Well, it’s Xiomara, so maybe."
10. Mercedes' Eve
"Gorgeous. This photo is easily one of the strongest first photos in ANTM history. It looks like she’s a million feet tall, the entire photo is just so incredibly regal, and I loooove that leg out in front and how she’s using the big swath of fabric, which could easily take over the photo, but Mercedes works it. The photo is incredibly elegant as well. Her face looks awesome, even with a ton of makeup. My only issue is that her back arm sort of disappeared, but you don’t even notice it until you’re ~critically examining~ these like I am."
9. Camille's underwater
"It’s very dynamic and sassy, and everyone knows I love sassy. It’s quite awesome that she could pose like that while underwater. All her legs and arms are there and whatnot, but the problem here is in her face and neck. She has no neck, her shoulders look super tense, and, as usual, she has no clue what to do with her face. Here, she looks kind of like a pufferfish. Fitting since she’s underwater I guess, but still not great. Still, I think it’s an awesome photo. It’s got an impact; it’s better than the sum of its parts."
8. April's Coliseum couture
"It’s kind of low-energy, but I actually like how it comes off here. Like, while it’s low energy, she definitely looks like she’s trying, know what I mean? Argh, I’m probably making no sense LOL. But, like Shandi’s photo, it’s simultaneously a casual pose and very deliberate. The photo looks relatively editorial, especially in comparison to her alert face. The bottom leg looks amazing. The sunglasses are prominently placed."
7. April's suspended shot
"She looks like a stealth warrior ninja, I love it! It’s super dynamic too. Nothing gets weirdly foreshortened and I love the look on her face. She has the cool gender ambiguity going on, which she usually didn’t, but it shows how versatile she was. She models the clothes extremely well and does an exciting job doing it, even. Seriously, slap on a logo and this is already an ad."
6. Catie's suspended shot
"It’s so simple, but it works so well. In fact, I think the simplicity is why it works so well! I love the juxtaposition of her easy pose and her “Who? Me? Oh I’m just hangin’ here” face, and the fact that she’s suspended over a giant hole. She sells the clothes extremely well and looks edgy and gender-ambiguous. The fact that she was freaking out about this photoshoot, yet she turned out such an awesome photo, only makes this photo all the better."
5. Mercedes' F3 beauty shot
"It’s not as HOLY SHIT AMAZING as Yoanna’s photo this week, but it’s still HOLY SHIT AMAZING though. I love the angle, the right intensity in her eyes, and the very very slight opening of her lips. Everything really works. It’s not as intense as Yoanna’s because she’s not looking at the viewer, but really it doesn’t matter because this photo is so darn good. You absolutely can’t tell that she often got attacked for being “too commercial,” because this photo is super awesome and more importantly, super editorial. It’s not as much of an ad as Yoanna’s, but it’s still a gorgeous photo."
4. Shandi's suspended shot
"I freaking adore it, it’s A Clockwork Orange meets fashion. Despite the long hair, it’s got that great HF androgyny thing going on. It’s effortlessly editorial. Her pose is different from most of the other girls’, yet still really strong. The pose seems a little weird when you can’t see the ring thing she’s holding on to, but it’s definitely not fatal to the photo. In fact, it adds to it. She sells the clothes extremely well, too."
3. April's underwater
"SO dynamic! Again, like in the suspended shot, she looks like some kind of awesome ninja warrior. She advertises the clothes incredibly well and looks modelesque and appealing, commercial while still editorial. It’s incredible that she was able to get that very exact pose while underwater but hey, it only shows how freaking awesome April was. As a final note, the heel grab is bleepin’ genius for her pose. Love it."
2. Shandi's Coliseum couture
"BRILLIANT. Sometimes photos just speak for themselves, to be honest. Everything about this is effortlessly high fashion and she does an amazing yet subtle job selling the sunglasses (the only one who actually achieved that goal). I love how it’s simultaneously a casual pose and yet very, very deliberate. Her legs look awesome and she totally rocks the bizarre hair."
1. Yoanna's F3 beauty shot
"don’t have to fully explain why this is stunning, right? Sweet Jesus, this picture is flawless. Like Shandi’s Coliseum couture photo, sometimes photos just speak for themselves. THAT FACE. I WANT IT. It’s proof that really great models can do a lot with poses that aren’t in any way big or dramatic. The intensity in her eyes is amazing. Seriously, she’s wearing a goddamn helmet and she makes me want to run out and buy that helmet so I can look half as fierce as Yoanna does here. This photo really needs to be a Sephora ad like ASAP. It’s completely editorial and yet it still has commercial appeal. I don’t necessarily think Yoanna was the strongest model throughout the competition, but this photo alone justifies her win."
Sunday, July 19, 2009
for those of you that care (???)
Those other ANTM posts will be up... um... someday. I just have to write out my overwrought descriptions for the awesome/terrible photos.
So now HBO keeps playing Mamma Mia! and you know... however bad it is, and it is BAD, whenever I'm in a crappy mood, there's always Pierce Brosnan singing and Colin Firth randomly deciding he's gay (well, the character he played deciding that) to laugh at.
I may have mentioned this on the blog, but Pierce was an interviewee on The Daily Show last summer right before the movie came out and, before the interview, when they showed a clip of him singing "SOS," I genuinely thought the clip was Jon Stewart yelling out mockingly over Pierce's vocals. But... it was not. ETA: Yeah, I did post this before. Oh well.
I may have mentioned this on the blog, but Pierce was an interviewee on The Daily Show last summer right before the movie came out and, before the interview, when they showed a clip of him singing "SOS," I genuinely thought the clip was Jon Stewart yelling out mockingly over Pierce's vocals. But... it was not. ETA: Yeah, I did post this before. Oh well.
colin firth,
mamma mia,
pierce brosnan,
the daily show
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Click here. Yeah, I'm sure you've seen it like 80 times by now...
Of course, we still can't mention that she kind of whores out her kids, because that's OMG EXPLOITING THEM AND MOCKING TRIG WHY WON'T OBAMA APOLOGIZE AND RESIGN FOR SOME RANDOM BLOG ON THE INTERNETS????!?!?!?!?
Of course, we still can't mention that she kind of whores out her kids, because that's OMG EXPLOITING THEM AND MOCKING TRIG WHY WON'T OBAMA APOLOGIZE AND RESIGN FOR SOME RANDOM BLOG ON THE INTERNETS????!?!?!?!?
Julie and Julia thoughts, pre-movie.
I hear a lot of "oh this is just gonna be a fluffy comedy and there's no chance for Oscar noms for Meryl or Amy." I'm not sure. I read the book, and while I didn't really like it, Amy Adams has a fairly substantial, juicy role in it. Meryl Streep's role is obviously going to be changed because, if you've read the book, the only role she has is that the author republishes letters Julia Child wrote. I don't know what the reviews of this movie will be, which may knock it out for the count, but it's not... like... The Hangover (which I LOVE, in case you missed that) in terms of lack of Oscar potential.
So yeah. Get that Oscar nom, Jesus & Meryl. Meryl can get nominated for anything at this point - you know the only reason she didn't get in for (blech! puke!) Mamma Mia! last year was because she had Doubt to get the nomination from - and Jesus needs another nomination to make up for the fact that she was nominated for her crappy Doubt performance and not Enchanted because I'm a crazy person like that.
So yeah. Get that Oscar nom, Jesus & Meryl. Meryl can get nominated for anything at this point - you know the only reason she didn't get in for (blech! puke!) Mamma Mia! last year was because she had Doubt to get the nomination from - and Jesus needs another nomination to make up for the fact that she was nominated for her crappy Doubt performance and not Enchanted because I'm a crazy person like that.
amy adams,
julie and julia,
meryl streep,
oh, and my thoughts on the Emmy nods
Blah blah blah, The Office needed more, 30 Rock needed less, John Krasinski wasn't that robbed so get over it but Ed Helms surely was. *
Also: ZOMG no JPiv and YAAAAAY no Two and a Half Men (right?).
*ETA before I get hate mail: He was excellent this season, but it was more dramatic moments. Like, I think of him fumbling during so many moments with Charles or, even better, that last scene of "Company Picnic," which was just beautiful on his part, but not comedic.
Also: ZOMG no JPiv and YAAAAAY no Two and a Half Men (right?).
*ETA before I get hate mail: He was excellent this season, but it was more dramatic moments. Like, I think of him fumbling during so many moments with Charles or, even better, that last scene of "Company Picnic," which was just beautiful on his part, but not comedic.
30 rock,
ed helms,
jeremy piven,
john krasinski,
the office
The Virgin Suicides is on TV.
Which is weird, because it never is, and I've wanted to see this movie again for a long time because it's really good (Sofia's movies always are, though; the other two are even better, and apparently there's a rumor freaking ANALEIGH got cast in the one she's making now or something, which would make it, uh, only the best movie ever!). So, I'm watching it. Still good. Yeah.
But is Josh Hartnett supposed to be hot in this? Cuz, no. Is Kirsten Dunst supposed to be some kind of sexual goddess? I love her acting, but really no.
But is Josh Hartnett supposed to be hot in this? Cuz, no. Is Kirsten Dunst supposed to be some kind of sexual goddess? I love her acting, but really no.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Emmy noms are out!
Yeahhhh, I totally forgot about them until I saw some note on a website.
Thoughts later!
Thoughts later!
10 Best/10 Worst Photos By Cycle of ANTM.
Starting with Cycle 1...
Oh, and I'll be copy & pasting my descriptions about each photo from my Word document where I have all my call-outs and what have you.
10. Nicole's snake beauty shot
"Ehhhh. It’s not terrible, but it’s not any good. I like what I can see of her neck, face, and body, and she’s rocking the red lipstick pretty well. But she really was the original queen of the one look, and it was one BAD look. It makes her look so hesitant and scared in every shot, when you zoom in on her face. It was less noticeable in say, Week 1, but here, there’s kind of no escaping it. Also, girlfriend looks drag. Like I said it’s not totally awful, but it’s genuinely bad during a really strong week."
9. Shannon's J.Lo swimwear
"Ooh, not good. The pose isn’t bad, but the rest of it is. Her face looks so completely not confident, you can tell she’s really freaked out. The way she holds her hand only adds to that impression, as do the gritted teeth. Shannon was really cute and young and fresh in person, but in this photo, she looks... I dunno how exactly how to describe it. Not exactly old, but older, and really very much not fresh."
8. Kesse's Paris lingerie
"Oh this is just… not good. I think she was trying to be sexy, but it comes off as just uncomfortable, unnatural, and awkward. You can hardly see the lingerie and you can’t see her face either. I see what she was going for with her pose, but it would have taken one hell of a model to make that look good… and unfortunately, Kesse just wasn’t that model. Overall, it’s awkward, not a good photo of the model, and not a lingerie ad. Fortunately for Kesse, there was a WAYYYY worse photo…"
7. Ebony's Stuff
"First off, that swimsuit would look good on no one. But besides that it’s just… too harsh. I think the smile is actually the best thing she could have gone for here, because it softens her up a little, but it looks kind of insecure and awkward. Her face looks old and greasy and her body is just way too muscular and she’s not de-emphasizing it. I think her look is so interesting and I wanted her to succeed but she just… didn’t."
6. Shannon's B&W beauty shot
"Two of these girls looked gorgeous and the other two looked like freaks. This photo is kind of bland, but at the same time, eyes are unfortunately dead, and the lips are weird and strangely non-existent. The arms are totally bizarre, but at least that comes out of her trying to push herself and not rest on pretty. It’s still not a very good photo. Go home Shannon."
5. Kesse's snake beauty shot
"The only photo of this week that was genuinely awful. Her face looks unbelievably pedestrian, to begin with, but her expression is what really kills it. She looks terrified and alarmed. Considering that the point of the shoot was to look confident with the snake, that’s really what killed the photo. Ugh. Sorry Kesse."
4. Robin's Stuff
"Oooh. BAD. Her body looks good, she doesn’t look plus-size, but that’s about the extent of this photo’s goodness. It’s not like the cropping is her fault, but the fact remains, half the bathing suit is cropped. Her body pose is okay but the face is just awful. I know Robin was 26, but she usually didn’t photograph 26… but yikes, she looks OLD here. Old and ugly, sorry to say. Yikes. Also, not for anything, the nipples are distracting. o_O"
3. Kesse's Reebok movement
"Though a few of the problems in this photo stem from its cropping, it’s just a very bad photo overall. Her arms and legs look totally weird. Seriously, look at the arms, one is totally huge and the other is tiny. The clothes don’t look very good on her… though I think that might be due to the ribbons, looking at it closely there’s not really anything wrong with the fit. Again, like Giselle’s, I don’t see this “penis” everyone is talking about. But where this photo is quite bad, and gets ruined, is in the face. She looks totally deranged but also like she needs to puke. It’s not a good face at all. And seriously photographers, WHY CROP OUT THE SHOES THAT THE GIRLS ARE ADVERTISING?! QUIT BEING SO DUMB."
2. Tessa's J.Lo swimwear
"Whenever I see this, I wanna scream STRIP CLUB! That’s a totally unflattering suit, but I don’t think I would have responded to that by leaning over and sticking my ass out. Good legs, but it’s not a flattering pose for her body. The open mouth only adds to the porno-ness, and her expression is overall kind of confused. A really bad photo."
1. Elyse's Paris lingerie
"OH JESUS CHRIST. I’ve heard people say that this is a true fashion shot and that people that don’t like this photo know nothing about fashion. I’M WILLING TO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT FASHION IF KNOWING ABOUT FASHION MEANS I HAVE TO LIKE THIS SHOT. Sure, you can see the lingerie, but there is not a single other good thing about this shot. She looks tired, she looks old, she looks terrified, and worst of all, and the thing that really really really really really bothers me the most about this photo, she looks greasy. There have been worse pictures in ANTM history (though to be honest, not many… this is still top ten, easily!), but I’ve never seen another one where a girl looked greasy. Hell, they covered her in grease the next week, and she looked way cleaner and fresher than she does here. Oh, and her eyes are worse than dead. And she looks SOOOO AWKWARD and completely not confident at all. What the hell happened here? It’s SO BAD! SO BADDDDD!!!! Ahem."
10. Shannon's Reebok movement
"I love how sexy and energetic and “it’s all about me!” this photo is. Her body looks awesome and not scary skinny like she usually does. There’s a ton of dynamism in this photo, in her face, body, and hair, even though it’s in relative close-up, which is great to have. I love the fact that her face looks really energetic, and yet serene and calm. My biggest issue with this photo doesn’t even have to do with her… it’s that this was supposedly a shoe ad and whoever edited this photo CROPPED OUT THE SHOES. Why would you do that? Grrr. But it’s a great photo on Shannon’s part."
9. Robin's B&W beauty shot
"She actually looks gorgeous here; she was really beautiful but it didn’t photograph well most of the time. In this photo, she is beautiful, youthful, and modelesque. I do wish she pushed herself quite a bit more, apart from just staring emptily into space. It’s still a beautiful photo, though."
8. Adrianne's B&W beauty shot
"This photo is so stunning. Her eyes completely sparkle and she absolutely glows in front of the camera. God, she was soooo gorgeous. Her eyes, apart from naturally just… sparkling (no, not freaking smiling), really tell a story, making this photo more interesting to look at than any of the others. Her profile is fantastic. There are two versions of this photo floating around and I prefer one over the other, because in one she looks a little bit like a lollipop-head, but either version is the best photo of the week."
7. Elyse's nude
"Though I think Adrianne’s pose is stronger and she does a better job of advertising the diamonds. Elyse looks inhuman in the best way, like Lauren Brie’s suspended balloon ladder shot or CariDee’s scary/sexy B&W. Elyse’s eyes are incredible and create such a connection. I do wish it was a little sexier, actually, but that might just be in comparison to the hot hooker that is Adrianne. Elyse does actually look curvy, and that girl was A TWIG. It’s an awesome shot, but Adrianne’s is all the more awesome."
6. Robin's Paris lingerie
"I actually… really like… this photo…? I think everything about it is so subtle, but it’s a good fashion shot and advertisement. Robin looks absolutely gorgeous… look at that face, it’s flawless. Her body doesn’t look plus-size at all. And her skin is amazing, I want to steal it. What I really love about this photo is that I think it actually tells a story. I don’t know what that story is, but with the way they’re both staring out the window… I think it’s really striking. And Robin stands out, not that hot ass male model. Not to mention, she actually sells the product, hooray!!! I think this might be one of the most underrated photos in ANTM history, thinking about it… nobody else this week was anywhere near her level."
5. Elyse's Reebok movement
"I used to not like this. WHA? This is a great photo. She’s got an adorable pose and what’s more than that, it’s a genuinely editorial pose in even a commercial shoot… and she’s pulling it off, totally. That’s awesome. She looks high fashion and commercial-approachable at the same time. I love the coy look on her face too, and the contact with the sports guy, whoever he is. Her body looks great. The only issue is she lost an arm, but that’s only noticeable at this level of observation. Great editorial photo that could also be used for a commercial ad campaign. Oh, and look, the shoes are actually there!!! Don’t get used to that."
4. Giselle's snake beauty shot
"So great and really underrated. It’s so simple, but she’s bringing a lot to it with just the way she’s holding her face. She looks racially ambiguous, always a good thing for a model, and though it’s decidedly feminine, there’s a nice androgynous twist. I love how her and the snake are like… looking in the same direction and kind of have the same “expression.” That’s really darn cool. The slight sadness in her eyes is striking as well, but not so apparent that it would turn potential buyers off."
3. Elyse's Stuff
"This is a week where the very few girls at the top did GREAT and then, like, 8 other girls just did badly. In this case, Elyse and Giselle rocked it while the others… ehhhh? Anyway, I wouldn’t think Elyse would be able to pull this off but she did perfectly. It shows versatility on her part. She looks like an adorable pin-up model and she has a really good pose. Her body looks great and not TOO skinny and she shows off the swimsuit very well. Her face looks adorable. And it even looks like she’s got a butt! Best of the week by miles."
2. Adrianne's nude
"This photo is so goddamn awesome. It’s just stunning. Along with her snake beauty shot, it’s going to be one of the best ANTM photos ever for a really long time. Her eyes look incredible. She is soooo sexy and appealing here, without going over-the-top. Her pose and face are damn striking and she does an awesome job of advertising the diamonds. The fact that there are two versions of this shot floating around, and they’re BOTH so awesome, says so much about Adrianne. You can hate her for what she’s been up to since this show, but she was basically flawless on it."
1. Adrianne's snake beauty shot
"This is absolutely flawless. The intensity in her eyes and the way she poses her lips is just genius. You could argue that she’s letting the styling carry her, but I don’t think so. She’s incredibly gorgeous, sexy in a subtle way, and still completely modelesque. The expression in her eyes is just outstanding and I love what she’s doing with her lips. It’s so raw with the eyes, movement of the snake, and the mussed hair. Adrianne was a really strong model but I didn’t really think she was right for editorial/high fashionish work, but this photo proves me wrong. This photo will be one of the best photos in ANTM history for a long, long, LONG time to come."
Oh, and I'll be copy & pasting my descriptions about each photo from my Word document where I have all my call-outs and what have you.
10. Nicole's snake beauty shot
"Ehhhh. It’s not terrible, but it’s not any good. I like what I can see of her neck, face, and body, and she’s rocking the red lipstick pretty well. But she really was the original queen of the one look, and it was one BAD look. It makes her look so hesitant and scared in every shot, when you zoom in on her face. It was less noticeable in say, Week 1, but here, there’s kind of no escaping it. Also, girlfriend looks drag. Like I said it’s not totally awful, but it’s genuinely bad during a really strong week."
9. Shannon's J.Lo swimwear
"Ooh, not good. The pose isn’t bad, but the rest of it is. Her face looks so completely not confident, you can tell she’s really freaked out. The way she holds her hand only adds to that impression, as do the gritted teeth. Shannon was really cute and young and fresh in person, but in this photo, she looks... I dunno how exactly how to describe it. Not exactly old, but older, and really very much not fresh."
8. Kesse's Paris lingerie
"Oh this is just… not good. I think she was trying to be sexy, but it comes off as just uncomfortable, unnatural, and awkward. You can hardly see the lingerie and you can’t see her face either. I see what she was going for with her pose, but it would have taken one hell of a model to make that look good… and unfortunately, Kesse just wasn’t that model. Overall, it’s awkward, not a good photo of the model, and not a lingerie ad. Fortunately for Kesse, there was a WAYYYY worse photo…"
7. Ebony's Stuff
"First off, that swimsuit would look good on no one. But besides that it’s just… too harsh. I think the smile is actually the best thing she could have gone for here, because it softens her up a little, but it looks kind of insecure and awkward. Her face looks old and greasy and her body is just way too muscular and she’s not de-emphasizing it. I think her look is so interesting and I wanted her to succeed but she just… didn’t."
6. Shannon's B&W beauty shot
"Two of these girls looked gorgeous and the other two looked like freaks. This photo is kind of bland, but at the same time, eyes are unfortunately dead, and the lips are weird and strangely non-existent. The arms are totally bizarre, but at least that comes out of her trying to push herself and not rest on pretty. It’s still not a very good photo. Go home Shannon."
5. Kesse's snake beauty shot
"The only photo of this week that was genuinely awful. Her face looks unbelievably pedestrian, to begin with, but her expression is what really kills it. She looks terrified and alarmed. Considering that the point of the shoot was to look confident with the snake, that’s really what killed the photo. Ugh. Sorry Kesse."
4. Robin's Stuff
"Oooh. BAD. Her body looks good, she doesn’t look plus-size, but that’s about the extent of this photo’s goodness. It’s not like the cropping is her fault, but the fact remains, half the bathing suit is cropped. Her body pose is okay but the face is just awful. I know Robin was 26, but she usually didn’t photograph 26… but yikes, she looks OLD here. Old and ugly, sorry to say. Yikes. Also, not for anything, the nipples are distracting. o_O"
3. Kesse's Reebok movement
"Though a few of the problems in this photo stem from its cropping, it’s just a very bad photo overall. Her arms and legs look totally weird. Seriously, look at the arms, one is totally huge and the other is tiny. The clothes don’t look very good on her… though I think that might be due to the ribbons, looking at it closely there’s not really anything wrong with the fit. Again, like Giselle’s, I don’t see this “penis” everyone is talking about. But where this photo is quite bad, and gets ruined, is in the face. She looks totally deranged but also like she needs to puke. It’s not a good face at all. And seriously photographers, WHY CROP OUT THE SHOES THAT THE GIRLS ARE ADVERTISING?! QUIT BEING SO DUMB."
2. Tessa's J.Lo swimwear
"Whenever I see this, I wanna scream STRIP CLUB! That’s a totally unflattering suit, but I don’t think I would have responded to that by leaning over and sticking my ass out. Good legs, but it’s not a flattering pose for her body. The open mouth only adds to the porno-ness, and her expression is overall kind of confused. A really bad photo."
1. Elyse's Paris lingerie
"OH JESUS CHRIST. I’ve heard people say that this is a true fashion shot and that people that don’t like this photo know nothing about fashion. I’M WILLING TO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT FASHION IF KNOWING ABOUT FASHION MEANS I HAVE TO LIKE THIS SHOT. Sure, you can see the lingerie, but there is not a single other good thing about this shot. She looks tired, she looks old, she looks terrified, and worst of all, and the thing that really really really really really bothers me the most about this photo, she looks greasy. There have been worse pictures in ANTM history (though to be honest, not many… this is still top ten, easily!), but I’ve never seen another one where a girl looked greasy. Hell, they covered her in grease the next week, and she looked way cleaner and fresher than she does here. Oh, and her eyes are worse than dead. And she looks SOOOO AWKWARD and completely not confident at all. What the hell happened here? It’s SO BAD! SO BADDDDD!!!! Ahem."
10. Shannon's Reebok movement
"I love how sexy and energetic and “it’s all about me!” this photo is. Her body looks awesome and not scary skinny like she usually does. There’s a ton of dynamism in this photo, in her face, body, and hair, even though it’s in relative close-up, which is great to have. I love the fact that her face looks really energetic, and yet serene and calm. My biggest issue with this photo doesn’t even have to do with her… it’s that this was supposedly a shoe ad and whoever edited this photo CROPPED OUT THE SHOES. Why would you do that? Grrr. But it’s a great photo on Shannon’s part."
9. Robin's B&W beauty shot
"She actually looks gorgeous here; she was really beautiful but it didn’t photograph well most of the time. In this photo, she is beautiful, youthful, and modelesque. I do wish she pushed herself quite a bit more, apart from just staring emptily into space. It’s still a beautiful photo, though."
8. Adrianne's B&W beauty shot
"This photo is so stunning. Her eyes completely sparkle and she absolutely glows in front of the camera. God, she was soooo gorgeous. Her eyes, apart from naturally just… sparkling (no, not freaking smiling), really tell a story, making this photo more interesting to look at than any of the others. Her profile is fantastic. There are two versions of this photo floating around and I prefer one over the other, because in one she looks a little bit like a lollipop-head, but either version is the best photo of the week."
7. Elyse's nude
"Though I think Adrianne’s pose is stronger and she does a better job of advertising the diamonds. Elyse looks inhuman in the best way, like Lauren Brie’s suspended balloon ladder shot or CariDee’s scary/sexy B&W. Elyse’s eyes are incredible and create such a connection. I do wish it was a little sexier, actually, but that might just be in comparison to the hot hooker that is Adrianne. Elyse does actually look curvy, and that girl was A TWIG. It’s an awesome shot, but Adrianne’s is all the more awesome."
6. Robin's Paris lingerie
"I actually… really like… this photo…? I think everything about it is so subtle, but it’s a good fashion shot and advertisement. Robin looks absolutely gorgeous… look at that face, it’s flawless. Her body doesn’t look plus-size at all. And her skin is amazing, I want to steal it. What I really love about this photo is that I think it actually tells a story. I don’t know what that story is, but with the way they’re both staring out the window… I think it’s really striking. And Robin stands out, not that hot ass male model. Not to mention, she actually sells the product, hooray!!! I think this might be one of the most underrated photos in ANTM history, thinking about it… nobody else this week was anywhere near her level."
5. Elyse's Reebok movement
"I used to not like this. WHA? This is a great photo. She’s got an adorable pose and what’s more than that, it’s a genuinely editorial pose in even a commercial shoot… and she’s pulling it off, totally. That’s awesome. She looks high fashion and commercial-approachable at the same time. I love the coy look on her face too, and the contact with the sports guy, whoever he is. Her body looks great. The only issue is she lost an arm, but that’s only noticeable at this level of observation. Great editorial photo that could also be used for a commercial ad campaign. Oh, and look, the shoes are actually there!!! Don’t get used to that."
4. Giselle's snake beauty shot
"So great and really underrated. It’s so simple, but she’s bringing a lot to it with just the way she’s holding her face. She looks racially ambiguous, always a good thing for a model, and though it’s decidedly feminine, there’s a nice androgynous twist. I love how her and the snake are like… looking in the same direction and kind of have the same “expression.” That’s really darn cool. The slight sadness in her eyes is striking as well, but not so apparent that it would turn potential buyers off."
3. Elyse's Stuff
"This is a week where the very few girls at the top did GREAT and then, like, 8 other girls just did badly. In this case, Elyse and Giselle rocked it while the others… ehhhh? Anyway, I wouldn’t think Elyse would be able to pull this off but she did perfectly. It shows versatility on her part. She looks like an adorable pin-up model and she has a really good pose. Her body looks great and not TOO skinny and she shows off the swimsuit very well. Her face looks adorable. And it even looks like she’s got a butt! Best of the week by miles."
2. Adrianne's nude
"This photo is so goddamn awesome. It’s just stunning. Along with her snake beauty shot, it’s going to be one of the best ANTM photos ever for a really long time. Her eyes look incredible. She is soooo sexy and appealing here, without going over-the-top. Her pose and face are damn striking and she does an awesome job of advertising the diamonds. The fact that there are two versions of this shot floating around, and they’re BOTH so awesome, says so much about Adrianne. You can hate her for what she’s been up to since this show, but she was basically flawless on it."
1. Adrianne's snake beauty shot
"This is absolutely flawless. The intensity in her eyes and the way she poses her lips is just genius. You could argue that she’s letting the styling carry her, but I don’t think so. She’s incredibly gorgeous, sexy in a subtle way, and still completely modelesque. The expression in her eyes is just outstanding and I love what she’s doing with her lips. It’s so raw with the eyes, movement of the snake, and the mussed hair. Adrianne was a really strong model but I didn’t really think she was right for editorial/high fashionish work, but this photo proves me wrong. This photo will be one of the best photos in ANTM history for a long, long, LONG time to come."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Barry baseball.
Funny how the few Republicans I'm friends with were sane during Election Night (no gross racist comments or anything, unlike what others said), but when Obama pitches, it's all like, "HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL!!! HE'S SECRETLY AN AMERICAN/NATIONAL LEAGUE SUPPORTER BECAUSE OF X, Y, Z!!! ALSO IT WAS AN ILLEGAL PITCH!!!!!!!!!"
Hotay, guys. Tranquilizate.
Suck it wingnuttia!!!!
Funny how the few Republicans I'm friends with were sane during Election Night (no gross racist comments or anything, unlike what others said), but when Obama pitches, it's all like, "HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL!!! HE'S SECRETLY AN AMERICAN/NATIONAL LEAGUE SUPPORTER BECAUSE OF X, Y, Z!!! ALSO IT WAS AN ILLEGAL PITCH!!!!!!!!!"
Hotay, guys. Tranquilizate.
Suck it wingnuttia!!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Cassi TOTALLY proves me wrong.
Slash not at all.
"We gave her so much love and support, maybe even more than the other girls, but at the back of my mind I knew she would do this and that's why I couldn't vote for her."
SIGH. Yeah, guys, I'll just be waiting over here for that Vogue cover...
Oh, and watching the stans trying to justify this? As much as I love Cassi, it's pretty hilariously sad. :( Some of them have gone all Monty in 25th Hour: "No, no, fuck you, Cassi Van Den Dungen. You had it all, and then you threw it away, you dumb fuck!!!!"
or maybe that's just me saying that...
"We gave her so much love and support, maybe even more than the other girls, but at the back of my mind I knew she would do this and that's why I couldn't vote for her."
SIGH. Yeah, guys, I'll just be waiting over here for that Vogue cover...
Oh, and watching the stans trying to justify this? As much as I love Cassi, it's pretty hilariously sad. :( Some of them have gone all Monty in 25th Hour: "No, no, fuck you, Cassi Van Den Dungen. You had it all, and then you threw it away, you dumb fuck!!!!"
or maybe that's just me saying that...
I may post some giant ANTM post soon but every time I say I'll do that, I end up not doing it, so... you know.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Hal Sparks!
WHAT THE EFF HAPPENED TO YOU?! You need to CUT YOUR HAIR. 'Cuz you used to be hot, and now, you... are... not.
Best scene of anything ever.
I lied about that being the last Hangover post.
So when (SPOILER) the Asian thugs let Doug out and I saw him, for a second, I thought it was Idris Elba. And I was like OH SHIT IDRIS ELBA IN A COMEDY NOW THIS EXTREMELY FUNNY MOVIE IS RUINED.
But it was not. HOORAY.
So, The Hangover is still the effin' funniest movie I've seen in like, years. I'd say, other than Borat, it might be the funniest movie of the 2000s. Too bad its title will probably fall to Bruno whenever I see it! ;_;
But it was not. HOORAY.
So, The Hangover is still the effin' funniest movie I've seen in like, years. I'd say, other than Borat, it might be the funniest movie of the 2000s. Too bad its title will probably fall to Bruno whenever I see it! ;_;
idris elba,
the hangover
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
and one final (maybe) awesome thing about The Hangover
Normally, most comedy movies put like, 95% of their jokes in the trailer. This happens with all comedies, whether good (Zoolander!) or bad (The 40-Year-Old Virgin). However, The Hangover's trailer actually makes it look WAY WORSE than it actually is. The ads actually underrate it or whatever.
SEE IT. Not that you already haven't or whatever.
SEE IT. Not that you already haven't or whatever.
I know I'm like a month late, but The Hangover? OH MY GOD IT IS JUST AS FUNNY AND GENERALLY AMAZING AS YOU HAVE HEARD!!!!
The Office S5 episodes: Best to Worst
Just a note: I still haven't seen "Two Weeks," believe it or not. So I'll just discount that episode. In order from "worst" to best...
24. Employee Transfer
That cold open was EPIC, but other than that, there's more or less nothing to recommend this episode. Michael and Holly's saga was just sad and uncomfortable, and not even in a good Office awkward way, and the Halpert brothers was just a lost side plot because they were such assholes, as cute as Jim and Pam are. This episode isn't in my bottom ten of the series ever, but it's the worst episode of the season. This one, not "Moroccan Christmas," not the unfairly despised "Baby Shower." So, congrats?
23. New Boss
I did like this episode more than the hatred it seemed to receive on the boards I read, but it was one of the weaker episodes of the season. Basically, I want to punch Charles Miner in the face, and I just felt SO bad for Michael. At the time, Michael quitting seemed like some desperate attempt to throw some interest into the storyline; it ended up being a great twist, but I had my doubts at the time.
22. Dream Team
I like my Office episodes to have a touch of sadness. I do not like them to be this friggin' depressing. I thought bringing Vikrum back was a touch of genius, but it ended up being like they just threw him away to make the episode all the more dramatic. Pam's speech was sweet, but it belonged in a different, funnier episode (Pam's outburst in "Lecture Circuit, Part Two" worked much better for that reason). And the Jim side plot was sadly kind of lame.
21. Business Ethics
I just don't like Meredith. The writers have never seemed to have any story for her other than "ha ha, she's a drunk whore," and that's about the extent of her story line here. The episode just wasn't as funny as it could have been, either. And I'm not one of those crazy "OMG PAM NEEDS TO HAVE ALL THE SCREEN TIME ALL THE TIME!!!!!" people, but I missed her!
20. Blood Drive
I don't even remember this episode. Michael fell in love at a blood drive, then never saw the girl again. That's about it. In a season full of greatness, making no impact is not a good thing. OH, and there was a repulsive sex thing with the Vances (ew, ew, EWWWWW). Yeah, the more I think of this episode, the less I like it, so let's just move on...
19. Frame Toby
It says something about this season when an episode this good is ranked as low as it is. This was funny and incredibly sweet at the end, but ultimately, like "Blood Drive," I don't remember that much about it. Except Toby was back, Michael bought what he thought was pot but was some kind of salad, and Jim gave Pam a house. AWWWW
18. The Duel
It was really, really funny but again, not all that memorable. Oh, and I think this is one of those infamous episodes where ~omg jim n pam didnt talk!!!!! zomg they must h8 each other!!!!~
17. Moroccan Christmas
I like it a hell of a lot more than most people do. It's very funny. My horn can pierce the skyyy! But again, I just don't like Meredith, at all, and that storyline went nowhere. Compared to "A Benihana Christmas" or "Christmas Party," it's a relatively weak Christmas episode.
16. Prince Family Paper
I really love episodes where I get to feel sorry for Michael, though I still can't believe he actually betrayed the Prince Family Paper Company so hardcore. Poor them. :( Also, the Hilary Swank thing was just vintage Office, and adorable. This is only not higher because the other episodes were so good.
15. Golden Ticket
Maybe this should be lower, because I can hardly remember this episode. I remember Michael was competent, though, so YAY.
14. Lecture Circuit, Part Two
From here on out is GREATNESS. This wasn't as awesome as Part One, but it was still an awesome episode. The resolution of all the threads from Part One really worked, and I liked how it brought up new jokes (Pam with a chainsaw!) and unanswered questions (WHAT WAS IN HOLLY'S NOTE?!).
13. Baby Shower
This episode is really, really hated. Why? I understand the irritation at the fact that it was almost the only episode ever replayed, but seriously, is Jan so bad that everyone screams and has a pissy fit (as opposed to a hissy fit, obvi) whenever they see her on screen? I don't think so. I thought this episode managed to meld the usual humor of The Office with the occasional unbelievable sweetness that the show provides as well. It's a shame that "Wanna go out?" didn't turn into the new "Then... it's a date" but oh wellz.
12. Customer Survey
This one was a while ago and I haven't seen it since then, but if I'm remembering correctly, it was pretty hilarious. This was the one with that scene with Jim and Dwight in the car, right? OMG OMG OMG too good. The dash of angst at the end was just artificial, though. I'm all for angst sometimes (I LIKED KAREN FOR GOD'S SAKE), but that just seemed fake.
11. Heavy Competition
This was pretty hysterical, and the plot was interesting, too. The scene where Michael's like "yeah well I'm eating your sandwich, Dwight" and Dwight responds, "I KNEW YOU WOULD! THAT'S WHY I PICKED THE WORST ONE!" is among my very favorites. My friends and I quote it all the time.
Next time: WE BREAK THE TOP 10!!!!
24. Employee Transfer
That cold open was EPIC, but other than that, there's more or less nothing to recommend this episode. Michael and Holly's saga was just sad and uncomfortable, and not even in a good Office awkward way, and the Halpert brothers was just a lost side plot because they were such assholes, as cute as Jim and Pam are. This episode isn't in my bottom ten of the series ever, but it's the worst episode of the season. This one, not "Moroccan Christmas," not the unfairly despised "Baby Shower." So, congrats?
23. New Boss
I did like this episode more than the hatred it seemed to receive on the boards I read, but it was one of the weaker episodes of the season. Basically, I want to punch Charles Miner in the face, and I just felt SO bad for Michael. At the time, Michael quitting seemed like some desperate attempt to throw some interest into the storyline; it ended up being a great twist, but I had my doubts at the time.
22. Dream Team
I like my Office episodes to have a touch of sadness. I do not like them to be this friggin' depressing. I thought bringing Vikrum back was a touch of genius, but it ended up being like they just threw him away to make the episode all the more dramatic. Pam's speech was sweet, but it belonged in a different, funnier episode (Pam's outburst in "Lecture Circuit, Part Two" worked much better for that reason). And the Jim side plot was sadly kind of lame.
21. Business Ethics
I just don't like Meredith. The writers have never seemed to have any story for her other than "ha ha, she's a drunk whore," and that's about the extent of her story line here. The episode just wasn't as funny as it could have been, either. And I'm not one of those crazy "OMG PAM NEEDS TO HAVE ALL THE SCREEN TIME ALL THE TIME!!!!!" people, but I missed her!
20. Blood Drive
I don't even remember this episode. Michael fell in love at a blood drive, then never saw the girl again. That's about it. In a season full of greatness, making no impact is not a good thing. OH, and there was a repulsive sex thing with the Vances (ew, ew, EWWWWW). Yeah, the more I think of this episode, the less I like it, so let's just move on...
19. Frame Toby
It says something about this season when an episode this good is ranked as low as it is. This was funny and incredibly sweet at the end, but ultimately, like "Blood Drive," I don't remember that much about it. Except Toby was back, Michael bought what he thought was pot but was some kind of salad, and Jim gave Pam a house. AWWWW
18. The Duel
It was really, really funny but again, not all that memorable. Oh, and I think this is one of those infamous episodes where ~omg jim n pam didnt talk!!!!! zomg they must h8 each other!!!!~
17. Moroccan Christmas
I like it a hell of a lot more than most people do. It's very funny. My horn can pierce the skyyy! But again, I just don't like Meredith, at all, and that storyline went nowhere. Compared to "A Benihana Christmas" or "Christmas Party," it's a relatively weak Christmas episode.
16. Prince Family Paper
I really love episodes where I get to feel sorry for Michael, though I still can't believe he actually betrayed the Prince Family Paper Company so hardcore. Poor them. :( Also, the Hilary Swank thing was just vintage Office, and adorable. This is only not higher because the other episodes were so good.
15. Golden Ticket
Maybe this should be lower, because I can hardly remember this episode. I remember Michael was competent, though, so YAY.
14. Lecture Circuit, Part Two
From here on out is GREATNESS. This wasn't as awesome as Part One, but it was still an awesome episode. The resolution of all the threads from Part One really worked, and I liked how it brought up new jokes (Pam with a chainsaw!) and unanswered questions (WHAT WAS IN HOLLY'S NOTE?!).
13. Baby Shower
This episode is really, really hated. Why? I understand the irritation at the fact that it was almost the only episode ever replayed, but seriously, is Jan so bad that everyone screams and has a pissy fit (as opposed to a hissy fit, obvi) whenever they see her on screen? I don't think so. I thought this episode managed to meld the usual humor of The Office with the occasional unbelievable sweetness that the show provides as well. It's a shame that "Wanna go out?" didn't turn into the new "Then... it's a date" but oh wellz.
12. Customer Survey
This one was a while ago and I haven't seen it since then, but if I'm remembering correctly, it was pretty hilarious. This was the one with that scene with Jim and Dwight in the car, right? OMG OMG OMG too good. The dash of angst at the end was just artificial, though. I'm all for angst sometimes (I LIKED KAREN FOR GOD'S SAKE), but that just seemed fake.
11. Heavy Competition
This was pretty hysterical, and the plot was interesting, too. The scene where Michael's like "yeah well I'm eating your sandwich, Dwight" and Dwight responds, "I KNEW YOU WOULD! THAT'S WHY I PICKED THE WORST ONE!" is among my very favorites. My friends and I quote it all the time.
Next time: WE BREAK THE TOP 10!!!!
I guess
I should do that ranking of the F3 of AusNTM, because they are better than even MMAS. Subject to minor changes.
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
I thought all three girls did extremely well (they've got the #1, 3, and 4 call-outs, with Madison in 2nd). However, Cassi has the advantage because I feel like she made such a weird pose so effortless. Clare, we could see her face better, but it's kind of disturbingly sexy. Tahnee looks gorgeous but she kind of has a wonk-eye (and I thought it was soooo adorable/endearing that she pointed it out and sounded so sad about it).
Cassi 3
Clare 2
Tahnee 1
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Tahnee and Cassi did badly. Tahnee was trying for a whimsical thing, but she failed, and her body just looks bad, sorry to say. Cassi's face is really terrible, she looks like a frog that didn't want to be there. Clare was the only one of these three who aced it.
Cassi 5
Clare 5
Tahnee 2
3. Cassi +1
2. Clare +2
1. Tahnee +3
All three did very well. Cassi's is getting mighty overrated, but it's still a very strong photo. I just... I hate her mouth, as I said before. Not her teeth, but her entire mouth. When she keeps it closed and not set in some weird way, like in the credits to the series, she is STUNNING, but otherwise, meh. Clare looks ethereal, and Tahnee's is just, again, STUNNING. I can't get over how beautiful it is.
Cassi 6
Clare 7
Tahnee 5
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Ugh, this is one of those instances where I wish I could give like 18 points to Clare and no points to either of the other two. Clare looks cute and appropriately commercial, and she's got enough action in her photo to make it a good ad. Cassi and Tahnee's are just bad bad bad, but Cassi did better than Tahnee because she looks long and lean whereas Tahnee looks chubby.
Cassi 8
Clare 10
Tahnee 6
3. Cassi +1
2. Clare +2
1. Tahnee +3
Let me just say all three of these are amazing, and in terms of photos alone, Cassi's is the best. Why did I give her third place then? Simple. She's not showing the lingerie or telling any sort of "story," which was like, the entire point of the damn shoot. And it is her fault, because she's scrunching that way to hide the clothing. But as a photo, holy fuuuuck. I may have said this before, but even though I hate this description because it's come to mean any good photo in NTM, it really is straight out of Vogue. But for what the shoot wanted, it was the "worst" photo. Clare looks like a broken-down fashion doll, she shows the clothing extremely well, and she's telling one hell of a story, but it lacks the oomph of Tahnee's shot. Here was where I realized that Tahnee was just, like, hot. I dunno what picture they used on the show, but I'm talking about this one. Yeah, her thighs look big, but for once, I don't even care. She's just smoking hot. That girl is a MODEL right here.
Cassi 9
Clare 12
Tahnee 9
3. Cassi +1
2. Tahnee +2
1. Clare +3
Again, all three girls did extremely well. I like that they all look like sexy schoolmarms or something. Cassi's pose is just too awkward and she looks too gangly to be a Chanel ad. Tahnee's was a total fluke, but it's really gorgeous, and not just for the composition. There's an interesting vibe to it that would make it a good ad. Clare's face looks a weeeee bit weird here, but she more or less nailed it. She looks so statuesque and more or less flawless.
Cassi 10
Clare 15
Tahnee 11
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
More or less all of them did only okay. Tahnee, I'm pretty amazed she could get that pose without distorting her body and face entirely, but I just get a super awkward vibe from the photo. I see what Clare was going for but she looks more than a bit possessed. Cassi's body looks awesome, but her face is still weird and what's with the chicken wing arm? Still, she did pretty well.
Cassi 13
Clare 17
Tahnee 12
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Clare ROCKED THE HOUSE; Tahnee and Cassi both blew it for me (as did Franky and Adele).
Cassi 15
Clare 20
Tahnee 13
3. Cassi +1
2. Tahnee +2
1. Clare +3
Again, Cassi and Tahnee more or less blew. Cassi just looks pissed, cheap, and actually low fashion. Tahnee at least looks beautiful, but pedestrian. Clare didn't do great, but it's the best photo. She looks a little short and it's a little posey, but I love that face. It's so high impact.
Cassi 16
Clare 23
Tahnee 15
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
All three girls did amazing. Tahnee looks a little awkward in both shots, putting her in third place. Clare had the best individual photo, but Cassi simply owns the group shot. She's gorgeous there, and really looks like a supermodel. See what happens when you RELAX YOUR MOUTH, Cassi?
Cassi 19
Clare 25
Tahnee 16
3. Cassi +4
2. Tahnee +8
1. Clare +12
I counted this x4, because it was shown as extremely important throughout the course of the show. Cassi can't walk. Sorry, she still can't. She only improved because if she hadn't, it would have been pathetic. You can tell people are really, really biased against Tahnee if they're saying Cassi has a better walk. Tahnee's walk was great, but at times it could overdo the sexiness. Clare was, of course, flawless.
Cassi 23
Clare 37
Tahnee 24
3. Tahnee +4
2. Clare +8
1. Cassi +12
I don't have to really explain this, right? I don't think Tahnee has NO potential like, oh, I don't know, EVERYONE ELSE ON THE INTERNET, she's got an amazing face (with crazy cheekbones, actually) and her promo shot and pre-show photos suggest she can lose weight very easily, but she doesn't really compare to Clare or Cassi. Cassi needs a whole lot of polishing in many ways, but yes, she looks like a working model.
Cassi 35
Clare 45
Tahnee 28
Clare FTW. And for President.
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
I thought all three girls did extremely well (they've got the #1, 3, and 4 call-outs, with Madison in 2nd). However, Cassi has the advantage because I feel like she made such a weird pose so effortless. Clare, we could see her face better, but it's kind of disturbingly sexy. Tahnee looks gorgeous but she kind of has a wonk-eye (and I thought it was soooo adorable/endearing that she pointed it out and sounded so sad about it).
Cassi 3
Clare 2
Tahnee 1
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Tahnee and Cassi did badly. Tahnee was trying for a whimsical thing, but she failed, and her body just looks bad, sorry to say. Cassi's face is really terrible, she looks like a frog that didn't want to be there. Clare was the only one of these three who aced it.
Cassi 5
Clare 5
Tahnee 2
3. Cassi +1
2. Clare +2
1. Tahnee +3
All three did very well. Cassi's is getting mighty overrated, but it's still a very strong photo. I just... I hate her mouth, as I said before. Not her teeth, but her entire mouth. When she keeps it closed and not set in some weird way, like in the credits to the series, she is STUNNING, but otherwise, meh. Clare looks ethereal, and Tahnee's is just, again, STUNNING. I can't get over how beautiful it is.
Cassi 6
Clare 7
Tahnee 5
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Ugh, this is one of those instances where I wish I could give like 18 points to Clare and no points to either of the other two. Clare looks cute and appropriately commercial, and she's got enough action in her photo to make it a good ad. Cassi and Tahnee's are just bad bad bad, but Cassi did better than Tahnee because she looks long and lean whereas Tahnee looks chubby.
Cassi 8
Clare 10
Tahnee 6
3. Cassi +1
2. Clare +2
1. Tahnee +3
Let me just say all three of these are amazing, and in terms of photos alone, Cassi's is the best. Why did I give her third place then? Simple. She's not showing the lingerie or telling any sort of "story," which was like, the entire point of the damn shoot. And it is her fault, because she's scrunching that way to hide the clothing. But as a photo, holy fuuuuck. I may have said this before, but even though I hate this description because it's come to mean any good photo in NTM, it really is straight out of Vogue. But for what the shoot wanted, it was the "worst" photo. Clare looks like a broken-down fashion doll, she shows the clothing extremely well, and she's telling one hell of a story, but it lacks the oomph of Tahnee's shot. Here was where I realized that Tahnee was just, like, hot. I dunno what picture they used on the show, but I'm talking about this one. Yeah, her thighs look big, but for once, I don't even care. She's just smoking hot. That girl is a MODEL right here.
Cassi 9
Clare 12
Tahnee 9
3. Cassi +1
2. Tahnee +2
1. Clare +3
Again, all three girls did extremely well. I like that they all look like sexy schoolmarms or something. Cassi's pose is just too awkward and she looks too gangly to be a Chanel ad. Tahnee's was a total fluke, but it's really gorgeous, and not just for the composition. There's an interesting vibe to it that would make it a good ad. Clare's face looks a weeeee bit weird here, but she more or less nailed it. She looks so statuesque and more or less flawless.
Cassi 10
Clare 15
Tahnee 11
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
More or less all of them did only okay. Tahnee, I'm pretty amazed she could get that pose without distorting her body and face entirely, but I just get a super awkward vibe from the photo. I see what Clare was going for but she looks more than a bit possessed. Cassi's body looks awesome, but her face is still weird and what's with the chicken wing arm? Still, she did pretty well.
Cassi 13
Clare 17
Tahnee 12
3. Tahnee +1
2. Cassi +2
1. Clare +3
Clare ROCKED THE HOUSE; Tahnee and Cassi both blew it for me (as did Franky and Adele).
Cassi 15
Clare 20
Tahnee 13
3. Cassi +1
2. Tahnee +2
1. Clare +3
Again, Cassi and Tahnee more or less blew. Cassi just looks pissed, cheap, and actually low fashion. Tahnee at least looks beautiful, but pedestrian. Clare didn't do great, but it's the best photo. She looks a little short and it's a little posey, but I love that face. It's so high impact.
Cassi 16
Clare 23
Tahnee 15
3. Tahnee +1
2. Clare +2
1. Cassi +3
All three girls did amazing. Tahnee looks a little awkward in both shots, putting her in third place. Clare had the best individual photo, but Cassi simply owns the group shot. She's gorgeous there, and really looks like a supermodel. See what happens when you RELAX YOUR MOUTH, Cassi?
Cassi 19
Clare 25
Tahnee 16
3. Cassi +4
2. Tahnee +8
1. Clare +12
I counted this x4, because it was shown as extremely important throughout the course of the show. Cassi can't walk. Sorry, she still can't. She only improved because if she hadn't, it would have been pathetic. You can tell people are really, really biased against Tahnee if they're saying Cassi has a better walk. Tahnee's walk was great, but at times it could overdo the sexiness. Clare was, of course, flawless.
Cassi 23
Clare 37
Tahnee 24
3. Tahnee +4
2. Clare +8
1. Cassi +12
I don't have to really explain this, right? I don't think Tahnee has NO potential like, oh, I don't know, EVERYONE ELSE ON THE INTERNET, she's got an amazing face (with crazy cheekbones, actually) and her promo shot and pre-show photos suggest she can lose weight very easily, but she doesn't really compare to Clare or Cassi. Cassi needs a whole lot of polishing in many ways, but yes, she looks like a working model.
Cassi 35
Clare 45
Tahnee 28
Clare FTW. And for President.
Whether Team Cassi, Tahnee, Clare, or someone else...
We all need to remember this.
I mean, I like Allison and Teyona and all and even Aminat quite a bit, but come on.
Apparently Cassi just got signed by Elite NY too. Wooooo! Prove my doubts about you wrong, you boganista.
I mean, I like Allison and Teyona and all and even Aminat quite a bit, but come on.
Apparently Cassi just got signed by Elite NY too. Wooooo! Prove my doubts about you wrong, you boganista.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Oh, and...

One of these girls is so stunning, it should be illegal (hint: it's the one on the right), and the other one needs to have her mouth ripped off her face (hint: it's the one on the left). No, I'm not talking teeth, I'm talking mouth. Even if Cassi got her teeth fixed, her mouth would still just look... bad.
Ugh, I'm being so mean! I love Cassi as a model for the most part! And I don't even like Tahnee all that much! But Cassi has the most annoying stans ever, and Tahnee has the most annoying... I dunno what to call them. Anti-stans? Anti-Tahnee stans? I'll go with that.

Clare should have won this ish, but I came to root for Tahnee because the Cassi stans are so fucking annoying. Also, Tahnee is every type of attractive you could want: cute, pretty, just plain gorgeous, smoking hot. It sounds weird saying that, as I'm straight, and I'm pretty sure she's 16, but it's true.
Oh, and the reactions to her win have been predictably hilariously awful (ZOMG FATNEE IS SUCH A FAT WHORE FAT FAT FAT DID I MENTION SHE'S OBESE OH MY GOD SHE'S SO DISGUSTING NOW PARDON ME WHILE I DROWN IN CHEETOS), but... whatever, haters. She's got the title, and the cash, and the prizes, and what have you. I think Demelza last year had a stunning face, but everyone looked the other way when it came to her body. Tahnee is waaaay more gorgeous and has about the same body, but because she's not some bitch, everyone hates her (odd, that).
Go, Tahnee. Prove them haters wrong.
Go, Tahnee. Prove them haters wrong.
And best of luck to the other girls, because they're all amazing. Cassi, if you get off your ass and walk halfway decently, you could be a great international model, but until then, I ain't quite believing your hype 10000%.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Watching Anderson Cooper (<3333) snark to Palin's moron spokeswoman and listening to her sputtering, idiot replies is like the greatest thing ever. Long live the ~librul meedia~
For the record, I smell some horrible scandal a-brewin'.
For the record, I smell some horrible scandal a-brewin'.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
AusNTM C5 girls in review, Part 2
Ugh. To be honest, this girl was SUCH a disappointment, even bigger than Sandra on ANTM C12 (who, looking back, actually had a pretty strong portfolio). This promo shot is amazing, the best shot of them all. Her pre-show work was OUTSTANDING. And then she gets on the show and... to be honest, she more or less sucks. She can walk, but she has the worst case of Mushyface in more or less all her photos. It's not even a case of having to lose weight or anything, she's just got a weird face that photographs really badly a lot of the time. Oh, and she looks NOTHING like Alice, I am so tired of hearing that they look so similar. They both have red hair and pale-ass skin, and that's where the similarities end.
I'm so tired of hearing about how this girl is Modeling Jesus or whatever. To be honest, she's incredibly uneven. All of her photos up to the desert lingerie (except for the Kotex ad) were STUNNING, and since then, she's been a big pile of blah for me. Between her slipping performance, inability to walk (say she's improved all you like, the girl still can't walk), and Tahlia-esque "I wanna quit!!!" bullshit, I would have cut her at the final six or five or so. That said, she is a really modelesque girl who took some awesome pictures along the way. That desert lingerie photo? I despise this descriptor, but it is, genuinely, something that could appear in Vogue. It wasn't the best photo of the week because she missed the entire point of the shoot in showing off the lingerie, but as a photo, it was the best (does that make any sense?). Just... stunning. But looking back, she's kind of been a disappointment, too, but not along the lines of Adele. If she hadn't started so strong, she might have seemed better toward the end. And frankly, if she didn't have so many obnoxious stans, I'd like her way more.
This girl is a fucking goddess. She's just amazing. Along with friggin' amazing ladies like Gemma, Chloe, Samantha, and Zoe from C1, Lara, Maddy, and Louise from C2, Alice, Paloma, and Anika from C3, and Samantha and Caris from C4, she's one of my favorite - not just AusNTM models, but all-time NTM models. She killed the competition, taking insanely great photos, stomping the hell out of it on the catwalk, and having a great look for the industry, not to mention an extremely professional attitude (they really went overtime to give her the bitch edit on her way out though, yeah?). Apparently the Australian viewers were outraged she was eliminated, and I don't blame them. She's the winner for me, by far. She's got no competition.
She looks a LOT like Clark from ANTM C11, but without Clark's ever-so-lovely personality. Anyway, Eloise didn't last very long and she didn't have a huge personality, so she didn't leave all that much of an impression, except that she's got an awesome body and OMG I LOVE HER BEAUTY SHOT. It's perfect. She looks like Gisele there. I don't think she should have left when she did, but she seemed filler-ish anyway, so I didn't think she was going to win.
I like Franky a lot more than the average AusNTM viewer... but I still don't really like her. From Week 1, she was getting "SHE NEEDS TO GO HOME NOOOWWWW!!!"-type comments, which she didn't really deserve. She generally performed well on photoshoots and didn't take THE worst photos like everyone said she did. But she definitely shouldn't have gotten to the top five over... most of the girls she beat out (except, funnily enough, Adele could have gone before her and I wouldn't have minded). That was kind of a joke.
Like Eloise, she didn't really stay long enough, or have a big enough personality, to make any sort of impression on me. She didn't even have an AWESOME photo like Eloise did with her beauty shot, but her portfolio was pretty good. She was really young and lovely and stuff, and though I don't think she should have gone exactly when she did, I can't really think of who else could have gone in her place.
This promo photo is soooo lolz, but I love her to pieces. She's actually my second-favorite girl from the show, but I think her performance was slightly disappointing, save for her AMAZING tulle on the trapeze photo. I think her leaving when she did was right, but not considering that Adele and Franky, who I would have happily said goodbye to prior to Laura, were still there. I just think she's so stunning in person, even with that weirdish makeover, and she had such a great attitude, among a cycle filled with total crazies. I really like her and hope she's successful.
She's really modelesque - you can see how great her face is for the industry even in this semi-crappy shot - but her Week 1 photo wasn't really any good at all. Um... yeah, that's all I have to say about her.
My least favorite girl by far. Heh, even the tinypic URL or whatever that she has here has a "meh" in it! She didn't take a good photo on the show (including this promo shot, it's the worst one by miles) and her attitude seemed pretty rancid. Hahahaha @ her mocking Clare's pale skin. Way to know the industry you're in, moron.
Based on this promo shot and the first couple of photoshoots, I really didn't like her... but I came to LOVE her. She's the opposite of Cassi; her face is so weird for the industry, her body's not right for it either, and she started out weak but then started kicking ass. Seriously, that Chanel photo is fucking stunning. She also had a hilarious, awesome personality. When she stole Cassi's line? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA too funny. I wish she'd lasted longer.
She's a mess in this promo shot, and well... she was kind of a mess on the show too. But she was a mess that could take one hell of a photo. I really think she should have gotten much, much farther than she did. Also, she's hella gorgeous. She looks like some '60s movie star in her beauty shot. I love it.
In her short time on the show, Mikarla became one of my favorites. I think she should be the "bogan" in the F2, not Cassi. Her first photo was ass ass ass - yeah, being as skinny as she is awesome in the modeling world, but when you are that skinny, you shouldn't make a pose that suggests you're on the rack - but after that, I think her photos were really, really pretty. She may be nearly as trashy as Cassi, but like Cassi, in most of her photos this inner grace and beauty comes out, only Mikarla was even softer and prettier than Cassi. I really liked her, and though her attitude sucks (though it didn't suck in the way Cassi's did IIRC, where Cassi always wants to effin' go home), I would have loved for her to stick around to the end.
Yeah, yeah, we all know Tahnee's body isn't right for modeling, and Sarah is insanely biased toward her. But still, I like this girl. I think people ignore her great photos because OMG she has an unmodelesque body, and also, let's face it, she's got THAT FACE. I may have said this before, but I say this to everyone about Tahnee, she is so fucking gorgeous I can't even believe I live on the same planet as her. I don't know who I want to win between her and Cassi, but they'll both be great winners... though not half the winner Clare would have been. Ahem.
Just to reiterate, my elimination order.
13. Leah
G'bye ugly girl who takes poor photos and has an unpleasant personality to boot.
12. Laura T.
She's got a good amount of potential, but that first photo was really bad... she's got a great face, but it doesn't always photograph so well.
11. Adele
We've been over her problems. Her first three photos were awful (actually, the one she landed B2 for was the best, but both of the other two were the worst of the week), and looking back, she could have gone here and it would have probably improved the cycle for me.
10. Franky
Yeah, she's just lackluster. Hey, at least I'm not screaming for her to go Week 1 then be IMMEDIATELY KILLED or whatever, like, IDK, EVERYONE ELSE.
9. Georgie
She shouldn't have gone quite as early as she did, but she was just kind of bland. She took good photos, but nothing amazing.
8. Eloise
She just seems kind of filler. She's got an amazing body, but a weird face. She's taken one amazing photo, but she's also had her share of busted photos. Compared to the girls that are left, she hasn't performed as well.
7. Laura M.
UGH it kills me to cut her this early, but other than the tulle trapeze shot, her overall performance was pretty disappointing. I think she has a gorgeous face, but she seemed to get larger and frumpier every episode.
6. Tahnee
Her face is flawless, but her portfolio's uneven and, let's face it, she's not going to work in high fashion with that body. At this point, letting any of the girls go is a huge regret, and I would encourage her to try and find commercial work, like in makeup or perfume ads.
5. Cassi
She started off the frontrunner for me, but she started fading quite a few weeks ago. She still can't walk and she doesn't want to be here anyway, so at this point, she's kind of the obvious cut. She's gonna have a great career, though... if she wants it, at all.
4. Madison
She is gorgeous, and so are her pictures... but she can't walk and in person, she is a mess.
3. Lola
She's improved the most and I do love her face and the fact that she's actually got a personality, but though her portfolio is great, I don't think it could compare to the two blonde bombshells that are my F2.
2. Mikarla
Great look, mostly great portfolio, but honestly, absolutely no one compares to...
1. Clare
She's the complete package. She's got a great look and body, an awesome portfolio and walk, and she's got such a professional attitude to succeed in the industry. She's one of the best contestants on an NTM ever, and this girl was so so robbed.
I'm so tired of hearing about how this girl is Modeling Jesus or whatever. To be honest, she's incredibly uneven. All of her photos up to the desert lingerie (except for the Kotex ad) were STUNNING, and since then, she's been a big pile of blah for me. Between her slipping performance, inability to walk (say she's improved all you like, the girl still can't walk), and Tahlia-esque "I wanna quit!!!" bullshit, I would have cut her at the final six or five or so. That said, she is a really modelesque girl who took some awesome pictures along the way. That desert lingerie photo? I despise this descriptor, but it is, genuinely, something that could appear in Vogue. It wasn't the best photo of the week because she missed the entire point of the shoot in showing off the lingerie, but as a photo, it was the best (does that make any sense?). Just... stunning. But looking back, she's kind of been a disappointment, too, but not along the lines of Adele. If she hadn't started so strong, she might have seemed better toward the end. And frankly, if she didn't have so many obnoxious stans, I'd like her way more.
This girl is a fucking goddess. She's just amazing. Along with friggin' amazing ladies like Gemma, Chloe, Samantha, and Zoe from C1, Lara, Maddy, and Louise from C2, Alice, Paloma, and Anika from C3, and Samantha and Caris from C4, she's one of my favorite - not just AusNTM models, but all-time NTM models. She killed the competition, taking insanely great photos, stomping the hell out of it on the catwalk, and having a great look for the industry, not to mention an extremely professional attitude (they really went overtime to give her the bitch edit on her way out though, yeah?). Apparently the Australian viewers were outraged she was eliminated, and I don't blame them. She's the winner for me, by far. She's got no competition.
She looks a LOT like Clark from ANTM C11, but without Clark's ever-so-lovely personality. Anyway, Eloise didn't last very long and she didn't have a huge personality, so she didn't leave all that much of an impression, except that she's got an awesome body and OMG I LOVE HER BEAUTY SHOT. It's perfect. She looks like Gisele there. I don't think she should have left when she did, but she seemed filler-ish anyway, so I didn't think she was going to win.
I like Franky a lot more than the average AusNTM viewer... but I still don't really like her. From Week 1, she was getting "SHE NEEDS TO GO HOME NOOOWWWW!!!"-type comments, which she didn't really deserve. She generally performed well on photoshoots and didn't take THE worst photos like everyone said she did. But she definitely shouldn't have gotten to the top five over... most of the girls she beat out (except, funnily enough, Adele could have gone before her and I wouldn't have minded). That was kind of a joke.
Like Eloise, she didn't really stay long enough, or have a big enough personality, to make any sort of impression on me. She didn't even have an AWESOME photo like Eloise did with her beauty shot, but her portfolio was pretty good. She was really young and lovely and stuff, and though I don't think she should have gone exactly when she did, I can't really think of who else could have gone in her place.
This promo photo is soooo lolz, but I love her to pieces. She's actually my second-favorite girl from the show, but I think her performance was slightly disappointing, save for her AMAZING tulle on the trapeze photo. I think her leaving when she did was right, but not considering that Adele and Franky, who I would have happily said goodbye to prior to Laura, were still there. I just think she's so stunning in person, even with that weirdish makeover, and she had such a great attitude, among a cycle filled with total crazies. I really like her and hope she's successful.
She's really modelesque - you can see how great her face is for the industry even in this semi-crappy shot - but her Week 1 photo wasn't really any good at all. Um... yeah, that's all I have to say about her.
My least favorite girl by far. Heh, even the tinypic URL or whatever that she has here has a "meh" in it! She didn't take a good photo on the show (including this promo shot, it's the worst one by miles) and her attitude seemed pretty rancid. Hahahaha @ her mocking Clare's pale skin. Way to know the industry you're in, moron.
Based on this promo shot and the first couple of photoshoots, I really didn't like her... but I came to LOVE her. She's the opposite of Cassi; her face is so weird for the industry, her body's not right for it either, and she started out weak but then started kicking ass. Seriously, that Chanel photo is fucking stunning. She also had a hilarious, awesome personality. When she stole Cassi's line? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA too funny. I wish she'd lasted longer.
She's a mess in this promo shot, and well... she was kind of a mess on the show too. But she was a mess that could take one hell of a photo. I really think she should have gotten much, much farther than she did. Also, she's hella gorgeous. She looks like some '60s movie star in her beauty shot. I love it.
In her short time on the show, Mikarla became one of my favorites. I think she should be the "bogan" in the F2, not Cassi. Her first photo was ass ass ass - yeah, being as skinny as she is awesome in the modeling world, but when you are that skinny, you shouldn't make a pose that suggests you're on the rack - but after that, I think her photos were really, really pretty. She may be nearly as trashy as Cassi, but like Cassi, in most of her photos this inner grace and beauty comes out, only Mikarla was even softer and prettier than Cassi. I really liked her, and though her attitude sucks (though it didn't suck in the way Cassi's did IIRC, where Cassi always wants to effin' go home), I would have loved for her to stick around to the end.
Yeah, yeah, we all know Tahnee's body isn't right for modeling, and Sarah is insanely biased toward her. But still, I like this girl. I think people ignore her great photos because OMG she has an unmodelesque body, and also, let's face it, she's got THAT FACE. I may have said this before, but I say this to everyone about Tahnee, she is so fucking gorgeous I can't even believe I live on the same planet as her. I don't know who I want to win between her and Cassi, but they'll both be great winners... though not half the winner Clare would have been. Ahem.
Just to reiterate, my elimination order.
13. Leah
G'bye ugly girl who takes poor photos and has an unpleasant personality to boot.
12. Laura T.
She's got a good amount of potential, but that first photo was really bad... she's got a great face, but it doesn't always photograph so well.
11. Adele
We've been over her problems. Her first three photos were awful (actually, the one she landed B2 for was the best, but both of the other two were the worst of the week), and looking back, she could have gone here and it would have probably improved the cycle for me.
10. Franky
Yeah, she's just lackluster. Hey, at least I'm not screaming for her to go Week 1 then be IMMEDIATELY KILLED or whatever, like, IDK, EVERYONE ELSE.
9. Georgie
She shouldn't have gone quite as early as she did, but she was just kind of bland. She took good photos, but nothing amazing.
8. Eloise
She just seems kind of filler. She's got an amazing body, but a weird face. She's taken one amazing photo, but she's also had her share of busted photos. Compared to the girls that are left, she hasn't performed as well.
7. Laura M.
UGH it kills me to cut her this early, but other than the tulle trapeze shot, her overall performance was pretty disappointing. I think she has a gorgeous face, but she seemed to get larger and frumpier every episode.
6. Tahnee
Her face is flawless, but her portfolio's uneven and, let's face it, she's not going to work in high fashion with that body. At this point, letting any of the girls go is a huge regret, and I would encourage her to try and find commercial work, like in makeup or perfume ads.
5. Cassi
She started off the frontrunner for me, but she started fading quite a few weeks ago. She still can't walk and she doesn't want to be here anyway, so at this point, she's kind of the obvious cut. She's gonna have a great career, though... if she wants it, at all.
4. Madison
She is gorgeous, and so are her pictures... but she can't walk and in person, she is a mess.
3. Lola
She's improved the most and I do love her face and the fact that she's actually got a personality, but though her portfolio is great, I don't think it could compare to the two blonde bombshells that are my F2.
2. Mikarla
Great look, mostly great portfolio, but honestly, absolutely no one compares to...
1. Clare
She's the complete package. She's got a great look and body, an awesome portfolio and walk, and she's got such a professional attitude to succeed in the industry. She's one of the best contestants on an NTM ever, and this girl was so so robbed.
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