Monday, April 09, 2007

I don't hate Cate Blanchett.

like this dress, technically flawless but...

I do, however, hate that in every movie she's in, she fails to emotionally engage, no matter how technically precise she is (and she is frighteningly technically precise - probably even more so than even Meryl Streep). Katharine Hepburn or Pauline Kael or someone like that once said they hated Meryl Streep's acting because they "could see the wheels turning." I obviously don't find that's true...dude, Sophie's Choice alone. However, it is true for Cate. To be honest, her acting scares me a little. Bullet-point precision...with hardly an inch of room left for emotion. I don't understand how people can hate Meryl but love Cate (Meryl can actually cause emotion in the viewer too...).

In conclusion, I hope Kate, wherever she is, was utterly horrified by the premise that Cate was playing her. I guess.