Clive Owen is HOT! HOT! HOT! God, he's so hot he makes me want to see that stupid Elizabeth sequel with whatsherface. I think I'm the only one that doesn't think that'll get Best Picture love (hopefully it'll get some Best Supporting? Actor love ;) ). I mean, a sequel nominated for Best Picture? Yeah, it's a historical drama, but assloads of those will be coming out this year and it doesn't have the "OMG, that actress we've never heard of is really good in this!!!" shock that Elizabeth had. Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that this is another Godfather or Lord of the Rings.
... of course I am probably totally wrong, but that's the fun of the Oscars a year in advance. ;) And going back to the original point: CLIVE OWEN IS HOT!
... of course I am probably totally wrong, but that's the fun of the Oscars a year in advance. ;) And going back to the original point: CLIVE OWEN IS HOT!