Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Big birthday day!

Michelle Pfeiffer, Daniel Day-Lewis, Uma Thurman.

Love DDL, especially after 2007. Uma Thurman is one of my favorite actresses when she's not being terrible, which is sadly not all that often lately. Still, all she really needs is Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction and she's already got two performances most people would die for. Don't care for Michelle Pfeiffer, the praise she gets for Batman Returns still utterly baffles me. She was okay as the cat in full regalia, not anything special but not bad, but she was horrendous as the secretary. Granted, that part of the movie didn't last terribly long, but it still left a sour taste. Recently, people (not a lot, but they're out there) have been giving her noms for Hairspray. WTF?