Thursday, April 24, 2008

The season finale's title is...

... "Goodbye, Toby."


Oh, I so cannot wait to see Michael's goodbye to him.

(Please don't make this another "Casino Night"? Toby's feelings for Pam aren't how Jim feels. And it's kind of funny that for all of Michael's insanity, all his talk about how creepy Toby is actually has turned out to be more than a little true as of late. It further proves - Michael is a decent guy. Adding this up to all the "Jim = Michael" stuff this season has had... maybe it's trying to show that the thing that redeems Jim Halpert is his love for Pam.)

(Oh, and after hearing that the season finale is "super twisty"... I miiiight be thinking that it isn't actually Toby that leaves. Oh writers, please feel free to eff with our long as you keep Jim and Pam together and happy, ya bastards ;) )

(I know, I know. I should go write about movies. This is a movie blog. Really. But you know what? I've had noooo time. I still haven't seen Leatherheads. I can wait until the DVD for Forgetting Sarah Marshall. There's a new Office every week [until May 15, anyway], and they don't involve trekking to movie theaters and they're only half an hour long. We're in post-Oscar-films-in-theaters, pre-summer-movie-spectacular, so there's almost nothing I want to see [except Leatherheads, and trust me when I say I've had no time.]. Blarrrr. But I'll be back in full force soon.)