You just got yourself kicked out of your apartment.
Oh, I don't care. I didn't really like that place much anyway. I'll move.
Oh, really? Who's gonna take you in? You're messy, you're a klutz, you spill everything. And you leave the volume on the TV way too loud.
Yeah, maybe I'll just move in with my boyfriend 'cuz he's kind of a slob too.
Okay, sure. Let's do it.
No. I, um, well, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna move in with anyone unless I'm engaged.
Have I not proposed to you yet? (SQUEEEEEE!!!!!)
Hmmm, I don't know...
Oh, well, that's coming... (SQUEEEEE!!!!!)
Oh. Right now?!
No. Not gonna do it right here, that would be rather lame.
Okay, so then, when?
Pam, I'm not gonna tell you. Hate to break it to you, but that's not how it works.
Oh, right, yeah.
Wait, I'm serious. It's happening.
And when it happens, it's going to kick your ass, Beesley. So stay sharp.
I've been warned.

[shows ring]
Got it a week after we started dating.

I don't know. I kind of hate all our regular places right now. Oh, you know what, that one...
[Jim gets on one knee]
Hey Pam, will you...
...wait for me one second while I tie my shoe?
I hate you.
What? My shoe is untied. What is your problem? Oh, my God, you thought I was - oh.
Oh, oh.
No, no, no.
How could I have thought that? How could I have thought that?
That episode was even better than "Dinner Party." HOW??!?!?! How is The Office so amazing week after week?!? AAAHHHHH.
Kevin was the supporting MVP. He's always been one of my favorite characters, but when's the last time he made me almost cry ("it's just nice to win one." SNIFFLE.)? I want to give Kevin the episode MVP, but... I think that's gotta go to Jim.
One of the things I loved the most about this episode were the little subplots with Pam wanting a better chair (her sliding in the chair was so darn adorable. Does anyone else think Pam is a tad too pretty nowadays, though? I kind of keep expecting her to show up to the office like this.) and everyone bitching about walking like five minutes to work. These things are so simple that I don't see how one would consider putting them on a television show, but they're just so utterly relatable to virtually anyone.
Michael was kind of an ass/David Brent-ish in this episode. Of course, you felt bad for him at the end. Steve Carell's just that amazing.
Creed is still amazing too. Why does he need another chair?!?!
shorn't should take the place of everyone imitating Emily Blunt going "no. shan't." MAKE IT HAPPEN, PEOPLE.
THE FIVE FAMILIES IS CLASSIC. I love how Kevin talked about it like it was the Mafia. Lord, I loved that montage. I just love Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration. Should Ryan really be in the credits any more? I feel like we've seen Bob Vance more often than him lately.
Jim making a your mom joke makes my life.
Andy totally channeled Michael in his final talking head. People need to pay... for their kids' orphanage bills??!?!?! I LOVE IT.
Jan is definitely coming back. I don't think the end of her story is going to be "and then Jan moved out of Michael's condo and we never saw her again. THEEEE ENDDDDD." Maybe she'll come back in the season finale having done something even crazier than a boob job (excuse me. boob enhancement.) to get Michael back. Those two are a trainwreck and I freakin' love it.
As far as the Jim and Pam stuff goes...see above. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. There was shrieking, and there was squealing, and yes, there was a little crying. I rewatched the episode twice already, and when Jim goes over to her desk, I just GRIN LIKE AN IDIOT until the end of the episode. He got the ring a week after they started dating? If that was Michael, it'd be insane. But, because it's Jim (and Pam), it's absolutely beyond perfect. When he got down on one knee and said "Pam, will you..." my heart actually skipped a beat, and then when he finished his question, I ROARED in laughter. That scene was beautifully shot, too. People say Pam looked "apprehensive" after they talked about their engagement, and maybe I'm a hopeless Jim/Pam optimist, but I don't think so. Shocked, yes, and understandably, but doubtful, no. Plus, if she says no in, say, the season finale, that's like "Casino Night" redux, which is lazy and The Office is better than that. No matter what you think Pam will say, "Chair Model" was a top 5 Jim/Pam episode for certain.
Finally, I think we can all collectively agree: we're totally waiting for Mr. Halpert to kick Ms. Beesley's ass. :) :) :) :) :) Can I predict the best "absolutely, I do/will" moment in the series' history? :)