Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Conversations with my non-movie-snob housemates.

Me (in Housemate #1's room, for some reason): (sees Housemate #1 has August Rush) Oh lord, that movie was awful.

Housemate #1: Yeah, it really was. And it was nominated for an Oscar, so I thought it'd be great.

Me: Huh?

Housemate #1: Well, aren't only good movies nominated for Oscars?

Me: ...oh, honey. There is so much I need to teach you.

On a related note: does anyone know anyone who liked August Rush? I mean, that's the way it should be. It sucked. But movie snobs hated it, regular ol' movie freaks like me hated it, casual moviegoers hated it, people with moronic movie taste hated it. Actually, I'm like 90% sure that if my dad ever saw it, he would love it. Which is unforch.