Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Subtle Office genius...

Michael unknowingly setting up the entire season

So at the end of "Gay Witch Hunt," the first episode of the third season, Michael gives this whole schpiel about how it's okay for Oscar to be gay because love is crazy. Something he says is, "Life is short. When two people find each other, what should stand in their way?" As he says this, it shows Jim at Stamford, looking at his shoulder as Mr. Brown gives his diversity seminar - obviously a callback to "Diversity Day" when Pam fell asleep on his shoulder at that same seminar in Scranton.

At the end of "The Job," the last episode of the third season, Jim finally asks Pam on a date. Her response, after that amazing reaction shot, is "I'm sorry, what was the question?"

Really, all of Season 3 can be looked at as an answer to Michael's question. Many things stood in Jim and Pam's way, from physical distance to being with people who weren't truly for them to their development as characters. But at the end of the season, when they finally find their way to each other for good, it's like Pam's saying that the question didn't even matter. It's a great bookend (not to mention the fact the very first scene of Season 3 is Ryan getting a promotion, and the very last scene of Season 3 is Ryan getting the ultimate promotion).

There are a lot of REALLY brilliant little touches in Jim and Pam's vs. Jim and Karen's relationship. Take, for instance, "Pilot" versus "Gay Witch Hunt." In "Pilot," in Pam's very first talking head, she discusses her art and seems proud of the fact that Jim likes it. She even mentions Jim before she ever mentions Roy! In "Gay Witch Hunt," Karen's first talking head expresses utter disdain for Jim. Similarly, Pam laughs hysterically over Jim's Jell-O prank on Dwight, whereas when Jim does the same to Andy in Stamford, Karen doesn't even notice it. Moving beyond those two episodes, there's the nice detail in "E-Mail Surveillance" where Phyllis thinks Jim and Pam are together when they're not (and, it can be assumed by Ryan, Stanley, and Kevin's looks after the two kiss at the Dundies, that Phyllis isn't the only one that thinks there just might be something going on there), and then in "Women's Appreciation" when Jim mentions him and Karen have been dating for six months, Ryan doesn't think it's a real relationship.

Ugh. So awesome.