Thursday, April 17, 2008

I LOVE the Ausiello Report...

Question: From one Smurf fan to another, can you give any additional hints as to
which of your options — engagement, elopement, breaking up or having sex —
is the "big stuff" in store for Jim and Pam on The
?— Kathryn
Ausiello: I have a better idea. How 'bout I eliminate
one of the options from the mix? I can confirm that the "big
" does not involve any sort of Jam split. That leaves engagement,
elopement and having sex as the three remaining possibilities. Look for the
field to narrow even further tomorrow night between 9-9:30 pm/ET.

Question: Can you give us more about the big Jim-Pam spoiler on The
Office? — C.
Ausiello: Neither Jim nor Pam is currently hiding a drug
problem. But someone else is.

I TOLD YOU THEY WEREN'T BREAKING UP. And dude, they've so already had sex. I can't tell whether they're going to get engaged or elope, but one of those two will happen. And the drug problem? $1 (I'm not a betting girl, what can I say) says it's Jan, addicted to painkillers that she got because of her boob job...excuse me, boob enhancement. Backup choice is Toby and anti-depressants. And, of course, I think Meredith is the obvious choice.