Thursday, September 18, 2008

ANTM last night.

Why did most of these ladies look so weird and manly? Also - and this is gonna sound really bad, but know that I mean no offense by it - I can't believe they're getting rid of all the black girls so fast. Usually, they keep one around for diversity, and she's inevitably the worst model of the group by far at the end (it's not always true - think Yaya, Bre, Nik, Danielle, Eva, Fatima [though she should have gone during the plane shoot she missed, even though Stacy Ann was extremely weak] etc - but there's also Camille, Keenyah, Eugena, Dionne, Bianca, Saleisha.........). There are people that should have gone before ShaRaun and Brittany, and probably Nikeysha too... cough Hannah cough.

1. Analeigh (why does she seem to be constantly at risk of getting booted? She rocks!)
2. Lauren Brie (would be #1, except it looks like she's flipping the camera off)
3. Sheena
4. Marjorie
5. Isis
6. Elina (it's an AMAZING beauty shot. Unfortunately, it sucks as a bikini advert. Still, this is the lowest I can justify having it.)
7. Samantha
8. Joslyn
9. McKey
10. Brittany
11. Clark (I actually like it from a distance, but close up...)