Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Palin Family Welcomes McCain to Twin Cities.

I feel awful for Bristol Palin. Kid made a huge mistake, but she's gonna get dragged through the coals by both sides for it, just because her mom insisted on whoring her out at first to promote her "family values"... but then McCain thought they could keep her pregnancy "private"? I understand that no minor deserves this, but for Sarah Palin to say her family is "off limits" when she, as I said, whored out her family for votes, basically, is hypocritical.

Oh, and this is mean of me, but whatever: Bristol and Levi look totally in love and not at all like they were forced to marry, of couse.

I love how Piper Palin looks terrified of McCain in the second picture. "Who's this scary old man that's making me wave!"