Friday, March 06, 2009

America's Next Top Model Cycle 12, Episode 1

Subject to change...

1. London
Wow, I thought she would suck, but this photo is awesome. She manages to show great energy and excitement and be incredibly commercially approachable, while not losing the “model” in her or, like a couple of the smiling girls, look semi-deranged. I love the forward thrust of her pose and how, despite the fact that her upper body is somewhat distorted, that’s hardly the first thing you notice because this photograph is so terrific. I can feel the joy in this picture and that’s great.

2. Fo
That face is downright frightening and she shouldn’t be making herself look shorter than she already is, but other than that, I really like this photo. I think it’s really cute, she does a great job of selling the clothes despite the weird contortions of her body, and honestly it would be a perfect ad for Seventeen or something. Plus it reminds me of Analeigh’s windmill photograph, so that’s never a bad thing. ;) The jumping really works, even if it does make her shorter. Like Nijah, this isn’t a high fashion photo, but it’s still quite good for the theme. I hate that they photoshopped out her freckles though :(

3. Teyona
Well, I don’t like the angle or expression on her face at all (though her eyes look quite good), but that’s the only reason this photo is down as far as it is. She looks fantastic and modelesque despite the fact that she’s jumping, there’s tons of energy and enthusiasm, she shows off the clothes exceptionally well, and she really stands out even with the other girls fairly heavily highlighted in the background. If she’d nailed it in the face and the hand on the left as well, this would be an easy first call-out. I like the inventiveness of her pose.

4. Nijah
I really like this photo, for whatever reason. I think that, despite her big-ass grin, she comes off as not at all manic unlike Celia or Kortnie. I love the subtle way she shows off the skirt and how it works with her pose. I will say that this photograph is extremely commercial and she looks rather short, but hey, this was a photoshoot that tended toward the more commercial side. If this was supposed to be high fashion then it would suck, but it’s not so it’s really one of the better photos of the week. I don’t think she has a lot of potential, but she nailed it here.

5. Natalie
I love the way her legs are posed and the energy her lower body gives off. She also looks super modelesque, even in such a lame-ass photoshoot, and shows off the clothes very well. If the upper body matched the lower half, it probably would have been one of the best photos of the week, but unfortunately she messed it up a bit there. Her face is just so blank, her shoulders seem slumped, and the foreshortened hand and arm look totally bizarre and, in their pose, unintentionally funny (“TALK TO THE HAND GIRLFRIEND”). Still, it’s not fatal. This is still a pretty good photo.

6. Allison
There's no way this deserved first call-out, but it's simultaneously a really good and really haunting photo. Like, she's some cute little kid... who's going off to a Satanic ritual. It’s a quite good photo overall, especially if this was going to be an ad somewhere and not just a photo on ANTM. She looks super modelesque and her face nails the absolutely innocent look and therefore, it’s perfect for this photoshoot. I think she’s selling the clothes very well. I would have liked to see quite a bit more energy from anywhere other than her legs though, and to be honest I think by the end of this cycle I’ll be really tired of her crazy wide-eyed look. I love how she stands out among the other girls, too. I dunno, there’s something striking about her. But I hate the beaver teeth.

7. Kortnie
I love her energy here, and the way she uses the monkey bars and stands out while doing so. She’s showing off the clothes really well and looks super approachable. The legs are absolutely fantastic. She photographs really well; you can’t tell she’s plus-sized at all. This photograph isn’t called higher because her smile comes off as so darn cheesy. Still, she managed to pull the big ol’ grin look off much better than Celia did.

8. Tahlia
Why does every girl look like C8 Natasha in these photos?! Seriously. I think Tahlia’s doing a good job showing off the clothes and displaying a great energy, but this photo looks so posed and stifled. It doesn’t look like a natural sort of energy at all, unlike, I dunno, Fo’s or even Kortnie’s. This photo hardly bad, but it’s just not great. Her face doesn’t look manic with the big grin, but on the other hand her expression looks terribly fake too.

9. Celia
I think her pose is really adorable and she’s got fantastic energy, but her body looks kind of distorted. What’s going on with her feet? I think she might have some kind of weird heels on, but they’re not helping. Also, even though she looks energetic in her shoot, she doesn’t manage to rein in the energy to look... not deranged. Her face is my main issue with this photo, though. I think I just don’t like her facial structure at all. She looks like a skull, or more accurately, a very ugly version of this really pretty girl I know. And she’s got on a weird expression that’s not helping.

10. Aminat
Sorry Aminat, I love you and your personality, but I’m not crazy about this photo. I like how modelesque her pose is, but it’s kind of awkward in not-a-good-way at the same time. She’s not doing a whole lot; there’s pretty much no energy at all in the shot. But what I think is the “worst” about this photo (and it’s not bad, only Isabella’s was the one I would say was outright bad) is her face. It’s a terrible angle and she just looks old and kind of busted. It’s the same darn expression that there was in her promo shot, too (though it’s at a worse angle); her and Allison need to work on that. Also, her legs freak me out a little with how skinny they are, and she lost both her arms. She also doesn’t look like she’s trying to get the childish innocence at all… just that she’s trying to look hot or something.

11. Jessica
Her pose is great for high fashion, she shows off the clothes very well, and her face looks softer and prettier than I was expecting, but her face is completely morbid and she’s not exuding any energy at all. I think she badly missed the point of the photoshoot. Her face, while pretty, looks kind of cross-eyed and in a weird way, almost like it was photoshopped in. I can’t explain how, but it looks like she was pasted on to some other model’s body. Not terrible, but not half as good as some of the other girls’.

12. Sandra
It’s not bad, it’s just not very good. She does a fantastic job of showing off the clothes she’s wearing and her face looks beautiful, but that’s about the only truly good things you can say. She’s got crazy eyes (not to mention she has that issue Sheena had last cycle in the Fiercee photoshoot where it looked like she didn’t have pupils, though it’s not quite as bad as that was), and she’s showing absolutely no energy or effort.

13. Isabella
Sorry Isabella, but this was doubtlessly the worst of the week. Her body contortion is pretty cool, but it makes her look freakishly short and seriously hides her torso. It’s not a very good angle on her face, which looks terrible and totally blank, and the horrible hair styling, while not her fault, doesn’t help there. The worst part, though, is the hands. They’re just totally bizarre, like claws or something, but way worse. I do like her legs here though.

Whew. Good premiere. Looking forward to more!