Saturday, March 21, 2009

America's Next Top Model Episode 3

Group photos, in the order I would have called them out and for reference here:
1. Sandra & Celia
2. Allison & London
3. Fo & Aminat
4. Tahlia, Natalie, Teyona
5. Nijah & Kortnie

And my individual call-outs:

1. Fo
I really like this Fo-to ;). My only issue with it is that she looks short, but then again almost all the girls looked short in this photoshoot because they got cut off at the knees. I mean, Fo totally embodies her character, but in addition she comes off as extremely modelesque and beautiful. This is especially impressive when you consider how many props this girl is juggling in the photo! She totally outshines Aminat. It’s not GREAT great but eh, none of these photos were.

2. Sandra
This is probably a better photo than Fo’s but when you consider the quality of the photo plus the idea they were trying to get across, Fo comes out on top. Sandra’s is still a spectacular photo and, combined with Celia and the background here, it’s actually kind of editorial. Weird. There isn’t a hint of “nanny” here but she looks so spectacularly beautiful and her pose is so modelesque and incredibly regal. Finally, we’re seeing some of the promise she had in her promo photo. I like how the photo tells a story. Albeit, not a story of a nanny, haha.

3. London
This photo is very underrated, I think. London is really a chameleon, in that she looks different in every photo, which is in itself completely different from the way she looks in real life, and she almost always looks really good, with last week and her promo shot being exceptions. She looks really modelesque at what could be kind of a weird angle on her face, and she perfectly nails the “frenemies” idea that Allison and London said they were going for at panel. I love the way she “owns” the bags in the photo. Like Fo she has a lot of props, but also like Fo she uses them to add to the character and isn’t controlled by her props.

4. Natalie
This picture as a whole sucks, but she definitely stands out the most and is the best in it. I know the judges accused her of looking fake, but I don’t see that. I see her trying to be modelesque when she was given an assignment that was inherently non-modelesque, consisting of goggling up at the sky with her mouth open. Lames… But anyway, Natalie looks pretty, stands out, and shows off the clothes very well, and I think she expresses real joy without looking retarded.

5. Celia
Like I said when I discussed Sandra’s photo, the photo overall is beautiful, haunting, and even somewhat editorial. Celia’s pose is very interesting without being weird, and her face looks absolutely gorgeous. Gorgeous! Celia! She’s only this low because Sandra outshines her in every single way in this shot. LOL @ her being “cropped out” when they display this photo in the apartment next week, poor Celia. :( I think the photo needs both of them to be so good, so I’m interested to see what this photo looks like without Celia in it…

6. Aminat
Yeah, it’s her best picture so far, but that’s really not saying much. I love Aminat, but she’s really letting me down when it comes to her photos. I like how she holds her body and the energy in her pose, but it’s not a really great photo. Everything in it conspires to make her look short, but it’s really her face that brings her down. It’s just so squished and weird-looking. It’s something about her lips and the squinted eyes combined. I mean, it’s not terrible. It’s just blah.

7. Nijah
Not really any good, but not at all boot-worthy either, really. Okay, she’s just standing there and there isn’t very much creativity, but other than that it’s a pretty good photo. She holds her prop in a prominent place, she shows off her clothes well, and she looks gorgeous even with the heavy makeup and the kind of strange angle on her face. Her eyes are piercing, and not in a horrible way unlike the thing that’s next to her in this photo. I think she’s connecting with the viewer, and for that alone she didn’t deserve to be in the B2, let alone get eliminated. But she needed more energy and innovation.

8. Allison
Well, it’s not bad; the bottom two are kind of in a class of badness all by their own. But it’s certainly not very good, and a major step down from her other two photos. There’s so much to work with here, and she just kind of defaults into blank googly-eyed girl mode. Her face doesn’t look that good (the stupid hat doesn’t help) and her mouth is all snarly. It almost looks like she’s rolling her eyes as well. She is showing off the clothes beautifully, though, and let’s face it, she’s a model just standing there.

9. Tahlia
It’s certainly not as good as the judges said and it’s certainly not as bad as the internet seems to think. Yeah, you don’t like Tahlia, she killed your dog and your entire family, we know already, get over it. I like her enthusiasm here and I think she’s standing out, and she’s really darn cute. The emotion on her face is genuine. Unfortunately, it seems kind of low energy and her face is caught at a terrible angle where she looks all squinty-eyed (though still happy). She looks plus-size. I don’t think Tahlia’s much of a model, but everyone seriously needs to calm the fuck down about her.

10. Teyona
Sorry, Teyona, this photo isn’t very good at all. You don’t stand out whatsoever, and, I mean, you’re being outshone by Tahlia. The worst part about this photo, though, is her face (which is the only thing we can see, because Natalie’s right in front of her). Oh my GOD, that is the worst angle EVARRRRR. It’s seriously almost frightening how bad she looks. Her eyes have totally disappeared, it looks like she’s bald, and nobody should have to look into that maw of a mouth. Her pose and face comes off as cheesy and fake. Sorry, Teyona. You usually rock. Do better next week… but I’m sure you will.

11. Kortnie
I hate this photo and I don’t know why the judges seemed to like it. She’s not showing any kind of personality, and nothing to me indicates that she would be an artist or a muse or anything. She’s got all the energy, creativity, and enthusiasm that Nijah did, which is to say like none at all. Worse, though, it’s just overall a really really really terrible photo. The best thing I can say is that she looks kinda like Katarzyna, and Katarzyna was really pretty, but this would be Katarzyna caught in a really, really, really ugly moment. She looks like some kind of heaving monster, and she’s cross-eyed. God, her eyes and mouth are SO BAD HERE. Her pose is so boring and she’s almost HIDING the prop that shows she’s an artist. Terrible. Sorry Kortnie, I liked you and was rooting for you before this, but now… just turn it out next week, okay? Oh, one good thing I will say, she does not look plus-size AT. ALL.

Call-out averages:
Allison 6/2/8 = 5.33
Aminat 10/11/6 = 9
Celia 8/4/5 = 5.67
Fo 2/5/1 = 2.67
Isabella 13 = 13
Jessica 11/10 = 10.5
Kortnie 7/7/11 = 8.33
London 1/9/3 = 4.33
Natalie 5/3/4 = 4
Nijah 4/8/7 = 6.33
Sandra 12/6/2 = 6.67
Tahlia 9/12/9 = 10
Teyona 3/1/10 = 4.67

Yay Fo, and it's weird that Natalie has the second-highest callout average. I think she's... like... meh. Okay, not great.

Make Me a Supermodel probably tomorrow.