Sunday, March 22, 2009

MMaS... and not a minute too late!

Amanda: Beautiful. Can't believe she's a mom, her body is way too insane for that.

Branden: Grows on me by the episode. I still don't get this whole "OMG HE DESERVES TO WIN, HE IS SUCH A MODEL." Not really. He has a scrunched-up face and a terrible walk and he's too tall. He doesn't look "fresh" either.

CJ: Yeah, I definitely feel sorry for her now. Okay, she's negative, she's not running around tearing everyone else down. She's not really a bitch, just a really negative person. Honestly, at this point I'm hoping she makes F4 or whatever over that passive-aggressive bitch Jordan, and a bunch of these other hos. I mean, really, when Colin is all snarky about you ("she's a wet noodle in a harness!") things have gone too far. She's beautiful and she takes good pictures, and she had the right attitude the first week. She just needs to get it back.

Colin: Gets more perfect by the week. LOVE. Don't let Kerryn seduce you if you don't want it, bb.

Gabriel: UGH, SO GORGEOUS. It's nice to know that, due to people screencapping the seasonwide previews they keep showing, he doesn't screw up badly enough next week to be kicked out, as he lasts until the military shoot at least. Beautiful but like CJ, his attitude is all wrong. Fortunately, I won't mind looking at him for as long as he sticks around, though I don't think it'll be for much longer...

Jonathan: Ummmmmm, robbed of the win two weeks in a row, WTF.

Jordan: Bitch. Obnoxious stealth bitch. Not half as hot as she thinks she is and she actually needs to gain weight so her hips don't look enormous. She's not the best and definitely not the most interesting girl there. I do like her "I'll-smile-while-I-shiv-you" relationship with Sandhurst.

Karen: I feel terribly for her, especially when she started crying after they told Gabriel he was safe, but yeah, she wasn't a model. She looked permanently caught in the headlights

Kerryn: Minus her borderline sexual harassment of Colin, I really like the glimpses of her personality that we do see. She seems sweet and she's battling her insecurities in a positive way. Don't think she deserved the win, though, but her walk was all kinds of hot, even if she does need to tone up (eh, all the girls do).

Laury: Meh. Her face is so much worse than Karen's. At least Karen was pretty, even if she had "crazy eyes" syndrome. Laury is just straight-up hideous.

Mountaha: I think she's going to go quite far but so far she hasn't made much of an impression. Her face is looking better when caught by film, so at least that's an improvement...

Salome: Yeah, she screwed up pretty hardcore this week. Her photo and her runway blew and honestly, if I was basing it on just this week alone, she'd be going home. But she's got so much more potential than all the other girls and she has done terrific in the past, and I know she'll do terrific again in the future.

Sandhurst: Supermodel and a superstar. He's too good for this competition and I fear they'll boot him the first week he does merely "good" as opposed to outstanding. That said, his photo this week IS a little overrated... but it might just be the weird proportions in the photo.

Shawn: He's such a sweetie, but I don't think he's going to last much longer.

Group photos in the order I'd call them out (LOL, terrible photoshoot):
1. Colin & Branden, NO CONTEST
2. Laury, Amanda, & Kerryn
3. CJ, Jonathan, & Gabriel
4. Sandhurst, Jordan, & Karen *
5. Salome, Shawn, & Mountaha

And as individuals:
2. Branden (a close second)
3. Jonathan (a little cartoonish but overall really good)

4. Kerryn (on second glance, very cute)
5. Amanda (the face is a little overboard but in a week when so many screwed up so bad...)
6. Laury (it's a saaaaad week when this is #6, but it is)
7. Sandhurst (it looks so weird, but it is graceful and shows a sense of athleticism)

8. Shawn (with a lot more in the face, this could have been one of the best of the week)
9. Mountaha (see above... but I'm not sure if she can handle more in the face)
10. Karen (see above... again...)

11. Gabriel (unintentionally funny much?!)
12. Jordan (God, could this BE more boring? I wonder if she'll ever take a photo I like)
13. CJ (OH LORD. I blame this on the photographer but this is not flattering in any way, she looks like a dwarf)
14. Salome (um... at least CJ's face wasn't at a weird angle)

Next week better be a better photoshoot than this crap, you hear me?

* This one is hilariously out-of-proportion, Sandhurst looks like twice as tall as the girls do.