Friday, August 08, 2008

another "OMG" TV moment...

The official Mole website has the preview for the finale up!!!! At the reaction to, presumably, finding out who the Mole is:

- We don't see Marcie
- Liz claps mildly
- Ali claps wildly
- Bobby's eyes bug out of his skull
- so do Victoria's (who gets an extra shot in the preview, because she's TOTALLY THE MOLE! And she's been gone almost the entire season! They tricked y'all good!!!)
- Kristen and her 80-foot-long arms freak out
- Alex leaps out of his chair, spins around, and adopts a victory pose
- Clay doesn't react, but soon starts clapping
- Paul grins, then starts clapping

Feel free to overanalyze this video to point to whoever you think is the Mole... ;) Oh, and discuss the odd clothing choices, like Victoria and Kristen's awful outfits, Alex in a suit (oh, so lovely. When the heck did my crush on Alex materialize?), and the bird that appears to have crashed into Paul's shirt and unfortunately died right there. And Clay's not wearing yellow or green!!!!!

PS. Widget Clue 10 up: THE MOLE, but it's all blurry. Craig without his glasses?

Edit: Here it is on YouTube...:

What the heck is Victoria freaking out about? Why is Alex so excited?